Overview of Regulatory Agencies Flashcards
What are the 4 roles of the CDC?
- Investigates food borne illness outbreaks
- Maintains a nationwide system of food borne illness disease monitoring
- Develops and advocates public health policies
- Conducts research to help prevent food borne illnesses
What does FSIS stand for?
USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
What does FSIS oversee?
-Domestic & Imported meat and poultry products such as stews, pizzas, and frozen foods
-Processed egg products (generally liquid, frozen, dried, pasteurized egg products)
List at least 3 Food safety roles of the FDA
-Collects and analyzes samples: physical, chemical, and microbial contamination
-inspects food production establishments and food warehouses
-Reviews safety of food and color additives
What does EPA stand for?
Environmental Protection Agency
What does EPA oversee?
- Drinking water
- Pesticide safety
List the 3 roles of the EPA
-Establishes safe drinking water standards
-Regulates toxic substances and wastes to prevent their entry into the environment and food chain
-Determines safety of new pesticides
List at least 3 roles of FSIS
-Inspecting meat and poultry slaughter and processing plants
-Collecting and analyzing samples of food products
-Educating industry and consumers on safe food handling practices
What does the US Custom service oversee?
Imported foods
What if the food safety role of the US custom service ?
Works with federal regulatory agencies to ensure that all goods entering and exiting the US do so according to US laws and regulations
What are the 2 food safety roles of the US Department of Justice
-Prosecutes companies and individuals suspected of violating food safety laws
-Through US Marshal Service, seize unsafe food products not yet in the marketplace, as ordered by courts
What is the role of the Federal Trade Commission?
Enforces a variety of laws that protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices, including deceptive advertising
What does the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau oversee?
Oversees alcohol beverages except wine beverages containing less than 7% alcohol
What are the two food safety roles of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau?
- enforces food safety laws governing alcoholic beverages
- investigates adulteration alcohol products, sometimes with help from the FDA
What does the National Marine Fisheries Service oversee?
Oversees fish and seafood products (through a voluntary fee-for-service system)