Overall Review Flashcards
What are the qualifying conditions for Medicare coverage for FO/shoes?
-have diabetes
-pre-ulcerative callusing (or history)
-ulceration (or history)
-compromised circulation
-foot deformity
T/F: scar tissues is as strong as normal tissue
What are the fabrication requirements for OTS diabetic FOs?
-heated molded to PT’s anatomy 230* or higher
-multidensity with plastazote top cover
what is subtalar neutral?
-equal medial/lateral joint space of subtalar joint
What amount of navicular drop is considered excessie?
T/F: Patient education is not a requirement of third party payers:
When is a spinal fracture considered unstable?
-affecting 2 adjacent colums
What is a Jefferson facture?
-anterior/posterior arch C1 facture due to flexion trauma
What is a Hangman’s fracture?
-bilateral pars interarticularis fracture C2 due to extension trauma
What vertebra is affected by an odontoid fracture?
What is spondylosysis?
-stress fracture in the pars interarticularis
What is spondylolisthesis?
-anterior slippage of the vertebral body secondary to spondylosis
What is scoliosis?
-lateral curvature of the spine >10 degrees with evidence of rotation deformity
When is scoliosis bracing typically indicated?
-history of progression
-curves at least 25 degrees
-skeletal immaturity
What is Buerger’s disease?
-chronic arterial condition resulting in distal extremity pain and inflammation
What is Raynaud’s sydrome?
-excessive vascular sensitivity to cold temperatures, resulting in numbness
Describe a stage 1 ulcer
-intact skin with blanchable erythema with signs of impending opening of the skin surface
Describe a stage 2 ulcer
-partial thickness loss of skin involving epidermis and dermis
Describe a stage 3 ulcer
-full thickness loss of skin extending into subcutaneous tissue
Describe a stage 4 ulcer
-full thickness loss extending into muscle, bone, tendon, and/or joint capsule
What is Legg-Calve-Perthes disease?
-avascular necrosis of the femoral head/neck
Legg-Calve-Perthes is more common in males or females
What is the typical age of onset of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease?
-6 years old
What are clinical signs of Legg-Calve-Perthes?
-positive Trendelenberg
-limited abduction ROM
-pain in groin, hip, thigh, or knee
What position should be attained in conservative treatment of Legg-Calve-Perthes?
-hip abudction
What is pectus carinatum?
-deformity of the sternum/ribs caused by asymmetrical costal growth, which results in an extruding sternum
How is pectus carinatum treated?
-pectus brace restricts growth in the excessive direction
What is PFFD?
-proximal femoral focal deficiency
-inadequate development of the hip/femur
What are the classes of PFFD?
-femoral head present, normal acetabulum
-femoral head present, dysplastic acetabulum
-femoral head absent, dysplastic acetabulum
-femoral head absent, absent acetabulum
T/F: It is considered appropriate medical interaction to palpate the patient without seeking consent?
What contractures might be expected from prolonged prone positioning?
-ankle PF
-GH extensors, adductors, rotators
-neck rotators
-hip extensors
What contractures might be expected from prolonged side lying positioning?
-knee flexors
-hip flexors, adductors, internal rotators
-should adductors, internal rotators
What contractures might be expected from prolonged supine positioning?
-ankle PF
-knee flexors
-hip flexors, external rotators
-shoulder extensors, adductors, internal rotators
What contractures might be expected from prolonged sitting positioning?
-knee flexors
-hip flexors, adductors, internal rotators
-shoulder extensors, adductors, internal rotators
What are key characteristics of muscular dystrophy?
-inherited progressive neuromuscular disorders
-progressive symmetric muscle wasting without neural or sensory deficits
What are the types of muscular dystrophy?
-Limb fridle
What type is the most common for muscular dystrophy, and what does this type entail?
-Duchenne; lack of dystrophin
Duchenne MD primarily affects which gender?
What are the clinical signs of Duchenne MD?
-onset early childhood
-Gower’s sign
-muscle weakness starts proximal
-characteristic posture of hyperlordosis, ankle PF, knee extension, hip flexion
What is the Gowers sign?
-standing from floor, using hands to walk up legs
What is Becker MD?
-less severe than Duchenne
-partial functionality of dystrophin
What are the clinical signs of Becker MD?
-onset late childhood/adolescence
-muslce weakness starts proximal
What is myotonic MD?
