Collective Bargaining Part 2 Flashcards
When a number of employees produce an increase in productivity, the _____ incentive plan involves rewarding them all with a monetary payment. This can cover the entire workforce, or may be limited to only a few employees.
These incentives help to improve productivity in addition to encouraging teamwork.
One type of group incentive plan is the _______ plan. This plan is based on a system by which workers receive bonus pay that is worked out using a computed ratio of total labor costs to total production values.
Therefore, if workers reduce labor costs by working more efficiently and effectively, they can decrease the costs to values ratio. They are then rewarded by receiving a percentage of the savings as a bonus.
The ______ plan is a group incentive plan that involves rewarding workers for reducing the ratio between dollar payroll and dollar value added.
The dollar added is equivalent to the sales minus the purchased materials. Any gains from reducing the ratio between dollar payroll and dollar value added are spread amongst employees.
One form of group incentive plan that is formed from increasing productivity via sharing is __________.
Using an improshare plan, the gains obtained from improved productivity are shared ________ between the company and employees.
_____-based pay is based on a scheme where pay is increased when the employee has learned the required skills.
In skill-based pay, an employee is required to effectively demonstrate that they have learned the required skill ______ to receiving the pay increase.
When an employer wants to lower wage costs, an effective plan is the two-tier pay plan. This involves offering a _____ wage to new employees.
The _________ plan revolves around the idea that new employees are paid less, and take longer to receive the top pay, or are not expected to reach top pay. These types of plans are most effective when turnover is high or a company is planning expansion.
____ determination may be influenced by many different factors that are not usually evaluated the same by management and unions. For example, during prosperous times, a union will emphasize the company’s ability to pay, while during recessions management will emphasize their lack of funding.
There are a number of factors that affect determination of wages. The financial condition of the company, the living costs for the employees, productivity of employees, and wage _______________ all influence wages. Unions and management use these factors in different ways when trying to bargain changes to wages.
Wage _____________ is an important argument often brought up during wage negotiations. The argument revolves around the idea that wage rates in one bargaining unit should be equal to or similar to wage rates in a similar bargaining unit.
______________ are considered important in wage negotiations. Employees feel that they should have similar wage rates to employees in comparable jobs. However, it is difficult to effectively compare different jobs because although jobs may appear similar, they may differ in a number of factors such as job content, payment methods, employment regularity, and benefits.
Wage comparisons
The _______ to pay refers to the financial conditions of a company and whether or not it is within their financial capabilities to pay wage changes.
Unions push ability to pay when companies are in profitable times as it is more likely that they can bargain a pay increase. However, companies also use this tactic when they are in recession or financial depression in order to avoid paying a wage increase.
One reason why the ability to pay tactic may not be used by a union during wage determination is because during times when a company is in a financial _____, employees would be required to take a wage reduction.
If the ability to pay criterion was to be applied uniformly and consistently, not only would companies have to accept handing out wage increases during profitable times, employees would have to accept wage reductions during profit slumps.
Wage ___________ are often included in wage determination agreements in order for the wages outlined in the agreement to be changed if necessary. One reason why wages may need changing could be if the cost of living increases.
The adjustments that are normally included within a contract include cost of living adjustments, deferred wage increases, and contract re-openers. Therefore, the wage determined during the original contract settlement is open to negotiation at certain times during the life of the contract.
There are a number of steps involved in job __________. This process is used to determine a suitable wage relationship among various jobs within a company.
This process involves determining how important each job is to the outputs of the company and thus how each should differ in terms of wages.
__________ is one step involved in job evaluation. This step involves collecting information and facts about a specific job which are then used to evaluate the job. This classifies the job, not the employee required to perform the job.
Job analysis
The collection of information used for job analysis is done systematically and does not involve collecting information about the employees. Therefore, the outcome of job analysis is an analysis directly related to the job without any influence from the type of employee currently holding the position.
