Obs + Gynae - Gynaecology Flashcards
Name a common cause of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Uterine fibroids
- Uterine polyps
- Adenomyosis
- Endometriosis
- Bleeding disorders (e.g. Von Willebrand disease)
- Endocrine disorders (diabetes and hypothyroidism)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (infection)
- Contraceptives, particularly the copper coil
Name a pharmacological treatment and a surgical treatment for Fibroids
Pharmacological: LNG-IUS Mirena, NSAID, Antifibrinolytic (Tranexamic acid), CHC, GnRH agonist (Triptorelin), Progesterone receptor inhibitor (Mifepristone), Aromatase inhibitor (Letrozole), Ulipristal acetate
Surgical: Myomectomy, Laparoscopic resection, Endometrial ablation, Uterine artery embolisation, Hysterectomy
Benign tumours of myometrium (whorls of SMCs with collagen)
Uterine fibroids
Name a cause of abnormal bleeding during menstruation
Blood coagulation disorders (VW disease, ITP), Reproductive tract diseases (ectopic, malignancy, endometritis, fibroids, lesions), Hypothyroidism, Cirrhosis (ALSO rapid weight change, stress, medication)
Fibroids are what type of tumour, in what cell and where in the uterus?
Benign monoclonal tumour of smooth muscle cells of the uterine myometrium
Are most fibroids intramural, submucosal or subserosal?
Name an investigation for Fibroids
FBC (Fe), Pelvic USS or TVUS, MRI, Endometrial sampling, Hysteroscopy, Pregnancy test may be indicated
Name a type of ovarian cyst
Functional cyst (Follicular cysts + Corpus lute cysts), Dermoid Cyst, Cystadenoma, Endometrioma
Name 2 common features for these causes of chronic pelvic pain: Endometriosis IBS Ovarian Cyst Urogenital prolapse
- Endometriosis - Chronic pelvic pain; Dysmenorrhoea; Deep dyspareunia; Subfertility
- IBS - abdominal pain, bloating and change in bowel habit (lethargy, nausea, backache and bladder symptoms may also be present)
- Ovarian Cyst - Unilateral dull ache which may be intermittent or only occur during intercourse (Dyspareunia); Torsion or rupture may lead to severe abdominal pain; Large cysts may cause abdominal swelling
- Urogenital prolapse - (older women) Sensation of pressure, heaviness, ‘bearing-down’; Urinary symptoms: incontinence, frequency, urgency
Name 2 common features for these causes of acute pelvic pain: Ectopic pregnancy UTI Appendicitis PID Ovarian torsion Miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy - amenorrhoea with lower abdominal pain and later develops vaginal bleeding (can see shoulder tip pain and cervical excitation)
- UTI - Dysuria and frequency are common but women may experience suprapubic burning secondary to cystitis, haematuria
- Appendicitis - Pain in the central abdomen before localising to the right iliac fossa; Anorexia common; Tachycardia; low-grade pyrexia; Rovsing’s sign
- PID - Pelvic pain, fever, deep dyspareunia, vaginal discharge, dysuria (menstrual irregularities and cervical excitation may occur)
- Ovarian torsion - sudden onset unilateral lower abdominal pain (Onset may coincide with exercise); N+V common; Unilateral, tender adnexal mass
- Miscarriage - Vaginal bleeding and crampy lower abdominal pain following a period of amenorrhoea
Name a treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome
normalise weight/Tamoxifen (or Clomifene)/Metformin/Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
Name a treatment for tubal disease
tubal catheterisation/adhesiolysis/salpingostomy
a. ) the Gonadotrophin-releasing hormones and where they are produced
b. ) the Gonadotrophin hormones and where they are produced
c. ) the ovarian hormones that the Gonadotrophins control
a. ) LHRH and FSHRH from Hypothalamus
b. ) LH and FSH from anterior pituitary
c. ) Oestrogen and Progesterone
a. ) During the follicular phase, a rise in FSH stimulates development of several…, while a rise in LH mid-cycle triggers the release of the…
b. ) During the luteal phase, levels of … and … decrease, the ruptured … closes and forms a …, which produces …
a. ) several follicles (on the surface of the ovary); ovum (ovulation)
b. ) LH and FSH, follicle, corpus luteum, progesterone
Name a hormonal treatment for Dysmenorrhoea
Combined Hormonal Contraception (CHC), Oral progesterone-only contraception (Cerazette), Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera®),Levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS; Mirena®)
Name a surgical treatment of dysmenorrhoea
Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation (LUNA) or Hysterectomy
What is the most often used pharmalogical treatment for pain due to dysmenorrhoea because of its low incidence of side effects?
