Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.632-657 Flashcards
arboreus –a –um
pertaining to trees, branching
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
pascor –ī
to feed, nourish
grāmen –inis n.
grass, plant, herb
incubō incubāre incubuī incubitus
to lie
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis
unfortunate, unhappy
līmōsus –a –um
full of mud; miry
pōtō pōtāre pōtāvī pōtus
to drink
volō velle voluī
to wish
tendō tendere tetendī tentum
to stretch
cōnor cōnārī cōnātus sum
to try, attempt
mūgītus –ūs m.
lowing; bellowing
ēdō ēdere ēdidī ēditus
to emit, bring forth
proprius –a –um
one’s own
exterreō –ēre –uī –itus
to frighten; alarm
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
to play; play with
soleō solēre solitus sum
to be accustomed
Īnachis –idis (–ioctis) f.
Inachian; a female descendent of Inachus
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
to catch sight of, behold
pertimēscō pertimēscere pertimuī
to be very afraid
externō –āre –āvī –ātum
to drive out of one’s wits, madden, panic
Nāias –adis or Nāis –idis f.
a water–nymph, Naiad
īgnōrō īgnōrāre īgnōrāvī īgnōrātus
to not know; ignore
Īnachus –ī m.
soror sorōris f.
patior patī passus sum
to permit, endure
admīror admirārī admirātus sum
to admire, wonder
offerō offerre obtulī oblātus
to offer, present
dēcerpō –ere –sī –tus
to pluck off; crop
senex senis
old, aged
lambō –ere –ī –itus
to lick
palma palmae f.
hand, palm
retineō retinēre retinuī retentus
to hold back
cāsus cāsūs m.
fall, chance
littera litterae f.
letter (of the alphabet)
pulvis pulveris m.
indicium indici(ī) n.
information, evidence
trīstis trīste
exclāmō exclāmāre exclāmāvī exclāmātus
to exclaim
gemō gemere gemuī
to groan, sigh
niveus –a –um
iuvencus –a –um
ingeminō ingemināre ingemināvī ingeminātus
to repeat
(added to the first word of a question)
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
to seek
inveniō invenīre invēnī inventus
to find, discover
reticeō –cēre –cuī
to refrain from speaking, keep silent
mūtuus –a –um
altus –a –um
tall, high; deep
suspīrium –ī n.
a deep breath, sigh
remūgiō –īre
to bellow again or loudly; resound