In addition to paying the wages of employees, employers are also required to ___________, which are additional entitlements of the employees.
pay benefits
A significant percentage of payroll costs go towards paying employee benefits. There is a wide range of benefits from paid rests to insurance.
_____________ provided by employers tend to be expanding. Most employers are required to cover life and hospitalization insurance and health care such as medical expenses and surgery
Insurance benefits
___________ is just one example of insurance that most employers are required to pay for. However, insurance coverage is expanding and some contract agreements involve more specialized care such as dental and optical care.
Health care
In order to protect employees against loss of income, income ___________ benefits are included in a large percentage of labor agreements. Provisions may include work or pay guarantees, severance pay, and supplemental unemployment benefits.
______________ provisions are included as a benefit in order to ensure that an employee’s income is protected. For example, work or pay guarantees ensure that an employee is guaranteed a minimum pay or number of hours of work to ensure their income is secure.
Income maintenance
_____________ tend to include specified working times such as eight-hour days, Monday to Friday. Work outside of these hours is then subject to premium pay. That is, employees who work overtime are entitled to an inflated pay rate during overtime.
Labor agreements
In addition to the incorporation of premium pay for overtime in labor agreements, there are also provisions that make overtime mandatory for employees in companies that rely on employees working overtime to meet deadlines. Therefore, this ensures that employees will work, even if they are reluctant, but also ensures they receive premium pay for the overtime.
_________ benefits involve activities such as rest periods, waiting time, voting time, and travel time. However, holidays and vacations are also covered.
Holidays and vacations tend to involve the largest payments required by a company. The number of holidays allowed and the length of vacation permitted tends to differ among companies.
Most labor agreements involve an outline or detailed plan referring to a _______. The agreements tend to provide information concerning retirement age, the benefits available, and financial arrangements.
A _______ is offered to employees once they retire from employment. The mandatory age of retirement is dictated by the law as a company cannot force retirement before the mandatory age required by law. However, early retirement is possible, and many companies have plans that offer a number of choices for employees considering early retirement.
Once a tentative labor agreement contract has been drawn up by the negotiators, it is necessary for it to undergo ____________, during which union members usually vote on whether they are in favor of the contract.
Ratification refers to a ________ vote in favor of the labor agreement contract. This vote is taken by the union members.
__________ of a tentative labor agreement may occur even if the union members are not entirely satisfied with it. However, this action is considered commitment to the contract, showing that the members are willing to be bound by the contract.
During the ratification process, a majority vote in favor of a contract leads to acceptance of the contract. This assures management that its employees are willing to be bound by the agreement.
_________ factors sometimes lead to a tentative agreement being rejected.
There are a number of reasons why a tentative agreement may be rejected. In addition to political reasons, it may also be due to members feeling that they are not receiving the best possible contract, especially if they are comparing it with other contracts within their field.
_________ is part of the labor agreement negotiation process and involves a person not related to either management or union liaising between the two parties in order to pass information from one to the other, and also to help settle disputes.
________ are not related to either party and have a diverse role. Their tasks include organizing meetings, maintaining communication between the parties, and making suggestions. Although a mediator may be heavily involved in the negotiation process, they have no authority over the negotiating decisions.
It is important that a ________ maintains neutrality, objectivity, and professionalism.
Even if a mediator personally favors the stance of one party over another, they are required to maintain neutrality in order to effectively mediate between the two parties. Their role does not involve making decisions for either party, but rather to communicate between the parties, and provide advice and suggestions to each party.
A ___________ is responsible for assessing all factual information presented during labor agreement negotiations and then presenting this information in an attempt to convince the parties to settle their disagreements.
Fact-finding is a process used during labor agreement negotiations to provide both parties with the _________ information required to make decisions. However, this process involves a third party, the fact-finder, who is not directly involved with negotiations, but rather assesses and presents the facts of the negotiations.
________________ arbitration is used to make a final decision about a negotiated agreement. It involves a third-party who, after listening to each party’s bargaining positions, decides what should be included in the agreement.
