Overview of Labor Relations in the United States Part 2 Flashcards
When a local union wants to go on strike, they need the support of the national union. This support will be given, but ________ is necessary to benefit from this action.
The ________ and local unions interact frequently. The national union works on collective bargaining, strike activities, and financial and grievance administration with the local unions. This not only provides support for the local unions but it also ensures the national union can keep track of the local unions’ activities.
Members are required to pay _____
to the national union. These dues may vary considerably among the local unions
Money collected from union dues makes up a large percent of the national union’s revenue. Dues vary amongst unions, and while some national unions may require all local unions to have a single rate, many unions allow the local unions to set their own rate. Dues are normally _________ from each member’s pay check by the employer and sent to the union directly.
Most of the funds made from dues paid to national unions goes towards the _______ fund that pays for administrative and operational costs, and salaries.
While the majority of the funds go to the general fund, other accounts that receive funding include a _______ fund, a convention fund, a retirement members fund, and funds for union publications and education activities.
Sometimes national unions will form a merger in which two unions decided to join together and form one union. This may be due to rising costs associated with running the union, or the desire for more __________ power.
A _______ is when two unions merge together to form a single union. Other contributing factors for a merger include expensive legislative costs, to avoid external control, or to preserve the union.
An ___________ union is a union of smaller unions or of related crafts or occupations.
An amalgamated union is formed by ________
two or more unions.
Many issues face the unions involved in a merger. Merging requires taking into account the local unions, employers, collective bargaining relationships, and the employees. Problems may arise when one union loses its ________, or sense of independence.
Mergers may also involve anger between members from each union, particularly when a merger occurs between two previously rival unions.
Merger unions are advantaged as they have more power with larger industrial groups, and can _________ with these groups on an equal status.
In addition to having more power and sharing equal status with larger industrial groups, merged unions can produce more __________, which can improve their services and functioning, making them a better union.
Intermediate organizational units, such as ________ and district offices, lie between the national and local union group levels.
While intermediate organizational units greatly influence the unions and employers in the area in which they function, the units tend to run under the guidance of a _________ union.
Trade __________ are one form of intermediate organization unit set up within national unions. These conferences are used to represent various industrial groups, which can meet to discuss shared issues.
Unions can establish trade conferences within their organization in order for specific __________ to meet and discuss common issues and interests.
When local unions with common goals, employers, or interests get together for discussions, they form _____ councils.
Local unions may use joint councils to negotiate with common employers, to coordinate their activities, or to solve jurisdictional _________ between unions.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) does not contain all U.S. _____ unions, but does consist of a number of national and international unions.
There are numerous unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO from the local up to the international level.
The AFL-CIO represents members from a large _______ of occupations ranging from actors to police.
These members have contact with one of the many AFL-CIO affiliates who deal with the issues and request of its members.
The AFL-CIO administers thousands of labor agreements that it negotiates with members. These are generally agreed upon without protest action such as _______.
The labor agreements formed by the AFL-CIO, in cooperation with its members, form the basic ___________ upon which numerous members are employed.
The AFL-CIO plays a major role as a ____________ for organized labor both before the U.S. government, as well as in regards to world affairs.
The AFL-CIO maintains contact between American labor unions and labor unions elsewhere in the free world. Therefore, the AFL-CIO plays a large role in ______________ U.S. labor in world affairs.
Every two years, the AFL-CIO holds a convention, which it uses to decide on policies, programs, and ______ AFL-CIO activities.
Conventions may also be held in times of need, when particular issues need to be addressed, but in general, they are a biennial event.
In addition to conventions, the ________ Council of the AFL-CIO meets throughout the year to deal with operational duties. These include union corruption, judicial appeals from member unions, and legislative matters.
The council meets at least three times a year. This council consists of a president, secretary treasurer, and thirty-three vice-presidents. The council is chosen by a majority vote during a convention.
State central bodies have been established by the AFL-CIO. These bodies promote the interests of labor throughout the states via lobbying, ________, or organized activities.
Local central bodies have also been established. These bodies operate on a local level and are responsible for civic and community matters.
