401.00 Juvenile Procedures Flashcards
CRS Title 19, “Children’s Code” states what?
A juvenile may be taken into temporary custody by a law enforcement officer without order of the court when there are reasonable grounds to believe that he or she has committed a delinquent act.
Where is the Juvenile section located? (Address)
303 W Colfax Ave., Suite 100
Per the Denver City Charter section 34-17, the county court can fine a juvenile with up?
Up to $999.00 per offense, suspend the sentence, defer the judgement, place the juvenile on probation, or order the minor to attend a counseling program approved by the court.
A child of what age a d younger cannot be held for a crime?
9 and younger
What is Status Offenses?
Although not defined in the CRS Title 19 “Children’s Code” it is commonly used to identify non-criminal offenses which can be committed only by juveniles.
What are the 3 status offenses?
Truancy (do not place in custody return to school)
Can a bilingual juvenile suspect be used as an I interpreter for a non-English speaking parent of guardian?
The form wanted/missing is completed by who for juveniles?
MEP Unit of Juvenile Section
The Modification of Prisoner Hold (DPD 43) is to used by who only ans is used to release a police hold on a juvenile held at DHMC (or any other hospital) or the Gilliam Youth Services Center.
Investigative personnel only.
The Juvenile Promuse to appear (DPD 28) form is to be used at the discretion of who only?
Detectives, deputy district attorneys, school resource officers, and Juvenile Section officers.
Can detectives use the Juvenile Promise to Appear for Misdemeanor arrests?
When a juvenile resides outside the Cuty and County of Denver, the arresting officer will notify who and pass what information?
Juvenile section and provide the address and phone number of the juveniles residence.
Can juveniles who are detained for status offenses be handcuffed to any stationary object?
No they cannot they can only be handcuffed to themselves.
Can a juvenile who has been certified as mentally I’ll be removed from a mental facility? What is needed to do so?
No , an order from a juvenile court judge.
Juveniles arrested for felony traffic offenses will be held at the discretion of who?
TIU Section.
School resource officers who encounter a JV (at school/ attending class) wanted on a Denver County Court FTA or FTC (JV) warrant will do what?
Will order-in the juvenile and a parent/legal guardian a Juvenile Promice to appear to the JV Section within 72 hours. The order-in will be made for 1500 hours.
Writs of assistance are what?
Court orders issued upon application by DHS for the apprehension of a JV. They require officers to take a juvenile into custody.
Runaways now 18 years of age or older will be handled as what? Who should be contacted immediately if there is any evidence that the person is not exercising free will?
MEP Unit on call supervisor or detective