Packet 1/page 3 Flashcards
What do the initials F.B.I. stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation
What major event happened just before the U.S. entered WWI?
sinking of the Lusitania
During the “Scopes Monkey Trial” in 1925, biology teacher John T. Scopes was tried for violating the law that prohibited schools from teaching theories contrary to the Biblical account of creation. In what state did this trial take place?
Who made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in a plane called The Spirit of St. Louis?
Charles Lindbergh
Who is the only U.S. president to serve three terms?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What three countries were known as the Axis Powers during WWII?
Germany, Italy, and Japan
In 1954k, what American senator accused army officials, members of the media and other public figures during highly publicized hearing nicknamed “witch hunts”?
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Who was the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth?
John Glenn
What Civil Rights activist began a speech with the words, “I have a dream.”?
martin Luther King, Jr.
what U.S. President was fatally shot while traveling with his wife in a presidential motorcade in Dallas, Texas?
John F. Kennedy
Before being questioned for a crime, a person must now be read a speech know as _________.
the MIranda warning
The 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution limited the minimum voting age to 18 in response to public protests about what war?
the Vietnam War
What president resigned over what is know as the Watergate scandal?
Richard M. Nixon
What is the nickname for the operation that began the Gulf Wars?
Operation Desert Storm
How many U.S. presidents have been named George?
Which president approved the Louisiana Purchase in 1803?
Thomas Jefferson
How many red stripes are on the American flag?
What scientist and American statesman founded the first public library?
Benjamin Franklin
During WWII, what Native American tribe was used as code talkers?
Who was president of the confederate sTates of America during the Civil War?
Jefferson Davis
Who was the president of the United States of America during the Civil War?
Abraham LIncoln
What American state was founded by a Quaker so that all residents could have freedom of religion?
What famous document begins, “We the people of the United States…”?
U.S. Constitution
Where was the first shot fired during the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
On what day of the week does Thanksgiving always fall?