P&O Flashcards
Spoke wheels
lighter, require more maintenance
Mag wheels
heavier, more durable (more popular)
Pneumatic tires
rubber with an inner air filled tube, smooth, cushioned ride, better for carpets, can be popped and go flat, need to be refilled with air
solid rubber tires
less smothe, feel every bump, low maintenance
Caster wheels
tiny wheels at front of wheelchair that allow for steering
smaller casters-easier to maneuver and turn WC, but will get caught on every pebble (caster wheel lead direction you go)
If rear wheels are placed more anteriorly
easier to move chair, smaller turning radius, easier to do wheelies and go up curves, less stable
if rear wheel placed more posteriorly
harder to maneuver, accelerate, and ascend inclines; more stable
the amount of inward lean that the wheels have
camber angles
metal wheel next to the tire that hand is supposed to grip…if hemiplegic you can install a handrim system to control both wheels using one arm
wheelchair axle
position on the wheelchair where you wheels will sit, center of wheel being fixed to the chair….can be adjusted to move posterior/anterior
wheel chair seat depth
distance from pop fossa straight to the butt minus 1/2 inch so pop fossa clear the seat and dont get compressed
backrest height
below bottom corner of scapula (top/spine of scapula if power wheelchair)
K level for kids
Muenster socket advantage
alternative to the split socket for short transradial amputees…these sockets provide less elbow flexion when compared to the split sockets though require less force to operate…..moderate to light duty work….
Things that cause knee flexion
increased ankle dorsiflexion, foot moved posteriorly compared to the socket, too hard heel cushion, and knee flexion contracture
knee extension
increased plantar flexion, moving socket posterior in relation to the foot, too soft a heel cushion, quad weakness
longer lever arms for amputation
poorer healing, not good muscle flap
Milwaukee brace (cervico-thoracic-lumbro-sacral)
indicated for congenital scoliosis with curves 25-40 degrees and the curve is superior to T8 and puberty has not finished
excessive knee flexion caused by
incr ankle dorsiflexion, foot posterior on socket, hard heel cushion, knee flexion contracture
AFO for highest level tone
Rigid plastic AFO used for patients with highest level of tone/spasticity…full foot plate would be used for patient with spastic toes to move them into extension
A semi-rigid AFO will help with both instability and foot drop. Posterior leaf springs do not provide any support for mediolateral instability. Since the patient has a foot drop, they would not be able to take advantage of the hinge mechanism of the AFO allowing dorsiflexion. A rigid AFO is only used in the most severe cases of spasticity and typically no motion will occur.
metal AFO
heavier, but better for patients with edema or other risks for skin breakdown
knee brace to prevent recurvatum
knee brace to prevent axial rotation
Swedish Knee Cage
Lennox Hill Brace
Orthosis for CMC joint arthritis
Opponens orthosis
KAFO for
Quad weakness or absent knee proprioception
Transtibial limb shape
Preferred alignment of BKA prosthesis
preferred alignment is a knee flexion moment and varus foot alignment