-most common adult form
-onset from early childhood to adult hood
-inability to relax muscles at will
-distal muscles affected
What are the clinical signs of myotonic MD?
-prolonged muscle spasms
-cardiac abnormalities
What is limb girdle MD?
-onset childhood to adulthood
-proximal weakness of shoulder and hip muscles
What are the clinical signs of limb girdle MD?
-waddling gait
-cardiac issues
What is fascioscapulohumeral MD?
-adolescent onset
-muscles of face, shoulders, and upper arms most affected
What is Emery-Dreifuss MD?
onset by age 10
-slow progressive
-early onset contractures in elbows, neck, heels
-weakness of shoulders, upper arms, calf muscles
-conduction block cardiac issues
What is congenital MD?
-onset at birth
-global hypotonia
What is distal MD?
-distal muscles affected
-onset childhood to adulthood
What is oculopharyngeal MD?
-onset 40s-50s
-facial muscles affected, sometimes affecting ability to swallow
What is spinal muscular atrophy?
-hereditary disease affecting functional of motor neurons (voluntary)
-early to late onset, age at onset indicative of severity
What is Cerebral palsy?
-non-progressive brain disorders present at or before birth
-periventricular leukomalacia: damage to white matter
-intracranial hemorrhage brain bleeding
-hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: lack of oxygen to brain
-cerebral dysgenesis: malformation of brain
what are the types of CP?
Where can CP manifest in the extremities?
What is monoplegia?
-affecting a single limb
What is hemiplegia?
-affecting ipsilateral limbs
What is paraplegia/diplegia?
-affecting bilateral limbs
What is quadriplegia?
-affecting 4 limbs
What are signs of spastic CP?
-contracture development
-hyperactive deep tendon reflex
-difficulty with fine motor movement
What characteristic gait pattern is seen with spastic CP?
-scissor gait
What are signs of athetoid/dyskinetic CP?
involuntary movements of limbs and face
-symptoms absent in sleeps
What are signs of ataxic CP?
-disturbed coordination
-lack of equilibrium
What is spina bifida?
-neural tube defect caused in first 6 weeks due to insufficient folic acid
-permanent, non-progressive spinal cord dysfunction
What are the types of spina bifida?
What is spina bifida occulta?
-bony deformity
-possible hair patch at level of occurrence
What is meningocele?
-posterior malformation resulting in skin sac
-CSF in sac only, not affecting cord and meninges
What deformities are associated with spina bifida?
-Chiari malformation
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level <T10?
-standing equipment; supported sitting
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level T12?
-HKAFO; slide board transfers, good sitting balance, independent wheelchair mobility
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level L1-2?
-HKAFO, KAFO, RGO; house hold ambulation
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level L3-4?
-KAFO, floor reaction AFO; household ambulation, limited community ambulation
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level L5?
-KAFO, floor reaction AFO; community ambulation
What orthotic intervention and typical functional activity would be expected for spina bifida at level >S1?
-usually none; community ambulation
What are characteristics of upper motor neuron lesions?
-weakness without atrophy
-increased tone
-increased reflexes
What are characteristics of lower motor neuron lesions?
-weakness with atrophy
-decreased tone
-decreased reflexes
What is the typical pattern of functionality returned in a CVA?
-LE first, then UE, then hand
-tone before voluntary
-proximal before distal
When does the majority of motor recovery take place following CVA?
-3 months
What is a complete SCI?
-total loss of sensory/motor below level
-loss of bowel/bladder
What is an incomplete SCI?
-partial loss of sensory and/or motor below level
-intact bowel/bladder
How is SCI level determined?
-the inferior-most point with intact function
What spinal level must be intact to maintain independent breathing?
What is the C1/C2 myotome?
-neck flexion/extension
What is the C3 myotome?
-neck lateral flexion
What is the C4 myotome?
-shoulder shrug
What is the C5 myotome?
-shoulder abduction
What is the C6 myotome?
-elbow flexion/wrist extension
What is the C7 myotome?
-elbow extension/wrist flexion
What is C8 myotome?
-finger flexion/thumb extension
What is T1 myotome?
-finger abduction
What is the L2 mytome?
-hip flexion
What is the L3 mytome?
-knee extension
What is the L4 myotome?
-ankle dorsiflexion
What is the L5 myotome?
-toe extension
What is the S1 myotome?
-Ankle plantarflexion
What spinal level is responsible for neck flexion/extension?
