Overview And Organization Sections Flashcards
Are the duties and procedures intended to cover every situation which may arise in the course of one’s duties?
No they are not
In the accordance with the Denver City Charter, all amendments to the rules and regulations as set forth in the appendix must have the approval of who?
Executive Direcror of Safety
The duties and procedures will change as needed by who with the concurrence of who and their revisions issued after this date are to be prepared and distributed as appropriate?
Chief of Police and Executive Director of Safety
The department, in partnership with the community, will endeavor to achieve our mission by?
- focusing on the prevention of crime and safety
- Adopting a Dept. culture that is consistent with community values.
- combining both efficiency and effectiveness, while leveraging technologies that enhance police operations.
What are the 3 beliefs of core values?
Integrity, Courage, and Service
What are the 2 guiding principles that are how we meet our mission?
Innovation, and teamwork
What is our mission statement?
In partnership with the community, we endeavor to operate a police agency with a focus on preventing crime in a respectful manner, demonstrating that everyone matters.
The main objective of the department is to meet its responsibilities to the community by what?
Providing highly professional, respectful, effective, ethical, and responsive law enforcement and public safety sevices.
How many organization policies are there which will provide a guide for future action in organization planning?
Failure to comply with any of the provisions of the operations manual may subject an officer to what at the discretion of the Chief of Police, Executive Director of Safety, or their designee?
Disciplinary action, additional training, reassignment, secondary employment restrictions, and other actions.
Who will be in full charge and control of the police department?
The Executive Director of Safety
What entity is generally comprised of 2 or more divisions under the command of a deputy chief, it is the first level of groups subordinate to the Chief of Police?
What is a division?
An entity usually comprised of two or more sections under the command of an appointed commander or civilian director.
What is the address of the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center?
490 W Colfax Ave
PO 1st Grade - (33 or more months of svc)
PO 2nd Grade - (21 months and less than 33 months of service)
PO 3rd Grade (9 months and less than 21 months of service)
PO 4th Grade (upon graduation from academy and first 9 months)
CS employees will be amenable to all rules and regulations set forth by who?
Executive Director of the Office of Human Resources appointed by the Career Service board.
What division provides support functions to the department through computerized reporting, suspect identification, and the storage of evidence and property? It includes the Information Management Unit, the Identification Section, the the Property Management Section.
Administration Management Division
What does the business robbery unit investigate?
Taking of anything of value from a business by force, extortion, threats, or intimidation. This unit also investigates home invasion robberies, theft of motor vehicles by force cases, and extortion.
What is the City enforcement Unit responsible for?
Identifying locations with high accident rates and instituting enforcement programs to reduce the accident rate. City enforcement officers are motorcycle trained and assist with escorts and other duties as needed.
What are cold cases?
Cold cases are defined as those ha ing an indeterminate sentence that remains unsolved for 1 year or more.
What is the CRD?
The Conduct Review Division
What does DAU stand for?
Data Analysis Unit
Domestic Violence/Fraud Section is comprised of what?
Domestic Violence Unit, Fraud Unit, and the Pawnshop/bicycle Unit and Bicycle impound.
Who is responsible for investigating all bias-motivated crimes?
Domestic Violence Unit
What does the Executive Security Unit do?
Provides security to the mayor, mayor’s residence, and the office of the mayor.
What does the Forensic Biology/DNA Unit do?
Provides analysis of evidence for the presence of body fluids and the subsequent extraction of DNA for identification purpose.
What unit provides analysis to identify suspected drugs, narcotics, and controlled substances; fire debris, and human blood for the presence and concentration of alcohol.
Forensic Chemistry Unit
What unit archives, authenticates, secures, retrieves, and enhances digital image files taken by department personnel to assist in criminal investigations?
Forensic Imaging Unit
What division consists of the Crime Scene Unit, firearms unit, Forensic/DNA Unit, Forensic Chemistry Unit, Forensic Imaging Unit, Latin Print Unit, Quality Insurance Unit, and Trace Evidence Unit?
Forensic and Evidence Division
What unit I investigates elder exploitation?
Fraud Unit
What section includes the Intelligence Unit, the Internet Predator Unit, the School Violence Unit, and the Executive Security Unit?
Intelligence Section
The internet predator unit is a collaboration between who?
The internet predator task force is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of cases involving what?
The possession, distribution, and transportation of child pornography by means of the internet or electronic communications that violate federal statutes.
What unit is responsible for the maintenance of an inventory control system to include alm city-owned property in the custody of the DPD, set forth under rules and regulations established by the Office of the Auditor, and pursuant to Executive Orders 24 and 47.
Inventory Control Unit
What division consists of the Vice/Narcotics Task Force Section, the Vice/Narcotics Section, the Intelligence section, the Special Investigation Section, Gang Section, the Investigative Technology Section, and related task force.
Investigative Support Division
What division investigates serious crimes against persons and consists of the Robbery/Homicide Section, the Sex Crimes/MEP Section, the Domestic Violence/Fraud Section, and the Metro Denver Crime Stoppers Unit.
Major Crimes Division
What does OEMHS stand for?
Office of Emergency Management
What manages the Denver Urban Area Security Initiative, a federally-funded homeland security program designed to increase the Denver metropolitan area’s capabilities to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the terrorist events and other major incident.
Office of Emergency Management
For the Peer support Unit the only exception to the rule of confidentiality would be regarding what information?
Revealing criminal activity or circumstances leading to, or that could cause self-harm.
What section includes the Legislative Liason, Social Media Coordinator, PIO Unit, and the TV/Video Coordinator?
Public Affairs Section
What unit maintains the laboratory’s International Organization of Standards (ISO) requirements. It also maintains all the records related to operations within the Forensics and Evidence Division?
Quality Assurance Unit
What section includes the Business Robbery Unit, Homicide Unit, Cold Case Unit, Night Shift Unit and Safe Streets Task Force?
Robbery/Homicide Section
The Sex Crimes Sections consist of what Units?
Sex crimes Unit, MEP Unit, and Sex Offender Registration Unit.
What section includes the Fugitive Unit, Public Nuisance Abatement Unit, and Rocky Mountain Safe Streets - Fugitive Location and Apprehension Group
Special Investigations Section
What division includes the Traffic Operations Section, METRO/SWAT Section, the Bomb Unit, Air Support Unit, Explosive Detection K-9 Unit, and the Office of Emergency Management.
Special Operations Divisions
This section includes the Marijuana Unit, Interdiction Unit, Vice Unit, Excise and License Unit, and Safe Streets - Innocence Lost Task Force.?
Vice/Narcotics section
This Task Force section is comprised of 3 multi-agency task forces, staffed by local, state and federal law enforcement officers?
Vice/Narcotics TASK force Section