(M) Human Flourishing and Good Life Flashcards
According to Martin Heidegger, What is a “Dasein”
- to exist in this world
- self that defines as it exist in such world (Purpose)
According to Aristotle, what is the quality that is deemed to be morally good?
Virtue (is a moral excellence)
characteristics valued as those promoting collective and individual greatness
Personal virtues
The highest goal of humanity is the?
Good life or Human flourishing (eudaimonia, happiness)
Developing _______ is the way to achieve a rich and satisfying life
happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Happiness in Psychology
happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do something good or positive
Happiness to Behaviorist
happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do something good or positive
Happiness to Behaviorist
happiness is the experience of a flood of hormones released in the brain as a reward for behavior that prolong survival
Happiness to Neurologist
Hormones causing Happiness:
- Dopamine
- Oxytocin
- Serotonin
- Endorphin
– The “Reward Chemical”
→ Released after pleasurable situations
– The “Love Hormone”
→ Released during sex, during childbirth, and sometimes in lactation
the “mood stabilizer”
the “pain killer”
Identify what hormones is responsible with the set of action:
Completing a task
Doing self-care activities
Eating food
Celebrating little wins
Identify what hormones is responsible with the set of action:
Playing with a dog
Playing with a baby
Holding hand
Hugging your family
Give compliment
Identify what hormones is responsible with the set of action:
Sun exposure
Walk in nature
Identify what hormones is responsible with the set of action:
Laughter exercise
Essential oils
Watch a comedy
Dark chocolate
Is Happiness a Destination or a Journey?
Both sabi ni lodi michelle
What view is that happiness is the polar opposite of suffering
hedonistic view
According to hedonistic view, The presence of happiness indicates ?
The absence of pain
hedonists believe that the purpose of life is to
maximize happiness, which minimizes misery
coined by Aristotle) a term that combines the Greek words for “good” and “spirit” to describe the ideology
→ focuses more on pleasures – things that makes us feels good
→ is experiencing happiness by fulfilling the purpose in life
If lacking, we don’t feel good about life and the activities we do or there is no feeling of satisfaction, and you don’t know what your purpose is
The Void Life
If there is too much pleasure and you don’t have a purpose in life
The Sweet Life
If you focus more on purpose and disregard the pleasures in life
The Dry Life
If there are both desired pleasures and fulfilled purpose in life
The Fullfilled Life
Philosophical inquiry into the nature of the good
life for a human being
Nicomachean Ethics
What type of ethics is this?
Human flourishing arises as a result of different
components such as:
1. Phronesis
2. Friendship
3. Wealth
4. Power
Nicomachean Ethics
Continuation of Hedonistic view of happiness; came from who?
View that the real source of happiness is to experience it
Happiness can be coming from:
- Mental
- Emotional
- Physical
- Materialistic
Dimension/Source of happiness: Feel inner peace
Experience love, companionship, and compassion
Dimension/Source of happiness: Health and fitness
Dimension/Source of happiness: Find happiness in materialistic things like money and comfort
He suggested the revaluation of all values
Friedrich Nietzsche
He suggested we largely accept and believe what is valuable to us, our society, our species
Friedrich Nietzsche
View that value comes before truth
Nietzsche’s View
View that the truth is only accepted by people because it is beneficial to them
Nietzsche’s View
what is the root of being ‘self-centered’ according to Nietzsche
individual that happiness or flourishing depends on what they need, when truth are beneficial to them (Cherry picking)
The pursuit of truth for truth’s sake may lead us into? (Nietzsche)
According to Nietzsche values is not relativism but?
not all perspectives are of equal value
Is there a controversy on how human flourishing is perceived by different group according to Nietzsche?
Yuh there is kaya true but according to him also overall his view is the collective human flourishing is attaining of the highest power and splender(?) of the human then he claims it is the end goal of man kind as a whole
T or F, according to nietzsche human flourishing should be individual flourishing because of the personal values we have over truth
F, it should not be individual rather as a whole
The only way that we could attain real human flourishing is by attaining as a whole which is ? (nietzsche)
collective flourishing
Beyond Darwin – life is not just about survival
(T or F)
According to Darwin, life is about?
Should we transfer our environment into a conducive one where we can flourish? (T or F)
In ancient Greek society, they believe that acquiring these will surely bring the seekers happiness, which in effect allows them to partake in the greater notion of what we call the?
As time changes, elements that comprise human flourishing does not change (T or F)
F, it changes
Humans of today are expected to become?
“man of the world”
as a means of survival has become passé
Is competition important in human flourishing? (T or F)
False, we need to understand the human flourishin and by this mawawala yung competition and mababawasan yung conflict between people
Is it Eastern or Western View of Human flourishing?
- More focused on the individual
- Human flourishing as an end
- Aristotelian view
- Aims for eudaimonia as
the ultimate good
Is it Eastern or Western View of Human flourishing?
