Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.497-511 Flashcards
inōrnātus –a –um
plain, unadorned
collum collī n.
cōmō comere cōmpsī cōmptus
to arrange, adorn
ignis ignis m.
micō micāre micuī
to move quickly to and fro, vibrate; flash, shine
sīdus sīderis n.
oculus oculī m.
osculum, ī, n.
a kiss; the lips, mouth
laudō laudāre laudāvī laudātus
to praise
digitus digitī m.
nūdus –a –um
nude, bare
multus –a –um
much, many
quis quid (after sī nisī ne or num)
anyone/thing, someone/thing
lateō latēre latuī
to lie hidden, be hidden
bonus –a –um
fugiō fugere fūgī fugitus
to flee, escape
ōcior, ōcius
swifter, swift
putō putāre putāvī putātus
to think
levis –e
light, trivial
revocō revocāre revocāvī revocātus
to call back
resistō resistere restitī
to stand still, oppose
nympha –ae (nymphē –ēs) f.
bride; nymph
precor precārī precātus sum
to beg, pray
agna agnae f.
lupus lupī m.
cerva –ae f.
leō leōnis m.
aquila aquilae f.
penna pennae f.
wing, feather
trepidō trepidāre trepidāvī trepidātus
to be agitated
columba –ae f.
pigeon, dove
quisque quidque/quīcque
each, every
egō meī mihi mē mē
I, me
sequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow, come next
miser misera miserum
wretched, pitiable
not; in order that…not; that…not; that
prōnus –a –um
leaning forward, on the face; sloping, easy
cadō cadere cecidī cāsum
to fall
indīgnus –a –um
unworthy (of)
crūs –ūris n.
shin, leg
notō notāre notāvī notātus
to mark, sign, censure
sentis –is m./f.
causa causae f.
cause, reason, lawsuit
dolor dolōris m.
pain, grief
asper –a –um
properō properāre properāvī properātus
to hasten
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region
moderātus –a –um
limited, bounded, moderated
orō orāre orāvī orātus
to pray, plead
currō currere cucurrī cursus
to run
inhibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold back
īnsequor īnsequī īnsecūtus sum
to follow after, pursue