What is the average menstrual blood loss and what would be considered excessive?
Average = 30-40ml; Excessive ≥80ml
What is the first-line pharmacological treatment of Menorrhagia?
LNG-IUS-Mirena (left in situ for 12 months)
Name a surgical treatment for Menorrhagia
Endometrial ablation, Uterine artery embolisation, Hysterectomy
Name 2 risk factors for developing Cervical cancer
Persistence of HPV infection, Heterosexual, Multiple sex partners, Smoking, Immunosuppression, COCP
Name a diagnostic investigation for cervical cancer
Colposcopy, Cone biopsy, CT/MRI/PET pelvis
How might cervical cancer be treated
Surgery (cervicectomy/hysterectomy), radiotherapy (external beam therapy and intracavity brachytherapy), chemotherapy (Cisplatin-based) (adjuvant, concurrent with radiation or palliative)
Most endometrial carcinomas are what type?
Most cervical malignancies are what type?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Name 3 risk factors for developing endometrial cancer
(Unopposed oestrogen)
- Nulliparous
- Late menopause
- Obesity
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS)
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC)
- Tamoxifen
- Earlier onset of menstruation
- Oestrogen HRT,
Name an investigation for endometrial malignancy
Trans-vaginal ultrasound (TVUS), Endometrial biopsy, Hysteroscopy
Ovulation occurs around what day of menstrual cycle?
Mid-luteal phase is usually how many days before the end of the menstrual cycle?
7 days
What is the commonest type of ovarian cyst?
Follicular cyst
What is the other name for a dermoid cyst?
mature cystic teratomas
What is the most common benign ovarian tumour in woman under the age of 30 years?
Dermoid cyst
Normal length of menstrual cycle
21-35 days
The medical condition in which endometrial tissue lies outside the endometrial cavity
The medical condition in which ectopic endometrial tissue lies within the myometrium
Benign localised growths of endometrium (fibrous tissue covered by columnar epithelium)
Uterine polyps
Uterine bleeding that occurs between clearly defined cyclic and predictable menses
Intermenstrual bleeding
Investigation of menorrhagia (3 marks)
FBC / Coagulation / TFT / TVS / Hysteroscopy / Endometrial biopsy
Name a primary management and a secondary management for abnormal menstrual bleeding
- Primary: Levonorgestrel/Antifibrinolytics (Tranexamic acid)/NSAID (Mefenamic acid)/ Progestogens/COCP/POOP/Danazol
- Secondary: Endometrial ablation/Hysterectomy/Uterine artery emobilastion/Myomectomy
What are the 4 WHO categories of FGM?
1 - Clitoridectomy
2 - Excision (removal of clitoris + labia)
3 - Infibulation (narrowing of vaginal orifice + covering seal)
4 - Other harmful procedures. (pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, cauterisation)
unopposed oestrogen increases risk of which cancer?
Endometrial cancer
How are stage 2-4 ovarian cancers primarily treated?
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy or surgical excision
Surgical excision
Symptoms of Endometriosis
+ Signs on examination
- Cyclical abdominal or pelvic pain
- Deep dyspareunia (pain on deep sexual intercourse)
- Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)
- Infertility
- Cyclical bleeding from other sites, such as haematuria
(There can also be urinary/bowel symptoms due to the endometriosis affecting these areas)
Examination may reveal:
- Endometrial tissue visible in the vagina on speculum examination, particularly in the posterior fornix
- A fixed cervix on bimanual examination
- Tenderness in the vagina, cervix and adnexa
What is the first-line antibiotic for PID?
Ceftriaxone 1g IM (followed by Doxycycline + Metronidazole)
Name a risk factor for PID
- <25 y.o.
- Early age of first coitus
- Multiple sexual partners
- Recent new partner (within 3 months)
- History of STI
- Termination of pregnancy
- Use of IUD within the past 4–6 weeks
- Hysterosalpingography
Name 2 complications of PID
- Infertility
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome - RUQ pain)
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Reactive arthritis
- Sepsis
- Abscess
Name an investigation for PID
- pregnancy test to exclude ectopic
- Cervical NAAT swabs (for chlamydia and gonorrhoea)
- Endocervical NAAT swabs (for C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae)
- HIV test
- Syphilis test
- Endometrial biopsy and ultrasound scanning
- Urinalysis and urine culture to exclude urinary tract infection
- A high vaginal swab can be used to look for bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis.