Conventional interest
This is also known as contract arbitration. The person chosen to arbitrate is a neutral party, but any decisions that they make are final and binding.
The process in which an arbitrator is required to choose one party’s labor agreement proposal as the final contract is known as ___________ selection arbitration.
final offer
During final offer selection arbitration, each party presents the arbitrator with a labor agreement proposal. The arbitrator then chooses one proposal. This proposal becomes the contract, and no provisions are made.
If negotiating parties do not make changes from their _______ proposals when handing over their final proposals to a final offer selection arbitrator, the arbitrator will be forced to choose an extreme proposal, which can cause increased tension between parties as one party is happy while the other is greatly dissatisfied.
As the arbitrator is required to choose one proposal to which no changes can be made before it is made into the labor agreement, it is likely that while one party is happy with the proposal, the other will not be satisfied. This lack of satisfaction will be enhanced if the proposals are extreme, that is, greatly in favor of only one party.
When parties agree that the contract language developed by either mediation or arbitration will be final and binding, they undergo the ________________ process. Therefore, there is generally no need for ratification by party board members in regards to the contract language.
This process involves both mediation and arbitration. At first, a neutral person will act as mediator, and then as arbitrator for issues that cannot be settled via mediation.
When a group of employees stops working in order to enforce their demands, or to express a grievance, it is referred to as a ______.
A strike occurs when employees are unhappy with management and wish to express this unhappiness, or to force management to improve their situation. This involves a withholding of effort by the employees.
When an employer wishes to enforce terms of employment during a labor dispute, they may use a _______ in which employees are prevented from working.
_________ are a refusal of the employer to provide work for an employee or group of employees. This is usually in response to a labor agreement dispute.
When employees wish to increase wages, pensions, or non-work benefits, they often use an ________ strike.
When an employer and employee fail to agree on terms of a contract, a union may call for a strike to attempt to ______ the employer to agree with the union’s terms.
A _______ strike occurs when employees stop working without prior approval from the union.
When an employer acts in an unfair manner, such as refusing to negotiate a labor agreement, or terminating employment of a union member, employees may react via an _______________ strike.
unfair labor practice
If an employer has acted illegally, and performed unfair labor practice, employees are protected by the ______ if they decide to strike in protest to the employer’s actions.
When two unions conflict over work assignments, they may undertake a ______________ strike in reaction.
Employees may undertake a jurisdictional strike when a work assignment they believe should have been assigned to them is given to another group of workers.
When employees have no dispute with their own employers, but wish to show support for another union, they take part in a secondary strike. This is similar to a ________ strike.
Unions may work in concert with each other and thus one union may call a secondary strike for the purpose of supporting their fellow union. These strikes tend to occur when, in the one establishment, more than one union represents the employees.
_________ is an activity that normally accompanies a strike. It involves employees patrolling their employer’s premises, often holding signs expressing their opinions, or demands.
Picketing is a strike activity that is usually encouraged by a union. Picketing is a way to express the concerns and demands of the union.
Picketing is used by employees for various reasons. Sometimes it is used to get management to accept the union as the employees’ bargaining agent. In this case, it is known as _____________ picketing.
If recognitional picketing does not sway management to accept the union as a bargaining agent within thirty days, the union must petition for an election. The union can then be voted in if a majority vote is received.
When a union wishes to make known to the public that a labor dispute exists between employees and their employer, they instigate an _____________ picket.
Picketing is an effective way to inform the public about labor disputes between employees and an employer as it involves the use of placards and handbills, which can be used to display information.
When employees _______ a company, they urge the public to stop purchasing or using the employer’s products or services. This is done in an attempt to settle disputes between the employer and employees.
__________ is a method used to get employers to agree to the demands of the employees, or to get them to listen to their opinions. Boycotting can cause negative impacts on the profits of a company and thus is possible to cause an employer to listen to the boycotters.