(P) Lesson 2: Scientific Revolutions Flashcards
A knowledge involving general truths and general laws that is taken from a systematic study which is concerned with evidences and theories. – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Common Characteristics of Science:
- Focuses on the natural world
- Goes through experiments
- Relies on Evidence
- Passes through the specific community
- A means to fulfill a human purpose
- Assemblage of practices and components
A collection of devices and engineering practices available to culture.
Science is considered as a body of?
Body of knowledge
When there is new knowledge, it demands what?
Scientific Studies
What is the purpose of Technology and Science why they work together?
to make the life of the people, the society, much easier so therefore, the society benefits from technology
T or F: knowledge is power, it will improve life
Reveals to us the years in this era covered from the ancient times to the modern times.
Timeline of Western Intellectual History
The term we use now to refer to this year is the ________ because starting from the time they were able to record the year that is being followed by all nations.
common era
T or F: is there a possiblity that a timeline can change?
oo bitch, kasi pag may new discovery it can change
thought that people should use knowledge to improve themselves.
According to sophist, when there is a discovery of new knowledge, there is a need to?
share it within the society
They believed there was no absolute right or wrong.
Sophists developed the art of?
Public speaking and Debate
He was a critic of the Sophists. He believed that there is an absolute right or wrong.
Papi Socrates
there should be a boundary between right or wrong because if not, we won’t know what must be done and must not be done.
What type of teaching is learning new things simply by asking questions and considering different options
Socratic Method
What is the influence of today from Socrates?
Influenced the way teachers interact with their students. (the Socratic methods)
He rejected the idea of democracy as a form of government.
spoon, fork, PLATO
believed that the philosopher-kings should rule. – because he disagreed with the idea of democarcy
He described his ideal vision of how government works in his book Republic.
Plato ulit
Plato introduced the idea that government should be?
fair and just.
Taught of the idea of the Golden Mean.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Golden Rule
Different ways in which we are doing the things we do to reach our goal; Means and Ends
Golden Mean
Different ways in which we are doing the things we do to reach our goal; Means and Ends
Golden Mean
T or F: If these ways that you are doing are in
accordance with the Golden Rule, then it is not the Golden Mean
False, it is the golden mean
He believed observation and comparison were necessary to gain knowledge.
Aristotle wrote over _____ books on philosophy and science.
Who divided the government and to how many types?
Aristotle and 3 Types of government
What is the influence of papi aristotle on our life today?
ewan ku bhie
His writings helped shaped our Constitution.
What is called to the followers of Epicurus
Taught his students that happiness was the goal in life.
According to Epicurus, the way to be happy was to seek out…?
continual physical pleasures. (medj bas2s chz)
According to Epicurus, It also meant a ____ free from worry and to some extent, responsibility.
He means the love of physical pleasures such as good food and comfortable surroundings.
Started by a Phoenician named Zeno who taught that happiness came from the following reason, not emotions.
If according to the Philosopher stoic, T or F:
To be happy with what we have, we mustn’t follow reasons, we should follow emotions in decision-making.
According to who this idea came? Emotions come and go, and are unreliable
If according to stoics, using reason and being stable is superior as it leads to fewer bad times? T or F
True madam purrrr
_______ is used to describe people who are not greatly affected by joy or grief.
Stoics put duty above ________ or ________
feelings or emotions
_____________ proposed that the sun is in the middle of the universe, and the Earth and other planets revolve around it.
Nicolaus Copernicus
What theory Nicolaus Copernicus came up with?
Copernican Theory – Heliocentrism
It was implied in the teachings also from the Bible that the Earth is the center of the universe since the statements of Genesis focuses on God’s
creation of different beings.
Ptolemaic System – Geocentric Model
Who invented the Geocentric Model
lynn from las veygas
charot, Claudius Ptolemy
Claudius Ptolemy came up with concrete explanation that when different planets revolve around the earth, they are having a _________________
retrograde loop
Who supported the idea and theory of Nicolaus Copernicus with their inventions?
Galileo Galilei invented a telescope
the evolution of man but also on the Origin of Species
Darwinian Revolution — Evolution of Man
What is the other theory of creation besides darwin’s theory
From the bible
Evolution Teaches, T or F
- Man Came from Animals
- Man has Soul
- Man falls away
- Man can live above his environment
- The “Universe” happened, a “Big bang theory” is plausible
- Man’s morals depend upon animal instinct
- T
- F
- F
- F
- T
- T
Who invented Psychoanalysis?
Freudian Revolution — Sigmund Freud
Psychology as a Science?
- Psychoanalysis
- The personality
- Psychosexual stages of development
Infant achieves gratification through oral activities such as feeding, thumb sucking, and babbling
Oral (0 - 2)
The child learns to respond to some of the demands of society (such as bowel and bladder control).
Anal (2 - 3)
The child learns to realize the differences between males and females and becomes aware of sexuality.
Phallic (3 - 7)
The child continues his or her development but sexual urges are relatively quiet.
Latency (7 - 11)
The growing adolescent shakes off old dependencies and learns to deal maturely with the opposite sex.
Genital (11 - Adult)
person’s development is determined by events in early childhood.
Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)
Human behavior is largely influenced by irrational drives (unconscious).
He gave us the topographical model of the mind which allows us to study how our minds work.
Sigmund Freud
Our mind consists of?
(1) conscious mind
(2) subconscious or pre-conscious mind
(3) unconscious mind (Biggest Part)
consist of thoughts that focuses on the present state of mind
Conscious mind
are the experiences or what we see are accessed by means of memory or stored knowledge
Pre-conscious mind (subconscious)
are our primitive desires and wishes that we do not admit consciously.
Unconscious mind
Structural Model of the Mind
whos theory is this
Sigmund freud ulit ampota
Freud believed human behavior resulted from the interaction of three (3) important parts of the personality:
- id
- ego
- superego
represents our morals of what is right and wrong.
are our hidden desires but are against our reasons and morals that’s why we suppress it.
are ourselves, what will be our decisions and choices
There is no specific proponent because it happens over time
Information age - where we at now
Effects of Science & Technology to Society:
- Industrialization
- Commercialization
- Improved economy
- Change in all aspects of human life