Ovine Flashcards
Immature ovine is
Mature ovine is
How big do the ovine have to be before shipping
- Lambs finished on same farm
before shipping - 80 lbs = ethnic market
- 135 lbs = conventional market
- Artificial lighting and hormones to
have three lamb crops a year
Wool on lambs
- Warm, durable, waterproof
- Yarn, clothing
- Carpet, furniture filler
- Fleece = one sheep
- Clip = many sheep
- Breeds specific for wool
Dairy production for ovine
- Richer in fat and protein than goat or
cow milk - Ideal for cheese
- A milking “season”
- Do not cycle year round like cattle
- Lambs weaned shortly after birth or
left with ewe - Milk frozen for later use
General behaviour of ovine
- Strong flocking instincts
- Flight and freeze rather than fight
- NEVER house in isolation
- In sight of others
- Pictures of sheep
- Mirror
- Ewes and rams can be aggressive
Ideal environment for sheep
Tolerant of many climates
Shelter and feed in winter
Shorn and shade in summer
Pregnancy toxemia in sheep
Energy dense feed in late term pregnancy
Copper in ovine
Copper sensitive
Do NOT allow access to cattle salt/mineral licks
Liver will absorb as much copper as possible and then show neurological signs and die
Water and ovine
Water most important nutrient
Monitor surface water (sulphate, algae blooms)
Never snow alone
Transportation laws for ovine
Established by CFIA
Same regulations as cattle
36 hours without feed and water
Unload 8 hours with access to feed and water
What type of day breeders are sheep
Naturally fecund (highly fertile)
Selected for reproduction
Short day breeders
Come into estrus in fall
Traits of reproductive sheep
Easy lambers
Maternal instinct
Multiple conception
Sperm quality
Rams need to be what before breeding
Proven Pedigree, sound limbs and feet, twin, libido, semen quality
Breeding soundness exam
Libido influenced by season
Secondary characteristics of rams
Well developed musculature, thick neck, enlarged head, deep vocalization
Fibroelastic penis
Do NOT allow imprinting of ram lambs
Estrous in ewes last
17 days
Estrus in ewes last
30 hours
Do not demonstrate “heat”
Only a ram can detect estrus in a ewe
“Gomer” rams
What type of breeders are ovine
Short duration breeders
After courtship, ram mounts ew, obtains erection just prior to intomission, ejaculates into vagina
Will breed many times in a day
Natural breeding in ewes
Ram: ewe ratio= 1:50 in 35 days
AI in ewes
Common in purebred herds
Access to superior genetics
Rams easily trained to mount dummy
Ewes estrus synced with hormones and light deprivation
Estrus detected by gomer rams
Intracervical of laparoscopic insemination
Average gestation of a lamb
147 days
What type of placenta and maternal antibodies do sheep have
Cotyledonary placentation
Minimal transfer of maternal antibodies to fetus
Twin conception desirable
Freemartin effect uncommon
Parturition in ewe
Similar progression of stages as cattle
Dystocia relatively common
“Ring womb” - incompletely dilated cervix
Issues during the neonate period of lambs
Ewe does not bond with lamb
Lambing jugs
Monitor for hungry lambs
Lambs must consume adequate colostrum
5% bodyweight first 6 hours of life
8 ounces for averaged sized lamb
20% of lambs die in first two weeks without intervention