Overthrow Of The Monarchy 1792-93 Flashcards
What was the declaration of Pillnitz ?
Issued by Austrians in association with Prussia
It stated both countries regarded present Situation as common interest for European rulers
They hoped to restore kings power with force if necessary
Why did Marie Atonietee and the king want war?
As a defeat would allow the Kings restoration of power
Why did army generals want war?
Wanted political stability as well as kings restoration
Also wanted prestige for themselves
When did France declare war
20 April 1792
What happened on 20th April 1792 with French forces?
They advanced into Austrian Netherlands but faced with determined opposition retreated to Lille and murdered it’s commander
Declaration of pillnitz date ?
27th August 1791
When was the declaration of Pillnitz?
27th August 1791
What was the reaction of declaration of Pillnitz
People were angry as saw it as foreign intervention and it justified people’s mistrust of the king but in reality it was no big threat and was disregarded by many
Why was it unlikely that any action would occur after Pillnitz
Because Britain wouldn’t koin Austria unless directly threatened
Also when constitution is declared Leopold of Austria welcomes it
What were there rumours about ?
That the Austrian committee containing Marie Antoinette was determining foreign policy and secret agents were being sent to Vienna to plot counter revolution
Why did Brissot want war?
To expose traitors of the revolution and to show kings true feelings about it
Who did the brissotons join with ?
Lafayette and his followers
When and why did Brissot launch a campaign for the war?
In October 1791 so that the Brissotons could gain more support in order to gain majority in legislative assembly
What did Brissots campaign for war include ?
Cases for war:
Successful war would allow French Rev ideals to spread abroad
War would arouse enthusiasm for Rev
International situation was good as European powers unlikely to unite against France as preoccupied
Why didn’t Robespierre want war?
He believe the threat came from soldiers who misled the public
War was a way to intimidate France not invade
Foreigners wouldn’t support France and it would be more difficult than people thought
When did Prussia and Austria become allies ?
7 feb 1792
What did Louis do in regards to his government in March 1792?
Because of Austrian threats and Girondin attacks on Austrian committee
He dismisses feuillant ministers for more radical including Girondin
When does Leopold die and what happens to start the war
1 March 1792
Francis II hears rumour that Marie is going to be out on trial so reluctantly starts war
Who actually declares war and when?
France declares war on Austria 20 April 1792
What date is the attack on Tuileries ?
9th August 1792 -10th August
What happened on the 9th August 1792 ?
Sans culottes took over the hotel de ville expelled the city council and set up the revolutionary commune
What happened on 10th August 1792 ?
National guard and Federes marched to Tuleries which was guarded by national guard and Swiss mercenaries
The national guard who guarded joined the attackers
Swiss mercenaries fired on attackers but Louis asked them to cease fire then they were killed by attackers
What happened to the king and assembly during and after Tuileries ?
The rebels invaded the assembly and forced it to recognise the Rev commune
Deputies had to hand over the king who was imprionsed
What did the assembly have to agree ? After tuilieries
To an election by universal male suffrage of a national convention that was to draw up a democratic constitution
When did the French army meet fierce opposition and retreat ?
20 April 1792 the army retreated to Lille and murdered it’s commander
What was the problem with the French army contributing to military crisis?
Of 12,000 officers half had emigrated
Now mixture of regular and new recruited volunteers who were poorly trained and equipped
Desertion and Rev propaganda led to low morale and discipline
What three laws did the assembly pass in May 1782?
Laws to deport refractory priests
Disbanding Kings guard
Third to set up a camp for 20 000 national guard known as Federes
How did Louis respond to the laws of May 1792?
He vetoed them in 19th June 1792
He also dismissed his Girondin ministers when they protested
What happened as a result of the royal vetoes ? In June 1792
Demonstration leaders wer from cordeliers
8000 poured into Tuileries and aimed to intimidate the king and force him to recall ministers and withdraw vetoes but failed
When did the assembly pass la patrie en danger and what was it?
11 July 1792 it called all Frenchmen to fight the war
Also led to admission of passive citizens in the national guard and sectional assemblies
When and what was the Brunswick manifesto?
August 1792 by general Brunswick commander in chief of Austria and Prussian armies it’s terms were
To ensure safety of France and not conquer French territory
To restore liberty to Louis and family
That Paris set free Louis
If tuiliers was attacked they would interfere
What happened on August 3rd 1792 after Brunswick ?
Mayor of Paris went to assembly with support from 47/48 sections demanding abolition of Louis
What happened to the Kings power after tuilieries ?
It’s suspended and up to the national convention whether to dethrone him or not
Commune is now in control of Paris
When did the convention meet for first time?
20 September 1792
When was monarchy abolished and Republic declared ?
21-22 sept 1792
When was Louis tried and executed ?
21 jan 1793
When did Lafayette defect to Austrians ?
17 August 1792
Why did the September massacres occur ?
Because of worsening military situation
Also growing concern of overcrowding prisons and rumour that they were going to escape and murder people and hand over the city to Prussia
Who called for the massacres ?
Called for the prisoners to be killed
First signs of the terror
When were the September massacres and who by
2 sept and lasted five days
Sans culottes were the killers now known as drinkers of blood
When was the battle of Valmy and why was it important ?
20 September 1792
52 000 French defeated 34 000 Prussians
First victory for France
What decree is passed in January 1793?
Claiming French natural frontiers the Rhine the Alps and the Pyrenees as theirs which meant annexing territory
What was the decree of fraternity and when?
November 1792
Why did the war of the first coalition start?
Because the republic posed a threat with the decree of fraternity and great powers were alarmed at annexation of nice and savoy and Britain particularly over the Rhine
When did the convention declare war on Britain and Holland and Spain ?
Feb 1793
And March for Spain
When did the first coalition emerge and what did it consist of ?
Between March and sept 1783
British Holland Spain Piedmont Naples Prussia Russia Austria and Portugal
When was the declaration of Pillnitz?
August 1791