Ovarian Tid bits Flashcards
What are the five risks associated with oophorectomy in women prior to menopause?
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Vasomotor instability
- cognitive impairment
- death
What % of Mucinous Ovarian Ca are metastatic?
What % of Mucinous Ov Ca are primary Ovarian?
What features in a Mucinous Ovarian tumour increase the likelihood that it is an Ovarian primary?
- unilateral,
- “expansile” pattern of invasion,
- complex papillary pattern,
- size > 10 cm,
- smooth external surface,
- Histologically: microscopic cystic glands, necrotic luminal debris, mural nodules and
- Accompanying teratoma, adenofibroma, endometriosis or Brenner tumor
Histologically how are borderline tumours differentiated from carcinoma
Morphology of a BOT with invasion < 5mm with non invasive implants.
What are the type types of invasion characteristic of Muncinous carcinoma?
- expansile or infiltrative:
- Expansile tumors are usually stage I and behave “benign”
- Infiltrative tumors may demonstrate malignant behavior and cause death even if stage I
The cumulative incidence at 70 for Ovarian Ca in women with a MLH1 mutation is?
The cumulative incidence at 70 for Ovarian Ca in women with a MSH2 mutation is?
The cumulative incidence at 70 for Ovarian Ca in women with a MSH6 mutation is?
0 % - I suspect that means increased above the background level.
The cumulative incidence at 70 for Ovarian Ca in women with a PMS2 mutation is?
0% - I suspect that means increased above the background level.
Likely of finding Ca in an Endometrioma?
What, if any, is the increase in risk for epithelial ovarian cancer in women with Endometriosis?
What is the effect of TIL (tumour infiltrating lymphoctyes) on OS in Ov Ca
NEJM 2003 found 5 yr OS in TIL - 38.0% vs 4.5% in No TIL.
With complete surgical and chemo response 5 yr OS in TIL 73.9% an 11.9% in no TIL.
How common is hypercalcaemia in malignancy
~20-30% of pts with ca will have Hypercalcaemia. 80% of those will have Humoral Hypercalcaemia of Malignancy (HHM)
How often do women with CCC of the Ovary have hypercalcaemia?
No idea. Overall 5% of Gyn Malignancies are astd with paraneoplastic hypercalcaemia.
Reported cases. Clear cell C most common epithelial ovarian Ca astd with para-neoplastic syndromes - including VTE, acute cerebellar degeneration or bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation.