(F) Lesson 3: GMOs Flashcards
Any living thing that had its genetic material altered through human scientific interference—e.g. gene therapy
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
T or F: GMOs are related to the concept of biodiversity
What are the most commonly modified organisms?
Crops and agricultural plants
T or F: Increased population = decreased demand
T or F: Fertilizers and farming machines can keep up with the demand for food
T or F: GMOs are a solution for food security
T or F: GMOs increase costs for food and drug production
False (reduce)
T or F: Crops that are raw materials for other food and medicine products have high abundance
T or F: GMOs allow for controlling the crops to be resistant to specific pests
T or F: GMOs bring insufficient nutrients into food
T or F: GMOs allow for some crops to survive flooding or add nutrient compositions to specific foods
T or F: Philippines is neutral for GMO implementation
False (pro)
Which country is between the resistance and acceptance of GMOs
Which country resists the implementation (anti-GMO)?
T or F: Agricultural plants are one of the most cited examples of GMOs
T or F: GMOs can produce non-protein (bioplastic) or non-industrial (ornamental plant) products
T or F: GMOs can be used for developing microorganisms that are fuel producers and biodegraders
T or F: GMOs damage the recombinant genes in the DNA sequences of organisms
What process refers to where genetically modified animals have been used to grow transplant tissues and human transplant organs
What GM product is this?
→ turns up in many products in the US
→ used in processed food and drinks (e.g high-fructose corn syrup and corn starch)
→ some are converted to biofuels
What GM product is this?
→ second largest US crop after corn
→ used in animal feed and in soybean oil—used for processed foods and in restaurant chains
→ its oil accounts for 61% of Americans’ vegetable-oil consumption
→ used to make emulsifiers (soy lecithin) which is present in processed foods, dark chocolate, and candy
What GM product is this?
→ turned into cottonseed oil which is used for frying in restaurants and packaged foods (e.g. potato chips, margarine, smoked oysters in cans, etc.)
→ some parts of the plant are used in animal feed
→ what is left can be used to create food fillers like cellulose
What GM product is this?
→ recently approved GM crop that is resistant to bruising and rough skin—an attempt to make them more appealing to the buyers (which is why some farmers support the use of GMOs)
→ may produce less of a carcinogenic chemical (acrylamide) when exposed to high heat
→ not yet adopted in the food supply but it is expected to be
What GM product is this?
→ used to make oil for cooking and margarine
→ used to produce emulsifiers used in packaged food—90% of this grown in the US and Canada is genetically modified
→ very rare to find a product that is not using this genetically modified product
What GM product is this?
→ scientists inserted a new gene (coat protein or CP) that would make them resistant to the pox virus
→ the coat protein (CP) comes from the pox virus itself
What GM product is this?
→ a bio-fortified crop—increases nutritional value
→ able to produce beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A when metabolized by the human body
→ Vitamin A works toward healthier skin, immune system, and vision
Golden rice
What GM product is this?
→ able to produce a protein for a vaccines against amoebiasis—disease endemic to Central and South America, Africa, and Asia
→ genetically modified with the gene encoding a Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) linked to a nominally constitutive promoter
T or F: Alterations can change an organism’s growth rate, metabolism, and response to external environmental factors
T or F: Non-GMOs can overpower the production of GMOs
False (could lead to the decrease of the population of organic species)
T or F: GMOs don’t pose a risk for exposure to new allergens and diseases
False (could affect the metabolism of animals and humans that eat certain crops)
T or F: GMOs bring ecological balance to the world
T or F: GMOs promote the spread of disease among plants and animals
T or F: Enhanced mating advantages of GM fish increased the viability of its offspring
False (reduced the viability)
T or F: If GM fish mate with non-GM fish, the offspring is usually of a strong variant
False (weak)
This is a huge issue surrounding pesticides and herbicides
T or F: Birds, bees, and butterflies can cross-pollinate the toxins found in GMO crops
T or F: Bees can transport herbicides, pesticides, and DNA through the air
T or F: The long-term effects of GMOs are certain
False (are not)
T or F: Small genetic changes may produce larger ecological shifts
T or F: Fewer weed flowers mean more nectar for pollinators
T or F: Toxins released into the soil mean more soil bacteria due to enhanced resistance
T or F: Nutrients are returned to the soil in mono crops and from GMO foods
False (are not returned)
T or F: A GMO’s DNA may end up in soil, compost, animal feed, byproducts, and other living organisms via food consumption
T or F: People who don’t support GMOs have more variety of choice in markets
False (less)
T or F: Products are labeled as to whether they are GMOs or not