Non-union employers sometimes go to great lengths to maintain their non-union status. While this desire is driven by anti-union beliefs for some employers, others believe that the programs and policies already
in place make unionization _________.
Some ___________ are strongly against the idea of a union being incorporated into their company simply because they disagree with the ideas and concepts of a union. They are anti-union and in some cases, may go to great lengths to avoid unionization.
One approach used by employers to __________ union organization is to make union membership less attractive by voluntarily providing some or all of the good labor conditions unions gain for their members.
For example, employers often implement new management philosophies and new forms of work organizations to promote collaboration and harmony between management and their workers. Encouragement is used to motivate workers, and the effort is to create company loyalties, rather than class loyalties. Fostering direct face-to-face relationships between workers and their employers results in eliminating the “us/them” mentality in which union organization tends to thrive.
Unions are able to enroll and retain members much more easily when there is a ________ clause in the labor agreement. This helps prevent other unions from pilfering members, and also increases the financial strength of the union.
Unions have a number of security provisions that help protect them from losing members, and may also help increase the funding they receive. Union security ___________ a union, which can have a positive effect on their associates such as employers and employees.
Depending on whether an employer wishes to keep or terminate a union-management ____________ influences whether the employer would rather be associated with a weak or strong union.
Employers looking to terminate a union-management relationship would be happier with a weak union that they could easily break ties with. However, an employer wishing to keep a union management relationship would become frustrated dealing with a weak union.
Only union members can be hired for a job in a ______ shop.
A closed shop permits only employees who are previous members, or willing to become members of a union, to be hired for a job. Closed shops were declared ________ in 1947.
Employers can find qualified employees through a union hiring hall. ____________ trades generally use this method, and employees are typically employed on a short-term project.
Union hiring halls supply qualified employees to employers when they have a sufficient number of candidates. However, it is not only union members who are involved in the hiring hall process; unions are by law required to not ___________ between union and non-union members when supplying applicants to employers.
A union shop provision requires an employee to eventually apply for union membership following a ____________ period with their employer. Therefore, employees are not required to be union members prior to employment.
Although under a union shop provision employees are required to apply for union membership following their probationary period, failure to obtain union membership does not automatically make them open to discharge. For example, if an employee applies for a union membership but is rejected by the union, they cannot be discharged for not belonging to a union.
An agency shop provision requires non-union employees to pay dues equal to union membership dues, but they are not required to ______ to the union.
Under an ______ shop provision, non-union employees are required to pay a sum equal to membership dues, but they are not required to participate in union activities such as strikes.
A ___________ of membership provision requires employees who join a union to remain members for a specified duration. However, employees are not required to be union members in order to be employed.
Employees who become union members are required to remain so for a specified time, unless they leave the union during an escape period (usually 2 weeks).
A dues checkoff provision is a security measure used by unions that organizes for union dues to be taken ___________ out of members’ payroll checks.
A dues checkoff provision is an important security provision for a union as it provides a consistent __________ for the union. This provision can be used in conjunction with any of the other provisions, but can also stand alone.
cash flow
The _________________ aims to protect the rights of employees regarding whether or not they want to join a union.
National Right to Work Committee
The National Right to Work Committee was set up to __________ union security measures that required employees to join unions regardless of their preferences. Although the committee aims to take a neutral stance on unions, allegations have been made against the committee, which suggest that it has become anti-union.
One of the arguments of supporters of the right to work laws is that the right to work _________ establishes the right for an employee to work regardless of whether they have union membership or not.
There is both support for, and opposition to right to work laws and their effectiveness. Supporters tend to advance the viewpoint that employees should not be forced to join unions in order to be employed.
Companies wanting to avoid becoming unionized make attempts to avoid unions infiltrating their companies through various methods. One way is to offer ______________ present in other companies that have union-negotiated labor agreements.
benefits and opportunities
Some examples of ways companies may improve conditions include improving wages and benefits, providing a grievance procedure, or improving communication within the company.
Using a spy network in which employees inform management about fellow employers who are union supporters is an _______ attempt to avoid unionization.
Some companies use extreme tactics to prevent ____________ of the company. Examples include developing a spy network, refusing to hire employees with a record of employment with unionized companies, and psychologically testing the likelihood that potential employees will support unionization.
