Oxygenation Flashcards
…. is the passage of fluid through the circulatory system or lymphatic system to an organ or a tissue, usually referring to the delivery of blood to a capillary bed in tissue.
Occurs via diffusion movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood
Gas exchange
Gas Exchange
Inspiration & Expiration
Are collectively known as
Respiration occurs between
( ______ –> ______)
Alveolar —> Capillary
Gas Exchange
Perfusion is between these two parts of the body
(Capillary –> Tissues)
Organs of the Respitory Tract
Flash Game Review
Think about poor little Andy
Found in the medulla respond to these 2 chemical changes
Hydrogen ion (H+)
partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide (PaCO²)
Mechanical Receptors
Found in the conducting upper airways
Do these two things
Initiate cough reflex
Aid in control of respiration
Infant- short airways
Risk for
Is always the priority
Hypoxia is defined as
PO² <
80 mm Hg
Condition in which inadequate oxygen is available to the cells
Common signs
Decreased energy
Restlessness (Early)
Rapid, Shallow breathing
Sitting up to breath
Noninvasive Diagnositic Methods
SpO² (Pulse Oximetry)
Pulmonary Function Studies
Peak expiratory flow
Measures SaO²
95 - 99% normal
Treat if <92%
COPD 88%
Must know Hgb
Pulse Oximetry
Noninvasive Studies for Hypoxia that require an order
Chest X ray
Sputum for analysis
Peak expiratory flow rate
Over 80% of personal best means
All Good, no further action
50 - 70%
Less than 50%
50 - 70%
Take “green zone medications & inhaled bronchodilator, inhaled Anti-inflammatory.
After 20 - 60 minutes if not feeling better or peak flow is less than 70% of personal best, Get Immediate Help
Take Yellow Zone Meds, oral corticosteroids (prednisone)
Get Immediate Help
palpable or audible popping, crackling, grating, or crunching sensation that can occur when air is pushed through the soft tissue in the chest
Brief, discontinuous sounds heard during inspiration or expiration. They can be fine (high-pitched) or coarse (low-pitched), indicating conditions like pneu
Crackles (Rales)
Continuous, musical sounds heard mainly during expiration. Suggests narrowed airways, common in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Wheezes (Rhonici)
High-pitched, crowing sound often heard during inspiration, indicating upper airway obstruction, such as in croup.
Grating or rubbing sound heard during inspiration and expiration, indicating inflammation of the pleural surfaces, often seen in conditions like pleurisy.
Pleural friction rub
Decreased / absent lung sounds indicate….
Indicates reduced airflow and can be due to conditions like pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Normal lung sounds are referred to as ____ breath sounds.
Abnormal lung sounds fall into the category of ____ sounds, which include crackles (rales), wheezes (rhonchi), stridor, pleural friction rub, and decreased or absent
vesicular= normal
adventitious= abnormal
Rapid, Shallow breathing
Rapid heart rate
Sitting up to breathe
Nasal flaring
Use accessory muscles
Are all signs of
Peak flow meter use
Blow as hard as possible
How many time?
Which reading do you take
Invasive test
80-100 mm Hg (PO²)
35-45 mm Hg (PCO²)
Invasive test
Bronchopscopy HIGH RISK
Before and After TEACHINGS
Visualize structures & remove substances
NPO Before
NPO until gag reflex returns
Invasive test
CT scan
Iodine allergy
7.35- 7.45
bicarbonate HCO3
____ mEq/L
22 - 26
Thoracentesis is a procedure….
to remove fluid or air from around the lungs
A needle is put through the chest wall into the pleural space.
The pleural space is the thin gap between the pleura of the lung and of the inner chest wall
During thoracentesis if chest tube becomes dislodged
Cover with gauze and call physician
If Dr. Doesn’t arrive quick, Call Code
Proper breathing techniques
Deep breathing
Incentive spirometer
Pursed Lips breathing
Abdominal breathing
When would you use a Antitussive Cough syrup
Give examples
Suppression of cough
Dextromethorphan (Robitussin DM)
Post operative, Pain Management, Sleep Disturbance
To promote cough give this type of syrup
Guaifenesin (Robitussin)
Reinforce deep breathing
Promote cough
Max lung inflation
Reduce Atelectasis
Optial gas exchange
Incentive spirometer
Percuss lungs to loosen secretions
How long & Often
30 - 60 seconds
3x daily
How know patient isn’t tolerating suctioning
Respiratory Distress
Hypoxia/ cyanosis
Change in heart rate
In situations of acute respiratory distress, such as an asthma attack or exacerbation of COPD, ________ can help relieve symptoms and improve airflow.
Albuterol (Proventil)
Montelukast (Singulair)