Collective Bargaining Agreement Flashcards
All officers in positions of the classified service of the Police Department of the City, except the Chief of Police, Deputy Chiefs, Division Chiefs and Commanders is the definition for what?
Bargaining Unit
Seven members of the Association who are elected to serve as officers, directors or members of the Executive Board of the Denver Police Protective Association’s member is the definition for what?
Executive Board or Board of Directors
The association may maintain how many bulletin boards at each of the decentralized stations and how many at the Police Administration Building?
1 board at the stations, 2 at the Administration building.
The Bulletin boards may be used for what?
- Recreation and Social Affairs of the Association
- Association meetings
- Association elections
- Reports of Association Committees
- Info to police officers concerning their employment.
What can not be posted?
No postings regarding any political candidate or candidates, nor postings concerning any issues being considered as part of federal, state or municipal election.
How long can members of the Association Executive Board speak to each Department Recruit Class?
Not to exceed two hours.
What are the 4 nonreligious nonlabor organizations will in lieu of fair share payment will be given too?
The Denver Police Officers Foundation, the DPPA relief fund, the AMC Cancer Research Center or the American Diabetes Association.
The Labor Management Committee consists of how many and by who?
3 representatives appointed by the Association President and 3 representatives appointed by the Chief.
Under Labor Management, issues presented to the committee shall be resolved in how many days of the meeting which the issue was discussed? If the issue is not Resolved it is brought up to who, and the issue will be resolved in how many days?
15 days
Chief of Police or Acting Chief
20 days
The Labor Management Committee shall meet when which is mutually agreed upon by who?
On a monthly basis at a time and place agreed upon between the Chief’s designee and the Association President.
A lump sum pay out of time saved under this article shall be made within how many days of the date of the officer’s separation from the department or within how many days from the officer’s death?
60 and 60
For the purpose of article 10.3 “immediate family” includes what?
Officers spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, grandparents, grandchildren, brother, sister, inlaws, or spousal equivalent.
Under military service leave officers shall be eligible for up to how many days , not to exceed how many hours of paid military leave each calendar year?
15 days not to exceed 120 hours
Officers absent on military leave for less than how many days are entitled to continued health and dental insurance coverage as provided by this agreement. Officers who serve more than how many days in the military may elect continued health and dental for their family at their own expense?
31 days and 30 days
A leave of absence for up to how long may be granted by the Chief or his designee to an officer who has completed at least how many years?
1 year and complete 5 years
In the event the department adopts a 14th period during any calendar year, each officer shall receive an additional how many days off?
2 days
Except in cases of emergency, any time an officer is required to begin a new shift less than how many hours from the end of the officers previous shift, the officer shall be entitled to overtime compensation for those hours less than how many?
8 hours and 8 hours
Except in an emergency under procedures determined by the Chief, anytime the posted schedule of days off is ordered changed by the commanding officer within 7 days of the date of an officer’s scheduled day off, the officer(s) affected by the change shall receive how many hours of compensation?
4 hours
Anytime the posted start time of the shift is changed within 72 hours of the commencement of the shift the officer(s) affected by the change shall receive how many hors of compensation?
2 hours
If an officer’s scheduled day off is ordered changed by the commanding officer with 7 days of an officers scheduled day off 3 or more times within a 28 day work period, the officer shall receive how many hours of compensatory time?
6 hours
If an officer’s scheduled day off is ordered changed within 72 hours of an officers scheduled day off 3 or more times within a 28 day work period, the officer shall receive how many hours of compensatory time?
4 hours
The city shall pay each officer an allowance of how much for the acquisition, maintenance and repair of equipment. This payment shall be made on or before what date of each year?
$875.00 and November 30
What book sources will be available for review and reference at each decentralized stations and other police facilities and the Police Administration Building?
The Colorado Peace Officers’ Statutory Source book and Colorado Revised Statutes Pertaining to Criminal Law,
How many hours shall an officer be granted at full salary if an officer shall become so physically or mentally disabled by reason of bodily injury recieved in the discharge of their duties?
2080 hours
Effective as of Jan. 01, 2018 if the insurance provider selected by the officer offers two plans, the City shall contribute what percentage of the prem6if the officer selects the high premium plan; the city chall contribute what percentage of the premiums if the officer selects the low premium plan.
77.5% for high premium plan
90% for low premium plan
How much will the city contribute annually to an HSA for a single employee plan, and how much for a multi family HSA plan?
$600 for single plan annually and $1200 for multi family plan
Retiree Trust health fund which assists retired officers with some health payments shall in 2018 be how much, 2019 how much, and 2020 how much and these payments will be made quarterly on which month and days?
2018 ($955,000), 2019 ($1,077,500), 2020 ($1,200,000) and payed on January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10