Deficiency of Adaptive Immunity (Immune Deficiencies) Flashcards
What is the incidence rate of X-linked (Bruton) Agammaglobulinemia?
Which cell induces class switching in the B cell?
Name 2 advanced tests for phagocyte presence/function.
- assays for phagocytosis, chemotaxis 2. genetics
What is a secondary immunodeficiency?
a process outside of the immune system has caused the problem
What enzyme to SCID pts lack?
adenosine deaminase (ADA)
What is the syndrome called where pts have high IgM with low IgG and IgA?
X-linked hyperIgM syndrome
People with CVID are at increased risk for ____, ____, and ____.
lymphoma, enteropathy, autoimmunity
T-cell deficiencies are assoc. with intracellular pathogens, especially _____ and _____.
Candida albicans; Pnemocystis jirovecii
What is the defect in X-linked hyperIgM syndrome?
IgM-to-IgG switch mechanism
___ deficiencies are assoc. with high grade bacterial infections, such as Staph. aureus, H. influenzae, and Strep. pneumoniae.
What is the syndrome where the thymus develops abnormally, resulting in absent T cells and normal B cells?
DiGeorge Syndrome
Name 2 initial tests for phagocyte presence/function.
- WBC count, diff, morph 2. NBT test, oxidative burst
B-cell deficiencies are assoc. with ____, such as Staph. aureus, H. influenzae, and Strep. pneumoniae.
high grade bacterial infections
How is AT inherited?
auto recessive
How is Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome inherited?
What role does adenosine play in cellular development?
it accumulates in all cells, but impairs lymphocyte development in most severe
What is the cause of DiGeorge Syndrome?
large (45 gene) deletion on chromosome 22
What is the most common disease of immunodeficiency, and what is the incidence rate?
Selective IgA deficiency; 1/500
Name 4 initial tests for B cell presence/function.
- serum protein electrophoresis 2. quantitative IgG, A, M levels 3. specific Abs to prior immunizations 4. ABO isohemagglutinins
What is the life span of a pt with SCID?
1 year
Name 2 advanced tests for T cell presence/function.
- CD3, CD4, CD8 counts 2. mitogen responses, MLR, cytokine measurements
Name an advanced test for complement presence/function.
- individual complement component levels
AT patients have a very high rate of tumors because of?
defective DNA repair
What ligand does the Tfh cell interact with on the B cell?
What is the most common form of SCID in Navajo children and what is the incidence rate?
defect in V(D)J recombination; 50/100,000
What are the s/s/findings in SCID?
lymphopenia of both T and B cells; absent thymic shadows; small tonsils; serum immunoglobulins are low
Primary immunodeficiencies affect ____ cells.
T or B, or both,
What is common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)?
B cells are difficult to trigger specific antibody; serum IgG low
What is telangiectasia?
dilated abnormal blood vessels
What is Transient Hypogammaglobinemia of Infancy?
slow IgG build up in affected children
Name 3 immunosuppressive viral illnesses.
- measles 2. mono 3. cytomegalovirus (CMV)
What illnesses are seen in Bruton disease pts?
pneumonia, chronic diarrhea, enteroviruses (polio)
What is the main phenotype in CVID?
recurrent bacterial infections
What is the cause of AT?
IgA depressed; defective DNA repair; T and B cell deficiency
Name 2 initial tests for T cell presence/function.
- skin test with recall Ag panel 2. total lymphocyte count
How does SCID occur?
block in the development of the lymphoid stem cell or its maturation
T-cell deficiencies are assoc. with ____, especially Candida albicans and Pnemocystis jirovecii.
intracellular pathogens
What is the incidence rate of DiGeorge Syndrome?
The stroma of the thymus comes from the ______.
endoderm and ectoderm of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches
What is a primary immunodeficiency?
disease w/ a genetic cause
How is SCID inherited?
X-linked in 50% of SCID-X1; auto recessive in the rest
Who gets Selective IgA deficiency?
it’s familial; 10-15x more common in people with Celiac’s Disease
What are the treatments of immunodeficiency?
- isolation 2. prophylactic antibiotics 3. human immunoglobulin 4. transplantation
What does SCID stand for?
severe combined immunodeficiency disease
In CVID, serum IgG is low, at ____ or less.
What are the blood and marrow findings in X-linked (Bruton) Agammaglobulinemia?
pre-B cells in the bone marrow but no B cells or antibody
What is the treatment for CVID?
____ deficiencies are assoc. with intracellular pathogens, especially Candida albicans and Pnemocystis jirovecii.
The lymphoid part of the thymus comes from ____.
precursors in the bone marrow
What is the defect in X-linked (Bruton) Agammaglobulinemia?
btk gene, a protein tyrosine kinase, is defective
Why is DiGeorge related to calcium deficient convulsions?
parathyroid glands also derive from the pharyngeal pouches
When does Transient Hypogammaglobinemia of Infancy present, and how long does it last?
6 mos old; lasts 18 mos
B-cell deficiencies are assoc. with high grade bacterial infections, such as ____, _____, and _____.
Staph. aureus; H. influenzae; Strep. pneumoniae
Name 2 advanced tests for B cell presence/function.
- Ab responses to novel Ags 2. sequencing of suspect genes
What are the s/s of Selective IgA deficiency?
usually asymptomatic, but can have diarrhea, sinopulmonary infections, or increased freq and severity of allergies
What is DiGeorge Syndrome?
the thymus develops abnormally, resulting in absent T cells and normal B cells
What is the defect in SCID-X1?
defective gene for gamma chain that forms part of the receptors for IL-2
What is Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome?
platelet and B cell deficiency, eczema, and bacterial infections
What is ataxia?
How do kids with Transient Hypogammaglobinemia of Infancy present?
recurrent and persistent gram-positive bacterial infections; chronic diarrhea
What is the most serious condition involving 2a immunodeficiency?
The _____ of the thymus comes from precursors in the bone marrow.
lymphoid part
If there are normal T cells but low to absent B cells, there must be a devel. block between the ____ and the ____.
pre-B cell; B cell
Name 2 initial tests for complement presence/function.
- CH50 2. assay for C1inh
What is AT?
sinus infections, pneumonia, ataxia, and telangiectasia
How does DiGeorge Syndrome affect the heart?
abnormal development of the great vessels
The ____ of the thymus comes from the endoderm and ectoderm of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches.