Overview of Lymphoid Neoplasms/Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin Flashcards
____ is a T-cell marker that highlights abundant T-cells in the paracortex and scatter T-cells in the germinal center.
What is MCL?
B-cell neoplasm of small to medium-sized lymphocytes
What is MGUS?
monoclonal Ig in the serum or urine in pt w/o evidence of plasma cell neoplasms
In FL, the B cells will express _____, _____, _____, ____, and _____.
CD19, CD20, BCL2, CD10, BCL6
The ______ pattern is seen in BL.
What is solitary plasmacytoma of bone?
localized tumor of bone, composed of clonal plasma cells similar to those in plasma cell myeloma
What is BCL2?
an oncogene that induces follicular lymphoid hyperplasia
B-cells in MCL typically express ____, ____, and ____ but do not express ____.
CD19, CD20, CD5; CD23
What is Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
4 types of germinal center B-cell neoplasms; Reed-Sternberg cells are diagnostic
The ____ deletion is the most common genetic alteration in CLL and has a favorable prognosis.
Translocations of the _____ on chromosome 8 at band 8q24 are a constant feature of Burkitt’s Lymphoma.
MYC oncogene
What is Burkitt’s Lymphoma?
highly aggressive B-cell lymphoma, presenting as extranodal sites or a leukemic form
MCL is characterized by the _____ gene rearrangement at _____, leading to a constant overexpression of cyclin D1.
BCL1; 11q13
CLL will have B-cells positive for ____, ____, and ____.
CD5, CD23, CD19
What does NSHL stand for?
nodular sclerosis CHL
What are the most frequent s/s of plasma cell neoplasms?
bone pain the back or extremities, weakness, tiredness, anemia
What does NLPHL stand for?
nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
What are the 4 subtypes of Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (CHLs)?
- nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 2. lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3. mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 4. lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
What is cyclin D1?
it’s important in tumor development
Endemic BL can affect the ____ and _____ bones, and the _____, ____, and _____.
jaw; other facial; distal ileum, cecum, omentum
What is a Reed-Sternberg cell?
large, up to 100microm, multiple or lobated nuclei; ample cytoplasm
Efferent means ____.
What is a plasma cell myeloma?
bone marrow based, multifocal plasma cell neoplasm that shows M protein in serum or urine
What are the diagnostic criteria of MGUS?
M component less than myeloma levels; marrow plasmacytosis
Tumor cells in HL express ____ and ____ but lack ____.
CD30, CD15; CD45
What does FL stand for?
follicular lymphoma
Where do 75% of all extraosseous plasmacytomas appear?
upper respiratory tract, including nasal passages, sinuses, oropharynx, and larynx
What is found in the 2a lymphoid follicle’s mantle zone?
small cells that surround the germinal center
What is the average age of diagnosis of MCL?
Most plasma cell neoplasms originate as ____, but can occasionally present as ____.
bone marrow tumors; extramedullary sites
Most cases of FL have translocations of _____, which places BCL2 under the influence of the IGH promotor.
BL is endemic in the malarial belt of Africa, where the average age is _____ and involves the jaw or abdomen.
What are the Igs found in plasma cell neoplasms?
IgM (55%), IgA (20%)
____ is a B-cell marker that highlights mantle zone and germinal center B-cells.
What do the lymph node sinuses contain?
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes- usually patent
Translocations of the MYC oncogene on chromosome 8 at band ____ are a constant feature of Burkitt’s Lymphoma.
_____ is highly aggressive but is potentially curable with aggressive therapy.
What is FL?
lymphoma of germinal center B cells (centrocytes and centroblasts)
What cells are in the dark zone of the germinal center of a lymph node?
In ____, the malignant cells usually represent a small minority and contain Reed-Sternberg cells among inflammation.
Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (CHL)
What is the most frequent type of CHL?
nodular sclerosis CHL (NSHL)
Most cases of BL have the _____ translocation, which juxtaposes the MYC gene.
What is the lymph node cortex?
where the follicles and paracortex are
Translocations of the MYC oncogene on chromosome 8 at band 8q24 are a constant feature of ____.
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
In BL, the B-cells express ____ and ____ but are negative for ____, _____, _____, and ____.
CD19, CD20; BCL2, CD5, CD23, TdT
What is the least frequent subtype of CHL?
lymphocyte depleted CHL
What are the diagnostic criteria of solitary plasmacytoma of bone?
single bone lesions consisting of monoclonal plasma cells; absent of low serum or urine M protein
Afferent means ____.
What cells are found in the lymph node medulla?
lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, dendritic cells
What is extraosseous plasmacytoma?
localized plasma cell tumors that arise outside of the bone marrow
Translocations of the MYC oncogene on _____ at band 8q24 are a constant feature of Burkitt’s Lymphoma.
chromosome 8
Where does NSHL frequently present?
above the diaphragm
What is the lymph node capsule?
thin, fibrous outer covering
What does MGUS stand for?
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance
CD3 is a _____ marker that highlights abundant ____ in the paracortex and scatter ____ in the germinal center.
T-cell x3
CD20 is a ____ marker that highlights mantle zone and germinal center ____.
B-cell; B-cells
What is a plasma cell neoplasm?
clonal proliferation of immunoglobulin-producing plasma cells that secrete a single class of Ig, which is usually detectable as an M protein
What does MCL stand for?
mantle cell lymphoma
In contrast to other _____ that are usually indolent, MCL is moderately aggressive.
B-cell lymphomas
What does BL stand for?
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
_____ is an indolent malignancy with popcorn or lymphocyte-predominant cells and reactive lymphocytes and histiocytes.
nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NLPHL)
What are the 2 main subtypes of Hodgkin Lymphoma?
- nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NLPHL) 2. Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (CHL)
What cells reside in the lymph node paracortex?
What cells are in the light zone of the germinal center of a lymph node?
mixed centrocytes, T-cells, dendritic cells, and histiocytes
In contrast to other B-cell lymphomas that are usually indolent, ____ is moderately aggressive.