Collective Bargaining Part 2 Flashcards
When a number of employees produce an increase in productivity, the _____ incentive plan involves rewarding them all with a monetary payment. This can cover the entire workforce, or may be limited to only a few employees.
These incentives help to improve productivity in addition to encouraging teamwork.
One type of group incentive plan is the _______ plan. This plan is based on a system by which workers receive bonus pay that is worked out using a computed ratio of total labor costs to total production values.
Therefore, if workers reduce labor costs by working more efficiently and effectively, they can decrease the costs to values ratio. They are then rewarded by receiving a percentage of the savings as a bonus.
The ______ plan is a group incentive plan that involves rewarding workers for reducing the ratio between dollar payroll and dollar value added.
The dollar added is equivalent to the sales minus the purchased materials. Any gains from reducing the ratio between dollar payroll and dollar value added are spread amongst employees.
One form of group incentive plan that is formed from increasing productivity via sharing is __________.
Using an improshare plan, the gains obtained from improved productivity are shared ________ between the company and employees.
_____-based pay is based on a scheme where pay is increased when the employee has learned the required skills.
In skill-based pay, an employee is required to effectively demonstrate that they have learned the required skill ______ to receiving the pay increase.
When an employer wants to lower wage costs, an effective plan is the two-tier pay plan. This involves offering a _____ wage to new employees.
The _________ plan revolves around the idea that new employees are paid less, and take longer to receive the top pay, or are not expected to reach top pay. These types of plans are most effective when turnover is high or a company is planning expansion.
____ determination may be influenced by many different factors that are not usually evaluated the same by management and unions. For example, during prosperous times, a union will emphasize the company’s ability to pay, while during recessions management will emphasize their lack of funding.
There are a number of factors that affect determination of wages. The financial condition of the company, the living costs for the employees, productivity of employees, and wage _______________ all influence wages. Unions and management use these factors in different ways when trying to bargain changes to wages.
Wage _____________ is an important argument often brought up during wage negotiations. The argument revolves around the idea that wage rates in one bargaining unit should be equal to or similar to wage rates in a similar bargaining unit.
______________ are considered important in wage negotiations. Employees feel that they should have similar wage rates to employees in comparable jobs. However, it is difficult to effectively compare different jobs because although jobs may appear similar, they may differ in a number of factors such as job content, payment methods, employment regularity, and benefits.
Wage comparisons
The _______ to pay refers to the financial conditions of a company and whether or not it is within their financial capabilities to pay wage changes.
Unions push ability to pay when companies are in profitable times as it is more likely that they can bargain a pay increase. However, companies also use this tactic when they are in recession or financial depression in order to avoid paying a wage increase.
One reason why the ability to pay tactic may not be used by a union during wage determination is because during times when a company is in a financial _____, employees would be required to take a wage reduction.
If the ability to pay criterion was to be applied uniformly and consistently, not only would companies have to accept handing out wage increases during profitable times, employees would have to accept wage reductions during profit slumps.
Wage ___________ are often included in wage determination agreements in order for the wages outlined in the agreement to be changed if necessary. One reason why wages may need changing could be if the cost of living increases.
The adjustments that are normally included within a contract include cost of living adjustments, deferred wage increases, and contract re-openers. Therefore, the wage determined during the original contract settlement is open to negotiation at certain times during the life of the contract.
There are a number of steps involved in job __________. This process is used to determine a suitable wage relationship among various jobs within a company.
This process involves determining how important each job is to the outputs of the company and thus how each should differ in terms of wages.
__________ is one step involved in job evaluation. This step involves collecting information and facts about a specific job which are then used to evaluate the job. This classifies the job, not the employee required to perform the job.
Job analysis
The collection of information used for job analysis is done systematically and does not involve collecting information about the employees. Therefore, the outcome of job analysis is an analysis directly related to the job without any influence from the type of employee currently holding the position.
In addition to paying the wages of employees, employers are also required to ___________, which are additional entitlements of the employees.
pay benefits
A significant percentage of payroll costs go towards paying employee benefits. There is a wide range of benefits from paid rests to insurance.
_____________ provided by employers tend to be expanding. Most employers are required to cover life and hospitalization insurance and health care such as medical expenses and surgery
Insurance benefits
___________ is just one example of insurance that most employers are required to pay for. However, insurance coverage is expanding and some contract agreements involve more specialized care such as dental and optical care.
Health care
In order to protect employees against loss of income, income ___________ benefits are included in a large percentage of labor agreements. Provisions may include work or pay guarantees, severance pay, and supplemental unemployment benefits.