Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.466-480 Flashcards
ēlīdō –ere –līsī –līsus
to crush, kill, dash forth
percutiō percutere percussī percussum
to strike, kill
impiger –gra –grum
not sluggish, not inactive
umbrōsus –a –um
shady, dark
Parnāsus –ī m.
Mt. Parnassus
cōnstō cōnstāre cōnstitī cōnstātus
to agree, remain unchanged, stand firm
arx arcis f.
summit, citadel
sagittifer sagittifera sagittiferum
prōmō –ere –prōmpsī –prōmptus
to take
duō duae duo
tēlum tēlī n.
spear; missile weapon
pharetra, ae, f.
dīversus –a –um (or dīvorsus)
different, diverse
opus operis n.
work; need; effect
fugō fugāre fugāvī fugātus
to put to flight
faciō facere fēcī factus
to do, make
aurō aurāre
to gild
cuspis –idis f.
sharp point, spear
fulgeō fulgēre fulsī
to shine
acūtus –a –um
sharp, piercing
obtundō obtundere obtudī obtū(n)sum
to blunt, weaken
harundō –inis f.
reed, stick
plumbum plumbī n.
Pēnēis, idos, f. or adj.
daughter of Peneus, descended from Peneus
at or ast
Apollineus –a –um
of or belonging to Apollo
trāiciō –icere –iēcī –iectum
to transport, pierce, cross over
medulla medullae f.
marrow; middle
prōtinus or prōtenus
at once
alter altera alterum
other of two
amō amāre amāvī amātus
to love
silva silvae f.
captīvus –a –um
exuviae –ārum f.
armor stripped from a defeated enemy, spoils
gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum
to be glad
innūptus –a –um
not veiled
aemulus –a –um
striving to equal
vitta vittae f.
coerceō coercēre coercuī coercitus
to enclose, control
āversor āversārī
to turn from
impatiēns –entis
impatient (+gen.), unable to tolerate
expers expertis
nemus nemoris n.
grove, forest
āvius –a –um
lūstrō lūstrāre lūstrāvī lūstrātus
to purify by atonement; survey, review; traverse
Hymēn Hymenis m.
Hymen, god of marriage
cūrō cūrāre cūrāvī cūrātus
to care for