Breeds Flashcards
• Holstein: Large and framey but do not have the same musculature as beef cattle. Black and white or can sometimes be red and white with a piebald pattern. Bred for high milk production.
• Simmental: In Western Canada, most Simmentals are red, but body color can vary from red to a gold color. Some can be black. There may be white on the face (often not completely covering the skull and jaws). There may be variable amounts of white anywhere on the body or legs. Simmentals are dual purpose – that is they are also used for dairy in some parts of the world. A large sized beef breed.
• Charolais: solid colored creamy white to light tan. A large sized beef breed.
• Hereford: The body is dark red or red-yellow in color. The skin covering the jaws and skull is always white, but some newer variants have red around
their eyes (“goggles”). There is white running the entire ventral surface from nose to udder. There may be white on the flanks and below the tarsus and carpus. A white line running the dorsal edge of the neck is seen in some cattle. They are small to moderate in size beef breed.
In Western Canada, most solid black cattle are Black Angus, and most solid red cattle are Red Angus. There are a small sized breed and the most common beef breed in Western Canada.
Quarter horse
• Quarter Horse: typically short, compact and stocky breed used for working with cattle, but some show types can be fairly tall and refined. Can be any solid colour.
Paint horse
• Paint: Similar to a Quarter Horse, but with tobiano or ovaro (pinto) white markings
• Thoroughbred: relatively tall and well-refined. Tradigionally bred for flat racing but does well in many disciplines. Usually black, bay, chestnut, or grey with minimal white markings.
• Arabian: small and fine-boned with a dished face. Multi-disciplinary. Usually black, bay, chestnut, or grey.
• Belgian: Tall, stocky draft breed traditionally used for pulling farm implements. Always chestnut with flaxen mane and tail and minimal white markings.
• Clydesdale: Very tall draft breed but not as tall as other drafts. Traditionally used for pulling farm implements. Always bay with large white markings extending on the face and distal limbs and marked feathering on limbs
Suffolk: Large breed polled sheep with wool-free black face and legs with large ears that point out from the side of the head or slightly droop. Used primarily for meat.
Rideau Arcott
• Rideau Arcott: Bred in Canada (Agriculture Canada’s Animal Research Centre in Ottawa). Highly fertile often giving birth to multiples with strong maternal instincts. Large breed polled sheep, white in colour, and wool-free face. Ears are average sized and point out from the side of the head. Bred primarily for meat
• Texel: Heavily muscled, large sized polled sheep with wool-free face, white in colour. Ears are small and point out from the side of the head. Has a characteristic short wide face and black nose.
• Merino: Medium sized white sheep with wool on its face, usually horned. Ears are small and point out from the side of the head. Has a very fine fleece use for wool production for garments.
Valais blacknose
• Valais Blacknose: Small sized horned sheep with white wool and black face. The face is wooled and the fleece tends to form ringlets. Used for multipurpose.
• Dorper: White haired sheep often with a black head and neck. Does not need to be sheared. Is parasite resistant and does well in drought conditions