________ committees involve discussion and the resolution of grievances. As these committees do not involve labor agreement negotiations, companies support them in order to avoid unionization.
Although employee committees involve the discussion of grievances between employees and their employers, as long as they do not involve the negotiation of labor agreements, for example, wages and employment conditions, they are allowed to exist within a company without retribution from the National Labor Relations Act.
The _______________ movement is when a contractor who belongs to a union starts a non-union subsidiary to their own company.
Non-union firms have been successful in the construction trade with a strike-free environment despite being able to pay employees lower pay rates and saving on fringe benefits. As a result, unionized firms become involved in the double-breasted, or __________, movement in order to form affiliated non-union companies, which are able to more effectively compete with non-union firms.
dual shop
In ______, union membership in the U.S. dropped to the lowest level in six decades.
Union membership in the U.S. has steadily declined since its peak in _____ when one in three Americans (35.7 percent) belonged to a union. By the year 2000, membership had dropped to just 9 percent.
The reason behind union __________ decline, or stagnation, has not been determined. Researchers have developed multiple explanations to explain the reason for a lack of union growth.
In the ____________, union membership has been on the decline. This has been reflected in the number of memberships as a percentage of the total labor force. Therefore, while there may be an increase in the number of union memberships, in regards to the increase in labor force, membership is actually declining.
United States
In Europe approximately __ percent of the population belongs to a union.
This varies greatly by country. Italy has the highest percentage of union membership (53.1 percent) compared to Spain which has the lowest (6 percent).
Despite little analysis of the extent to which the employees of a particular company want or need ____________, management tend to oppose establishing union representation for a company.
Managers tend to _______ unionization. This appears not to be as a reaction to their employee’s desires, but rather as a response to self interest. As there is evidence that unionization has a significant negative effect on the profitability companies, managers may be fired or demoted if they are unable to prevent unionization.
________ is thought to be influential in the ability for an employer to remain non-union. Employers may avoid highly unionized areas in the hope of preventing their companies from becoming unionized.
Two main reasons why an employer may choose their company location to avoid unionization are: they may believe that areas with low union memberships may discourage employees from being union members, and employees located in areas without unions may be less likely to compare their conditions with other unionized companies.
Non-union organizations implement ____ policies in attempts to remain non-unionized.
Wage policies are a major tactic used by employers to prevent unionization. By maintaining ______ pay levels, and pay raises, than unionized organizations such companies are much less likely to become union shops.
Wage policies may also include rules which dictate that employees be given pay raises based on their performance. Such pay and benefit levels and practices are clearly outlined to the employees by company HR departments.
Non-wage policies of non-union firms include providing information on potential ___________ opportunities and the necessary criteria to achieve the positions. Furthermore, the firms emphasize development opportunities available to employees in order for them to be skilled for the positions.
The information regarding the promotions tends to be communicated in a clear and unambiguous way to give employees the best chance to take advantage of the opportunities.
__________ security for union members is negotiated via the union and is outlined in their contract. .
Employment security is covered in union member ________. This includes the rights to which an employee is entitled too, which is often based on their level of seniority, as well as the basis of their entitlements in terms of severance and transfer pay.
Employment rights for the employees of non-union organizations are determined by the . Therefore, rather than having predetermined rights that have been negotiated by a union, an employee is dependent upon the policies of the organization.
The job rights of employees in a non-union company are determined by the employer. Therefore, as long as the employer complies with employment laws, they can hire and fire employees _____.
at will
Employees in _________ organizations are able to voice any complaints or issues they have with the operation of the organization they are working for via grievance procedures. These issues can then be negotiated.
Employees may also participate in negotiation committees when trying to work through long-term matters. Some employees who have more pressing or larger issues with management may be involved in union activities at the employer level.
In order to determine the possible problems within an organization, some organizations plan meetings in which employees can voice their concerns to management. An alternative approach are ________ staff meetings in which randomly chosen employees from various organizational levels participate in staff meetings with management.
________ staff meetings involve the inclusion of employees from diverse departments in order to bring up possible problems within an organization. These meetings allow these problems to be brought straight to the attention of management.