- Focus is community- centric
- Individual should sacrifice himself for the sake of society
- Chinese Confucian system
- Japanese Bushido
- Encourage studies of literature, sciences, and art for a greater cause
Every discovery, innovation, and success
contributes to?
Pool of human knowledge
Human’s perpetual need to locate himself in the world by finding proofs to?
Trace Evolution
What happends when we find the trace of evolution?
helps in identifying the roles and responsibilities in our life
Technology is a human activity we excel in as a result of achieving science (Heidegger) (T or F)
dinelete ko
dinelete ko
Steps in Scientific Method?
- Observe
- Determine the problem
- Formulate hypothesis
- Conduct experiment
- Gather and analyze
- Formulate conclusion and provide recommendation
A discipline of science if it can be confirmed or interpreted as an event of an alternative hypothesis being accepted
Verification of Theory
We can repeat the study to check if accurate or not, it would come up with the same results
Takes into account those results which are measurable and experiments which are repeatable
Verification Theory
Group of scholars
Vienna Scholars
Vienna Scholars believed that?
- only those which can be observed should be regarded as meaningful
- reject those which cannot be directly assessed as meaningless
According to Vienna circles, Needs proof for the claim if there is non then it is meaningless? (T or F)
As long as an ideology is not proven to be false and can best explain a phenomenon over alternative theories, we should accept the said ideology
Falsification Theory
Allowed emergence of theories otherwise rejected by the verification theory
Falsification Theory
There are 2 types of research theories in science:
(1) verification theory and (2) falsification theory
Encourages research in order to determine which among the theories can stand the test of falsification
Falsification Theory
→ Coined the ‘falsifiable predictions’
Karl paputok (Karl Popper)
He aimed at the production of new, falsifiable predictions
Karl Popper
There is no ________ as to the number of instance that a theory is rejected or falsified in order for it to be set aside
known rule
According to popper, There is no assurance that observable event or “evidences” are indeed manifestations of a certain concept or “theories” (T or F)
He is the first to classify areas of human knowledge into distinct disciplines such as mathematics, biology, and ethics
Founder of the Lyceum, the first scientific institute based in Athens, Greece
si aristotle bida bida
One of the strongest advocates of a liberal arts education, which stresses the education of the whole person, including one’s moral character rather than merely learning a set of skills
Aristotle ulit
According to this field, All human activities aim at some good
Nicomachean Ethics 2:2
View that every art and human inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason, the good has been rightly declared as that at which all things aim
Nicomachean Ethics
→ Living in comfort and luxury with few problems or worries
→ Characterized by happiness from living and doing well
Good life
referes to what they have, had in life or richness of one’s experience
eu meaning
daimon meaning
→ Refers to the good life marked by happiness and excellence
Flourishing life filled with meaningful endeavors that empower the human person to be the best version of himself/herself
→ The activity of the soul in accordance with virtue
→ Believed that “good” for humans is the maximum realization of what was unique to humans
Aristotle view on good life
The good for humans was to? (aristotle)
reason well
The task of reason is not to teach humans how to act virtuously, and the exercise of faculties in accordance with virtue (T or F) (Aristotle)
F, dapat mag teach
→ Behavior showing high moral standards
→ “paragons of virtue”
owes its birth and growth in teaching (for its reason, it requires experience and time)
Intellectual virtue
comes about as a result of habit
Moral virtue
Intellectual or Moral VIrtue
- Theoretical wisdom (thinking and truth)
- Practical wisdom understanding
- Experience and time are necessary requirements for the development of intellectual virtue
Intellectual virtue wag kang tanga
- Controlled by practical wisdom (ability to make right judgement)
- Owed its development to how one nurtured it as habit
- Can be learned
Moral virtue
→ “happiness depends on ourselves”
→ Central purpose of human life and a goal in itself
This is happiness according to ________
According to him, happiness depends on the cultivation of virtue
dinelete ko
dinelete ko
Happiness will not be the final end or goal that encompasses the totality of one’s life, it should be experience (T or F)
F, haha happiness is final end bhie
It is not something that can be gained or lost in a few hours, like pleasurable sensations
Happiness as the Ultimate Purpose of Human Existence
→ It is more like the ultimate value of your life as lived up to this moment, measuring how well you have lived up to your full potential as a human being
Happiness as the Ultimate Purpose of Human Existence
S&T is also the movement towards?
Good life
One of the highest xpressions of human facilities
This allows us to thrive and flourish if we desire it
This may corrupt a person – lead them excessively aiming for their OWN happines (self interest; selfish kineme)
This, with virtue, can help an individual to be out of danger
Why is it that everyone is in the pursuit of good life?
“Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices, and actions toward the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad!
The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing!
Pursuit of good life
The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation.
Pursuit of Good life