FSMA-2011 Flashcards
Main themes of legislation
-enhanced partnerships
-inspection, compliance, and response
-import safety
Enhanced partnerships: Vital to success
-reliance on inspections
-state/local and international capacity building
-improve foodborne illness surveillance
-National agriculture and food defense strategy
-Consortium of laboratory networks
-Easier to find recall information
7 Examples of compliance with prevention standards
-environmental controls and monitoring
-food allergen controls
-recall contingency plan
-Supplier verification activities
Prevention standards mandates (two sections)
Sec. 105. standards for produce safety
-established science-based, minimum standards
-applies to raw agriculture commodities
Sec. 103. Hazard Analysis and risk-based preventive controls
Requires food and animal food facilities to:
- evaluate hazards that could affect food safety
-identify & implement preventive controls to prevent hazards
-monitor controls & maintain monitoring records
-conduct verification activities
General approach to preventive controls
- identify hazard (biological, chemical, physical)
- Understand cause
- Implement preventive controls
- monitor effectiveness
- review & adjust
Intentional contamination (3 sections)
Sec. 106. Protection against intentional adulteration
-Issue final rule and guidance to protect against intentional adulteration
-conduct vulnerability assessments
Sec. 108. Prepare a national agriculture and food defense strategy with USDA, and DHS
Sec. 111. Sanitary Transportation of food
-addresses implementation of the sanitary food transportation act of 2005, which requires persons engaged in food transportation to use sanitary practices
-to ensure that food is not transported under conditions that may render it adulterated