Oxytocin and attachment Flashcards
Cacioppo and Bernston(1992)
Coined phrase social neuroscience
Bartels and Zeki (2004)
fMRI when looking at loved ones
Increase activation in specific regions when looking at partner and kids
Overlapping activation in brain reward centre
Also areas of high oxytocin and vasopressin
Young and Alexander (2012)
Mommy circuit- Pavlovian conditioning shows preference for own baby
Terken and Rosenblatt (1968)
Blood late stage of pregnancy injected into virgin
Induces maternal behaviour- oxytocin?
Van Leengoad (1987)
Oxytocin antagonist blocks maternal Behaviour in mew mum rats
Pederson (2006)
Removed oxytocin receptors in mice
Couldn’t lactate
Probs with maternal behaviour
Young (2004)
sex increases oxytocin which increases bond
Rilling and Young (2014)
Oxytocin promotes prosocial behaviour in rodents
Young (2001)
Prairie Voles show increase oxytocin leads to increase in pair bonding
Ross and Young (2009)
Remove oxytocin receptors in pup takes longer to find mum
Young and Wang (2004)
Partner preference blocked by D2 antagonist
Young (1999)
Male prairie have increased vasopressin
Vassopressin also stimulates partner preference
Lim (2004)
Vassopressin increases partner preference in Prairie voles
Kosfield (2005)
Oxytocin increases trust in humans
Gorka (2015)
Lower oxytocin= social phobia