outdoor ed Flashcards
competence or mastery
to be the first person to accomplish something
a completely involved, focused state of consciousness / mindset
intrinsic movtivation
a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake
extrinsic motivation
a desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards or threats of punishment
cognitive reward
personal challenge and achievement of adventure and learning
stimulus avoidance
escape from the reality of everyday life
protected environment types
N.P, S.P, world herritage
how many national parks in vic
Types of enviroments
grasslands, apls, marine, cool temp rainforests, woodlands
how many wilderness parks in vic
different types of environments
natural, built, urban, rural
natural definition
something that comes from nature eg. koalas, trees, a dessert
Unnatural definition
usually refers to an object or process that humans
have affected in some way. EG introduction of pest species, mountain bike trails, downhill ski slope
artificial definition
things that are created by humans EG motorbike,
mobile phone or sweeteners
an environment that is big, remote and untouched by humans
natural environments
the pillars, arthurs seat state park, quarry, fishies beach
urban / build environments
areas of permanent infrastructure
designed to support higher population densities such as
cities and towns.
personal and social development of young people