What spinal level is responsible for neck lateral flexion?
What spinal level is responsible for shoulder shrug?
What spinal level is responsible for shoulder abduction?
What spinal level is responsible for elbow flexion/wrist extension?
What spinal level is responsible for elbow extension/wrist flexion?
What spinal level is responsible for finger flexion/thumb extension?
What spinal level is responsible for finger abduction?
What spinal level is responsible for hip flexion
What spinal level is responsible for knee extension?
What spinal level is responsible for ankle dorsiflexion?
What spinal level is responsible for toe extensinon?
What spinal level is responsible for ankle plantarflexion?
What are the clinical signs of ALS?
-UMN affected, resulting spasticity
-extensors of UE and flexors LE affected
-LMN affected, resulting in asymmetric distal-proximal weakness
-aggressively progressive
What is multiple sclerosis?
-pathology wherein damage to myelin sheath results in slower, weaker transmission of nerve signals
-sclerotic plaques from in brain and spinal cord
What are the types of MS?
-clinically isolated
-secondary progressive
-primary progressive
What is transverse myelitis?
-inflammation of the spinal cord resulting in changes in nerve signals below affected level
What causes transverse myelitis?
-viral infection
-bacterial infection
-fungal infection
-parasitic infection
What is poliomyelitis?
-viral infection which causes typically asymmetrical nerve injury and resultant paralysis
What is post polio syndrome?
-overwork syndrome of motor neurons which were recruited to compensate for loss of function during initial viral infection
What are the signs of post polio syndrome?
- slow progressive muscle weakness
-muscle atrophy
-increased fatigue
What is Guillan-Barre?
-autoimmune disorder in response to viral or bacterial infection, surgery, or vaccination
What are the signs of Guillan-Barre?
-fast progressive disorder resulting in peak impairment in 4 weeks or less
-flaccid paralysis
-ascending symmetric motor weakness and distal sensory impairment
What is the typical course of Guillan-Barre?
-onset to peak disability in 4 weeks
-static phase lasting 2-4 weeks
-recovery proximal-distal progression
What are the required diagnosing criteria for Guillan-Barre?
-progressive weakness in more than one extremity
-loss of deep tendon reflex
What are the supportive diagnosing criteria for Guillan-Barre?
-rapidly-developing weakness
-symmetric weakness
-facial weakness
-absence of fever
-recovery beginning 2-4 weeks after cessation of progression
What is Charcot-Marie-Tooth?
-hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
What are the classic signs of CMT?
-foot drop with steppage gait
-difficulty with fine motor skills
-cavus foot deformity
Carpal tunnel syndrome is classified as an injury to what nerve?
What is a Morton’s Neuroma typically found?
-between 3-4 met heads
What are clinical signs of PTTD?
-hindfoot valgus
-pain at medial ankle
-inability to perform heel rise
What is the difference between OA and RA?
-OA is mechanical overuse injury
-RA is a degenerative autoimmune condition
What is Erb’s Palsy?
-upper brachial plexus injury to roots C5-C6
-waiter’s tip deformity
What is Klumpke’s Palsy?
-lower brachial plexus injury to roots C8-T1
-claw hand deformity
Is Erb’s Palsy or Klumpke’s palsy more likely to resolve?
-Erb’s Palsy
What position should be maintained in treating carpal tunnel syndrome?
-neutral forearm/wrist (not in extension)
What is Blount’s disease?
-dysgenetic growth of medial proximal tibial epiphysis?
What are the clinical signs of Blount’s disease?
-unilateral genu varum
Hip flexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
-lumbar plexus
Hip extensors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Hip abductors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Hip adductors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Knee flexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Knee extensors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Ankle dorsiflexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Ankle plantarflexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Ankle inverters are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Ankle everters are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Shoulder flexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
-lateral pectoral
Shoulder extensors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
-thoracic nerve roots
Shoulder abductors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Elbow flexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Elbow extensors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Forearm pronators are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Forearm supinators are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Wrist flexors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Wrist extensors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
Thumb abductors are typically innervated by what nerve(s)?
What are the major events of the gait cycle?
-initial contact
-opposite toe off
-heel rise
-opposite initial contact
-toe off
-feet adjacent
-tibial vertical
What are the major periods of the gait cycle?
-loading response
-terminal stance
-initial swing
-mid swing
-terminal swing
What percentage of the gait cycle is spent in stance?
What is cadence?
