Packet 1/page1 Flashcards
What famous outlaw partnered with Butch Cassidy?
Sundance Kid
In the last century, what vessel was popularly associated with the Mississippi river?
the steamboat
What is the capital of South Dakota?
Who is given credit for establishing the concept of an assembly line?
Henry Ford
In the city of Washington, D.C., what do the letters D and C stand for?
District of Columbia
What is the nickname for the American Stars and Stripes flag?
Old Glory
Who drew the first political cartoon in an american newspaper?
Benjamin Franklin
How many letters are in a U.S. zip code?
In what year did Mississippi become a state?
Virtute et armis, whih means, “by valor and arms” is the motto of which U.S. state?
What is the state beverage of Mississippi
What s the state insect of Mississippi?
What is the very appropriate state flower of Massachusetts?
the Mayflower
What founding father wrote a series of letters to his brother’s newspaper under the false name (pseudonym) Silence Dogood?
Benjamin Franklin
What was the code name given to the program where the U.S. became the first country to develop and use nuclear weapons?
the Manhattan Project
What was the nickname of the first bomb to be used as a weapon by the U.S.?
LIttle Boy
Who wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack?
Benjamin Franklin
What famous assassin yelled out, “Sick Semper Tyrannis! The South is avenged!?
John Wilkes Booth
What event forced the US into WWII?
bombing of Pearl Harbor
What American President said, “Speck softly and carry a big stick.”?
Theodore Roosevelt
The Challenger was a US spce shuttle that exploded in midair. Name the other space shuttle that exploded.
the Columbia
What president said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.?”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What state in the US has the highest population?
What two houses make up Congress?
Senate and House of Representation
What was the name given to the domestic reform program of President Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression?
New Deal
What is the title of the American nation anthem?
The Star Spangled Banner
What island served as the main entry station for U.S. immigrants from 1892 to 1943?
Ellis Island
What is the name of the historical overland route form the Missouri River to the northwest
the Oregon Trail