- A microscope can be used to look for pus cells on swabs from the vagina or endocervix to exclude PID
- Inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR) are raised in PID
Features of PID
+ examination findings?
- Bilateral lower abdo pain
- Deep dyspareunia
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding (postcoital, intermenstrual or menorrhagia)
- Vaginal or cervical discharge that is purulent
- Fever above 38°C
- Dysuria
- Pelvic tenderness
- Cervical motion tenderness (cervical excitation)
- Inflamed cervix (cervicitis)
- Purulent discharge
a general term for infection of the upper female genital tract, including the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Name a treatment for premenstrual syndrome
Cognitive behavioural therapy, SSRIs, COCP, Oestrogen
Name a mental symptom and a physical symptom of premenstrual syndrome
Mental: irritability, tiredness, aggression or anger, low mood, anxiety, loss of confidence, changes to sleep, appetite and libido
Physical: breast swelling and/or pain, abdominal bloating, swelling of the feet or hands, weight gain, headaches
Name a few things that can indicate a molar pregnancy versus a normal pregnancy
- More severe morning sickness
- Vaginal bleeding
- Increased enlargement of the uterus
- Abnormally high hCG
- Thyrotoxicosis (hCG can mimic TSH and stimulate the thyroid to produce excess T3 and T4)
Ultrasound of the pelvis shows what characteristic in the presence of a Hydatidiform mole?
‘Snowstorm appearance’
What is the management of a Hydatidiform Mole?
- evacuation of the uterus to remove the mole
- products of conception need to be sent for histological examination to confirm a molar pregnancy
- Patients should be referred to the gestational trophoblastic disease centre for management and follow up
- hCG levels are monitored until they return to normal
Features of cervical ectropion
- Vaginal discharge
- Post-coital bleeding
- Dyspareunia
Cervical ectropion is associated with higher oestrogen levels, and therefore, is more common with which three demographics?
younger women, the combined contraceptive pill and pregnancy
Treatment of cervical ectropion causing problematic bleeding
cauterisation of the ectropion using silver nitrate or cold coagulation during colposcopy
Cervical cancer screening: if two consecutive inadequate samples, what is the next step?
Refer to colposcopy
Which ligament might be longer than usual causing ovarian torsion in younger girls before menarche (the first period)?
infundibulopelvic ligament
What can happen if ovarian torsion / twisting of the adnexa and blood supply persists?
(+ what might happen if a necrotic ovary is not removed?)
Ischaemia of the ovary eventually leading to necrosis
(If necrotic ovary is not removed, it may become infected, develop an abscess and lead to sepsis. Additionally it may rupture, resulting in peritonitis and adhesions)
What is the main presenting feature of ovarian torsion?
sudden onset severe unilateral pelvic pain
The pain is constant, gets progressively worse and is associated with nausea and vomiting
What is the investigation of choice for ovarian torsion and how is definitive diagnosis made?
Investigation - Ultrasound
Diagnosis - Laparoscopic surgery
Where and how does Lichen Sclerosus skin usually present?
- Patches of shiny, “porcelain-white” skin.
- Commonly affects labia, perineum and perianal skin in women.
- It can affect the axilla and thighs.
- It can also affect men, typically on the foreskin and glans of the penis.
Lichen sclerosis is associated with which other autoimmune conditions?
type 1 diabetes, alopecia, hypothyroid and vitiligo.
What investigation can confirm the diagnosis in women with Lichen Sclerosis?
Vulval biopsy
Features of Lichen Sclerosus
- Itching
- Soreness and pain possibly worse at night
- Skin tightness
- Painful sex (superficial dyspareunia)
- Erosions
- Fissures
What is first line treatment for Lichen Sclerosis?
- Potent topical steroids (clobetasol propionate 0.05% (dermovate)) to control the symptoms of the condition and also seem to reduce the risk of malignancy. Once a day for four weeks, then gradually reduced in frequency every four weeks to alternate days, then twice weekly.
Emollients should be used regularly, both with steroids initially and then as part of maintenance.
The critical complication of Lichen Sclerosis to remember is a 5% risk of developing what condition?
squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.
Cervical cancer is strongly associated with what virus?
When are children vaccinated against certain strains of HPV to reduce the risk of cervical cancer?
12-13 years
How is HPV transmitted?
HPV is primarily a sexually transmitted infection.
Which strains of HPV are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers?
Strains 16 and 18