-steps in a given time (steps/minute)
What is a normal cadence?
-120 steps/minute
What are the determinants of gait?
-pelvic rotation
-pelvic obliquity
-lateral displacement
-knee flexion in stance
-ankle mechanism/rocker
-foot mechanism/rocker
What is the benefit of the determinants of gait?
-reduces vertical displacement of COG by artificially lengthening limbs
What are the attributes of giat?
-stability in stance
-foot clearance in swing
-prepositioning for IC
-adequate step length
-conservation of energy
Where is the GRF acting in initial contact?
-posterior ankle, anterior knee, anterior hip
Where is the GRF acting in loading response?
-posterior ankle, posterior knee, anterior hip
Where is the GRF acting in midstance?
-anterior ankle, anterior knee, posterior hip
Where is the GRF acting in terminal swing?
-anterior ankle, posterior knee, posterior hip
What muscle activation is seen in initial contact/loading response?
-gluteus (concentric)
-hamstrings (isometric)
-quadriceps (eccentric)
-anterior tib (eccentric)
What muscle activation is seen in midstance?
-gluteus (isometric)
-quadriceps (concentric)
-gastroc (eccentric)
-anterior tib (isometric)
What muscle activation is seen in terminal stance?
-gastroc (isometric)
What muscle activation is seen in preswing?
-iliopsoas (concentric)
-quadriceps (isometric/concentric, depending on speed)
-gastroc (concentric)
What muscle activation is seen in initial swing?
-iliopsoas (concentric)
-anteriro tib (concentric)
What muscle activation is seen in midswing?
-anterior tib (concentric)
What muscle activation is seen in terminal swing?
-gluteus (concentric)
-hamstring (eccentric)
-quadriceps (concentric)
-anteriro tib (concentric)
What is the peak hip flexion angle seen in gait, and when?
-25 degrees; terminal swing/loading response
What is the peak hip extension angle seen in gait, and when?
-15-20 degrees; terminal stance
What is the peak knee flexion angle seen in gait, and when?
-60 degrees; initial swing
What is the peak ankle dorsiflexion angle seen in gait, and when?
-10 degrees; terminal stance
What is the peak plantar flexion angle seen in gait, and when?
-20 degrees; initial swing
How does the center of pressure travel along the plantar surface during gait?
-initial contact at lateral heel, push off at hallux
What are the functions of the foot in gait?
-shock absorption
-accommodation to walking surface
How much of the gait cycle is spent in double limb support?
As walking speed increases, what decreases?
-time spent in double limb support
Describe hammer toe deformity.
-PIP flexion
-DIP extension
Describe claw toe/curly toe deformity.
-PIP flexion
-DIP flexion
Describe mallet toe deformtiy.
-PIP extension
-DIP flexion
T/F: Supination is typically a flexible position of the foot/ankle.
What is the functional ankle ROM required for normal gait?
-10 degrees DF
-20 degrees PF
What is the SVA during midstance?
-12 degrees inclined
When tuning an AFO, the bench alignment should be in what position?
-appropriate ankle angle
-5-8 inclined SVA
The proximal trimline of an AFO should be where?
-20mm below neck of fibula
What is the first rocker?
-heel rocker; lowering of the forefoot
What is the second rocker?
-ankle rocker; tibia declination into inclination
What is the third rocker?
-toe rocker; heel raise with extension of MTP
What muscles in the hand/wrist does the radial nerve innervate?
-extensor muscle groups
-abductor pollicis longus
What muscles in the hand/wrist does the median nerve innervate?
-radial flexors
-abductor pollicis brevis
-opponens pollics
-1-2 lumbricals
What muscles int he hand/wrist does the ulnar nerve innervate?
-ulnar flexors
-abductor digiti minimi
-opponens digiti minimi
-adductor pollicis
-3-4 lumbricals
Radial nerve receives fibers from what spinal level?
Median nerve receives fibers from what spinal level?
Ulnar nerve receives fibers from what spinal level?
Hand of benediction is typically associated with what nerve injury?
Wrist drop is typically associated with what nerve injury?
Claw hand is typically associated with what nerve injury?
What is normal ROM in GH extension?
-45 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH flexion?
-180 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH abduction?
-180 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH adduction?
-0 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH horizontal abduction?
-90 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH adduction?
-30 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH external rotation?
-90 degrees
What is normal ROM in GH internal rotation?
-70 degrees
What is normal ROM in elbow flexion?
