Oxygen Flashcards
How long does the PBE last for?
At least 20 minutes
How is PBE Oxygen initiated?
Oxygen flow starts automatically after donning the hood
What is the purpose of the PBE?
Protective Breathing Equipment providing positive Oxygen for protection against Smoke/Fumes
For EMERGENCY use only
What type of system is the Passenger Oxygen System?
Chemically Generated
How do you know that Oxygen is flowing to the drop-down masks?
Green in-line flown Indicator
How long does the Passenger Oxygen System Last?
12 minutes
Where are the Passenger Oxygen Masks Located?
In PSUs (Passenger Service Units) located:
Above all passenger seats (containing 2 or 3 masks)
Flight Attendant Stations
Galley Areas
How do you initiate Oxygen Flow to the drop-down masks?
Pulling 1 mask in the unit will initiate oxygen flow to all masks in that unit
What type of system is the Flight Crew Oxygen System?
High-pressure Gaseous
What does a CYAN pointer on the Oxygen Pressure Indication mean?
There is only enough oxygen for 2 Crew members in the Flight Deck (Jumpseat NOT available)
What will you see on the Oxygen Pressure Indication if there is not enough oxygen for 3 Crew members in the Flight Deck?
A Cyan Pointer
What does a GREEN pointer on the Oxygen Pressure Indication mean?
There is enough oxygen for 3 crew members in the Flight Deck (Full Occupancy)
What are the 3 settings on the Oxygen Supply Control Knob?
What type of Oxygen is supplied via the 3 Settings on the Oxygen Supply Control Knob?
EMER - Pure Oxygen under positive pressure
100% - Pure Oxygen
NORM - Oxygen/Air Mix (ratio depends on cabin altitude)
When should EMER oxygen supply be used?
To eliminate condensation or to purge smoke and toxic fumes from the mask
Why should you revert from EMER to 100% oxygen supply once the mask is clear of smoke, fumes or condensation?
The air pressure and flow make communication more difficult
How do you test the Full Face Quick Donning Masks?
Via a Spring-loaded Test/Reset Button
Where is Flight Crew Oxygen Stored?
In a rechargeable cylinder, located in the FWD Cargo Bay
What is the purpose of the Purge Valve on the Flight Crew Full Face Quick Donning Oxygen Masks?
It allows oxygen flow into the face seal, for the purpose of purging smoke and fumes
When is the Purge Valve on the Flight Crew Full Face Quick Donning Oxygen Masks automatically opened?
When the Oxygen Supply Control Knob is rotated to EMER
How do you know that Oxygen is Flowing to the Flight Crew Oxygen Masks?
Bright Yellow Star is Visible when Oxygen is Flowing
When is oxygen Flow initiated to the Flight Crew masks?
When the stowage Box doors are opened
When will oxygen stop flowing to the Flight Crew Masks?
When The Stowage box doors are closed
What will you see when the Test/Reset Button is pressed next to the Flight Crew Masks?
Yellow Star Momentarily Blinks
Oxygen can be heard
Regulator should be set to 100%
What can you use to open the PSU’s if they fail to open automatically?
At What Cabin Altitude to the Passenger Oxygen Masks Automatically Deploy?
What else happens when the Passenger Oxygen Masks are deployed?
Fasten Seatbelt Signs turn ON, No smoking Lights Turn ON
How is the pressure of the Flight Crew Oxygen Cylinder Checked?
Green Disk on the fuselage
- The disk blows out in the event of Overpressure
How much Oxygen does the Flight Crew Oxygen System provide?
22 mins on 100% for an Emergency Descent from 41,000ft - 10,000ft
98 mins on NORMAL for Cruise at 10,000ft (allowing for 60 minute diversion)
What is the minimum pressure of the Portable Oxygen Bottles?
What are the 2 Flow Rates for the Portable Oxygen Cylinders?