Overview Flashcards
Components of a physical exam
- observation from a distance
- direct palpation
- ancillary tests
Components of a lameness exam
- basic examination
- additional movements/surfaces
- evocative tests
What is lameness?
= a clinical sign, [manifesting] signs of inflammation including pain, or a mechanical defect that results in a gait abnormality
5 ‘types’ of lameness
- supporting limb (stance phase) lameness
- swinging limb lameness
- mixed lameness
- compensatory lameness
- induced/artefactual lameness
Hind limb lameness
- limb with greatest movement when trotting
Is forelimb or hindlimb lameness more common?
- forelimb
Are forelimb lamenesses above the carpus common?
- no, extremely uncommon in all groups of horses
History - signalment: age
Specific age groups often suffer from specific conditions:
* foals: haematological septic arthritis, lateral luxation of the patella
* young, skeletally immature animals: developmental orthopaedic diseases including OCD, stress related injuries (esp TB horses)
* older horses: chronic progressive OA, navicular disease
but these are not necessarily exclusive
History - signalment: sex
- There are very few sex related conditions; however, breeding potential may be important for treatment
- may also see behavioural changes associated with oestrus
- RER has been shown to be more common in female TB and
event horses - anecdotally lameness has been implicated in cryptorchid animals
History - signalment: discipline
- certain disciplines will place unique strains on animals
- some manifestations of lameness are seen in all groups of animals
Top 3 causes of lameness in a flat-racing TB
- foot-related lameness
- suspensory desmitis
- middle carpal joint dz
Top 3 causes of lameness in a National hunt TB
- SDFT injury
- suspensory desmitis
- carpal dz
Top 3 causes of lameness in a show jumper
- palmar foot pain
- distal tarsal pain
Top 3 causes of lameness in an event horse
- back.neck pain
- foot related lameness
- traumatic OA
Top 3 causes of lameness in a dressage horse
- suspensory branch injury
Top 3 causes of lameness in a draft horse
- foot-related lameness
- tarsal lameness
- ‘splints’
Top 3 causes of lameness in a pony
- laminitis
- distal tarsal pain
- ALDDFT desmitis
What is the most common cause of lameness in the horse?
- hoof abscess
- When did the owner first notice the problem? Is there a history of trauma?
- Have any treatments been attempted?
- What is the nature of the lameness?
- Does it improve with exercise? Is it worse on different surfaces/with different tack?
- Have there been any recent changes in management/exercise level/paraprofessional involvement?
- Is there any previous history of lameness?
- severe conformational abnormalities are easy to appreciate
- asymmetry of conformation is often particularly important
- there may be important breed characteristics that lead to lameness e.g.
long toe/low heeled TBs
Hock conformation
- Hock conformation has a very significant effect on the prognosis for hind limb suspensory desmopathy (Dyson and Murray, 2011)
– 77.8% (70/90) of horses with primary PSD and normal hock conformation returned to full soundness for >1yr following surgery
– 0% of horses with primary PSD and straight hock conformation and/or hyperextension of the MTPJ returned to exercise
- Careful observation from a distance is extremely important
- laminitis or severe skeletal injuries might be readily obvious
- pointing or reduced weight-bearing
- “dropped elbow” indicates failure of the triceps apparatus
- cervical pain
- upward fixation of the patella
- (neurological conditions)
- Asymmetry is often very important in lameness evaluation
- muscle atrophy (disuse or neurogenic)
- foot size
- fetlock height/angle
- localised swelling (synovitis, cellulitis, exostosis/callus formation)
- bony asymmetry (e.g. scapular height, tuber coxae/sacrale)
- examine limbs during
weight-bearing and
elevated from the ground - ideally perform static examination before dynamic examination
Should include assessment of:
* asymmetry
* signs of inflammation
* pain (by both deep palpation and induced movement)
* loss of function e.g. range of movement
* crepitus
* peripheral pulses