Oxygen System (CSG) Flashcards
Oxygen System
Where is the oxygen bottle located on U-28A and Trainer aircraft?
Right side fuselage bay, forward of wing
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
In the U-28 Trainer, when a full oxygen supply is stored, it will supply two crew and
nine passengers for a minimum of ___ minutes, in which time a descent from
______ ft to ______ ft is performed.
10, 30,000, 10,000
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
(T/F) The U-28A has constant flow masks for the aft crew members that must be
connected to the bayonet outlets in the cabin sidewall.
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
Overpressure protection is provided by a relief valve in the form of a ___________
located in the fuselage skin above the service bay door. The disk ruptures at
________ psi.
rupture disc, 2775 +50/-0
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
How does the Oxygen Control Valve operate when set to AUTO?
Sensor automatically opens the valve to provide oxygen flow to the cabin when cabin altitude exceeds 13,500 +/-500 ft
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
The oxygen cylinder should be charged to _______ psi at _____ C; checked by the
crew on the walk-around inspection.
1850, 20
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
A pressure reducing valve, adjacent to the oxygen cylinder, reduces oxygen
pressure to a nominal ____ psi prior to entering the cabin.
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
(T/F) As long as the oxygen shutoff handle is turned ON, the pilots receive oxygen at
all times, regardless of the Oxygen Control Valve position.
AOH Vol 2, Section 24
Oxygen System
Use the QRH Oxygen Duration Tables to compute how many minutes of 100%
oxygen would be available to two pilots and 2 passengers in the U-28A Trainer
aircraft if the oxygen pressure gauge reads 1500 psi and the bottle temperature is 0
% useable capacity = 86%;
21 min x .86 = 18 minutes
AOH Vol 1, Chapter 3, Oxygen/ECS
Oxygen System
List the four steps required to check the pilot oxygen mask during the BEFORE
PRESS TO TEST…Depress, listen for flow;
AIRMIX/100% Lever…100%;
Microphone Operation…TEST
AOH Vol 1, Pilot Normal Operations