P300 Limitations Flashcards
Aircraft Weights
Max Ramp,
Max Takeoff,
Max Landing,
Max Zero Fuel
MRW 18497
MTOW 18387
MLW 17042
MZFW 14220
MAX Landing Gear Extension (VLO)
250 kts
Max speed at which the airplane can be flown with Landing Gear extended and locked. (VLE)
250 kts
Min Control Speed (VMC) for takeoff (takeoff flaps).
97 kts
VMC Landing - No Icing Conditions
91 kts
VMC Landing - Icing Conditions
95 kts
Operating Maneuvering Speed (Vo)
205 kts
Max Flaps Extended Speed.
Flap 1,2,3,FF
F1 - 180 kts, F2 - 170 kts, F3 - 170 kts, FF - 160 kts
Max altitude with flaps extended.
18,000 ft
Max Tire Groundspeed
182 kts
Runway Slope:
Type of runway surface:
-2 to +2 percent
Load Factor Limit with Flaps UP
3.00 g
Load Factor Limit with Flaps DOWN (1,2,3, FF)
2.00 g
Baggage Loading:
Forward, LH Forward, Side Facing Divan, Refreshment Center, LAV Cabinet, AFT Baggage
FB 110
Side Divan 36
Refreshment 71
LAV 33
AFT 463
Max takeoff and landing tailwind
Max Crosswind component to apply static takeoff power
10 kt tailwind
18 kt crosswind
Hydraulic system pre-charge check interval
15 consecutive calendar days or before next flight, which ever occurs last
Stall Warning and Protection System must be tested:
Prior to each flight
Prohibitions associated with the use of the SVS
Use of SVS as primary information to base decisions and/or plan maneuvers, to navigate or to avoid terrain, obstacles, or traffic is prohibited.
Min battery voltage for engine start
24 V
Min GPU voltage required for battery charging
27 V
Max generator load on Ground
330 Amps each
Max generator load in Flight
390 Amps each
Max usable fuel quantity per tank
2676 lbs
Unusable fuel quantity per tank
25.13 lbs
Max fuel capacity
5401 lbs
Max permitted imbalance between tanks
220 lbs
Min fuel tank temperature
-37 C
Max fuel temperature on ground
52 C
note: Max fuel temp can be exceeded up to 80 C in flight
Position of XFEED knob during Takeoff and Landing
Operating Limits MAX Thrust
TL 10 min
Max ITT 725
N1 100
N2 101
Oil Press 45 to 160
Oil Temp 10 to 132.2
Operating Limits Takeoff
TL 5 min
ITT 700
N1 100
N2 101
Oil Press 45 to 160
Oil Temp 10 to 132.2
Operating Limit Max Continuous
TL na
ITT 680
N1 100
N2 101
Oil Press 45 to 160
Oil Temp 10 to 132.2
Operating Limit Max Climb
TL na
ITT 680
N1 100
N2 101
Oil Press 45 to 160
Oil Temp 10 to 132.2
Operating Limit Ground Idle
TL na
ITT na
N1 -
N2 min 55.1 (OEI)
51.2 (AEO)
Oil Press 25 to 160
Oil Temp. -40 to 132.2
Operating Limit Flight Idle
TL na
ITT na
N1 -
N2 55.1
Oil Press 25 to 160
Oil Temp -
Operating Limit Starting
TL 5 sec
ITT 765
N1 -
N2 -
Oil Press -
Oil Temp -40 min
Operating Limits Transient 20 Seconds
TL 20 sec
ITT 765
N1 102
N2 103
Oil Press 0-20
Oil Temp -
Operating Limits Transient 200 Seconds
TL 200 seconds
N1 -
N2 -
Oil Press -
Oil Temp 140.5 max
Operating Limits Transient 400 Seconds
TL -
N1 -
N2 -
Oil Press 20-270
Oil Temp -
Starter Limits
1st 60 sec
2nd 60 sec
3rd 15 min
4th 30 min
Note: After fourth sequential motoring, cycle may be repeated following a 30 minute cool-down period.
Air Conditioning operation on the ground
GPU must be used or ONE engine generator must be turned on.
Max Diff,
Max Diff Overpressure,
Max Negative Pressure,
Max Diff for TO and Landing
Max Diff 9.4 psi
Max Over 9.6 psi
Max Neg -0.3 psi
Max TO/Land 0.2 psi
Ice and Rain Protection
When must the crew activate the Ice Protection System
When icing conditions exist or are anticipated. As per Section 3, Normal Procedures
Operation in Icing Conditions:
Max TO and Land Altitude
Min Airspeed (flap and gear up):
Wing and Stab Anti-Ice inhibited
Wing and Stab Anti-Ice armed
Wing and Stab Anti-Ice Uninhibited
10000 ft
165 kias
165 kias
150 kias
Wing Inspection Light
When must the Wing Inspection Light be operative
Prior to flight into known or forecast Icing conditions at night.
Auto Pilot / Yaw Damper
Min Engagement Height (Dual Engine)
(Single Engine)
600 ft AGL
1000 ft AGL
Auto Pilot / Yaw Damper
Min Use Height (Dual Engine)
Min Use Height (Single Engine)
195 ft AGL
220 ft AGL
Autopilot / Yaw Damper
Altitude Loss (maneuvering / cruise)
Yaw Damper OFF is limited to XXX kts if in Icing conditions.
160 ft
180 kias
Define: When icing conditions exist or are anticipated
SAT on ground or takeoff or TAT in flight is 10C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (clouds, fog, vis 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals)
SAT on ground 10C or below and ramps, taxiways are contaminated with snow, ice, standing water, or slush
What is the limitation regarding contaminated surfaces
Takeoff prohibited with frost, ice, snow, slush adhering to wings, control surfaces, engine inlets, or other critical surfaces
In what environmental condition is flight prohibited
Freezing rain or drizzle
Pilot must immediately exit the freezing rain or freeze drizzle conditions by changing altitude or course
What are the limitations regarding use of the Autopilot in icing conditions
Autopilot use is prohibited in the following conditions
Severe icing
Unusual control force or control deflection or unusually large control forces to move flight controls when autopilot is disconnected
Indications of frequent autopilot re-trimming during straight and level flight