-154 degrees
What are the muscles of the rotator cuff?
-teres minor
What are the power grips of the hand?
What are the precision grips of the hand?
-lateral (key)
-lumbrical (plate)
-pinch (tip/tip or pad/pad)
-3 jaw chuck
What is the functional position of the wrist/hand?
-20-30 degrees wrist extension
-45 degrees MCP flexion
-15 degrees PIP/DIP flexion
-45 degrees thumb abduction
What is the safe position of the wrist/hand?
-10-45 degrees wrist extension
-60-90 degrees MP flexion
-full extension PIP/DIP
What is a boutonniere deformity?
-PIP flexion, DIP hyperextension
What is a swan neck deformity?
-PIP hyperextension, DIP flexion
What is a colles fracture?
-distal radius fracture with radial dislocation
What is a Monteggia fracture?
-proximal radius fracture with dislocation of radial head
What is a Galeazzi fracture?
-distal radial fracture with ulnar dislocation
What spinal region is most mobile?
Where does the most rotation occur?
How much rotation occurs at C1-2?
What is the greatest motion available in the thoracic spine?
What is the greatest motion available in the lumbar spine?
What are the appropriate trim lines for a TLSO?
-25 mm below sternal notch
-20mm above thigh when seated on firm chair
-38 mm from axilla
-20mm above spine of scapula
-25mm from sitting surface (posterior)
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the base of the mandible?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the sternal notch?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the inferior angle of the scapula?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the xyphoid process?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the waist?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the umbillicus?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the iliac crests?
What spinal level is roughly attributable to the ASIS?
What motions does a chairback LSO control?
-AP (flexion/extension)
What motions does a Knight type LSO control?
-AP/ML (flexion/extension/lateral flexion?
What motions does a Taylor type TLSO control?
-AP (flexion/extension?
What motions does a Knight Taylor type TLSO control?
-AP/ML (flexion/extension/lateral flexion?
What motions does a Cowhorn type TLSO control?
-AP/ML + rotation (triplanar)
What motions does a does a Jewett/CASH type TLSO control?
ow are hyperextension TLSO’s measured?
-distance sternal notch to pubis
-subtract 72mm (3”)
What is Torticollis?
-shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Torticollis is commonly associated with what other condition?
Torticollis affecting the right side will be associated with what area of flattening?
-left (plagiocephaly/asymmetric brachy)
When is a SOMI traditionally indicated?
-post Halo intervention
What does SOMI stand for?
-sternal occipital mandibular immobilizer
What type of cervical orthosis provides end-point control?
How is infantile idiopathic scoliosis defined?
-occurring before age 3
How is juvenile idiopathic scoliosis defined?
-occurring between ages 3-9
How is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis defined?
-occurring at age 10 or later (up to skeletal maturity)
What AIS curve patterns tend to progress the least?
-single lumbar
-single thoracolumbar
What are the risk factors for AIS curve progression?
-curve pattern
-curve magnitude
How is a structural curve defined via X-ray?
-non-resolving in lateral bending
Describe how to take a Cobb angle
-angle between the lines made perpendicular to the superior endplate of the superior-most tilted vertebra and the inferior endplate of the inferior-most tilted vertebra
What direction does the spinous process rotate to in AIS?
-towards concavity
What direction does the body of the vertebra rotate to in AIS?
-towards convexity
What is the Adam’s forward bend test?
-visual inspection of thoracic rotation, by bending forward at the hips 90 degrees
What possible deformities in AIS can be seen in the frontal plane?
-C7 decompensation
-arm gap
-pelvic obliquity
-lateral curvature
-unequal shoulder height
What possible deformities in AIS can be seen in the sagittal plane?
What possible deformities in AIS can be seen in the transverse plane?
-rib hump
What are the mechanisms of corrective action in AIS bracing?
-end point control
-three point pressure system
-coupled de-rotation
-active muscle component
What does end point control refer to in AIS bracing?
-reduction of pelvic deformity
-C7 compensation
What does three point pressure system refer to in AIS bracing?
-reduction of lateral curvature
-aiding in C7 compensation
-restoration of normal sagittal curve profile
What does coupled de-rotation refer to in AIS bracing?
-anteriolateral and posteromedial directed forces to reduce rotation
What does active muscle component refer to in AIS bracing?
-space allowed for movement of tissue during correction/breathing
When is a Milwaukee CTLSO indicated for AIS?
-apex above T7-8
-T1 tilt
What is the indications for treatment in AIS?
-Risser 0-1, curve <20 degrees: observe
-Risser 0-1, curve 20-40 degrees: brace
-Risser 2-3, curve 0-30 degrees: observe
-Risser 2-3, curve 30-40 degrees: brace
-Risser any, curve 40-50 degrees: brace (possible surgery)
-Risser any, curve >50 degrees: surgery
What is the difference between positional plagiocephaly and craniosynostotic plagiocephaly?
-craniosynostotic results in asymmetrical growth due to premature fusion of sutures
What is the cephalic index?
-ratio of head length to head width
What is cranial vault asymmetry?
-difference between diagonal measurements, frontozygomatic to bossing/flattening
What is brachycephaly?
-high cephalic ratio
What is scaphocephaly?
-low cephalic ratio
When are CROs most effective?
-4-8 months
What typically needs to be documented for insurance coverage?
-2 months of repositional therapy (and age of at least 3 months)
-age 6-18 months
-cephalic index +/- 2SD from normal
-10+ cranial vault asymmetry
-OR craniosynostosis
What is the normal femur angle of inclination?
-125 degrees
Femoral inclination angle of greater than 125 degrees is called what and results in what?
-coxa valga; knee varum
Femoral inclination angle of less than 125 degrees is called what and results in what?
-coxa vara knee valgum
What is the normal angle of femoral torsion?
-10-15 degrees anterior
Femoral torsion of greater than 15 degrees is called what and results in what?
-(excessive) anteversion; in-toeing
Femoral torsion of less than 15 degrees is called what and results in what?
-retroversion; out-toeing
The anatomical hip joint is oriented how compared to the greater trochanter?
-1” proximal
-1/2” anterior
What is the Ober test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-tensor fascia latae tightness
-sidelying, passive abduction and extension
-positive test if upper leg stays in the air and does not contact table
What is the Thomas test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-hip flexor tightness
-supine, unilateral hip flexion to chest
-positive test if extended thigh does not contact table
What is the Lachman test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-ACL rupture
-supine, 30 degrees flexion with external rotation, anterior translation force
-positive test with soft end feel and/or anterior translation 3 mm greater than intact leg
What is the Anterior drawer test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-ACL rupture
-supine, hip flexion 45 degrees, knee flexion 90 degrees, anterior force on proximal tibia
-positive test with soft feel and/or anterior translation greater than 6mm
What is the Posterior drawer test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-PCL rupture
-supine, hip flexion 45 degrees, knee flexion 90 degrees, posterior force on proximal tibia
-positive test with soft end feel and/or posterior translation greater than 6mm
What ist he posterior sag test (Gottfried test), how is it performed, and what is postive?
-PCL rupture
-supine, hip flexion, knee flexion
-positive test if posterior sag of tibia noted
What is the McMurray test, how is it performed, and what is positive?
-meniscus tears
-supine, hip flexion, knee flexion, compressive force between tibia and femur, with foot rotation
-positive test with pain or click
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for shoulder abduction.
-AG: sitting
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for shoulder flexion.
-AG: sitting
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for shoulder extension.
-AG: sitting
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for elbow flexion.
-AG: sitting
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for elbow extension.
-AG: prone, shoulder abducted to 90 degrees and off table OR supine, shoulder flexed to 90 degrees
-GE: sitting, shoulder abducted to 90 degrees
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for wrist extension.
-AG: sitting, pronated
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for wrist flexion.
-AG: sitting, supinated
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip flexion.
-AG: sitting, arms crossed over chest
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip extension.
-AG: prone
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip abduction.
-AG: sidelying, testing side up
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip adduction.
-AG: sidelying, testing side down
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip internal rotation.
-AG: sitting
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for hip external rotation.
-AG: sitting
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for knee extension.
-AG: sitting
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for knee flexion.
-AG: prone
-GE: sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for ankle dorsiflexion.
-AG: sitting
-sidelying, testing side up
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for ankle plantar flexion.
-AG: single limb standing, heel raise (1-5 quality repetitions (1=grade 3, 5=grade 5))
-GE: sidelying, testing side up, 90 degrees knee flexion
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for ankle inversion.
-AG: sitting
-GE: supine
Describe against gravity and gravity eliminated MMT positions for ankle eversion.
-AG: sitting
-GE: supine