Outcome #2 Development and effective Perf. Manag. System Flashcards
performance Standards
Job-related requirement
derived Job analysis
reflected in job descriptions and job specifications
Performance std./// all orders will be filled in 4 hours and 98 % accuracy//
Sdt is measurable/// compare employee is ok//
elements when establishing perf. std
- strategic relevance
- criterion deficiency
- criterion contamination
- reliability
Strategic relevance
extend perf. std. /// strategic objectives//
Provides documentation HR needs to justify// close gaps actual with needed skills
Criterion Deficiency
criter. defic/
should capture the entire range of employees
Focus on a single criterion
Criterion Contamination
Factor outside that affect employee
some Wks work new machine that other don’t
Sales people///contaminated// territories differ potential
Stability consistency of standard
Extent Wks. perform stable during the time.
A process whereby managers meet to discuss the performance of individual employees to ensure that their employee evaluations are in line with one another
Use the same stds
Fairness and acceptability
Wks. tend to have an opinion if the process was fair or not
Wks must be allowed an input into///good performance
an input too/// in how the system operates
Legal issues
Employers face a legal challenges when low or acceptable evaluation
Legal guidelines:
Perf. evaluation: job-related, job analysis, only areas job performance
wks get job standards
Supervisor should apply perf. Std
Who should appraise employee perf.
Manager / Supervisor evaluation Self/evaluation Subordinate evaluations Peer evaluations Team evaluation Customer evaluation
Manager / Supervisor evaluation
traditional way
Rely on instruments rather than the manager opinion
- First wk evaluate himself// strenghts and weaknesses
2. Manager talk about it and discuss it
Subordinate evaluations
A performance evaluation of a superior
by an employee, which is more
appropriate for developmental than for
administrative purposes
Peer evaluations
A performance evaluation is done by one’s fellow employees, generally on forms compiled into a single profile for use in the evaluation meeting conducted by the employee’s manager
Team evaluation
A performance evaluation that
recognizes team accomplishment
rather than individual performance
Customer evaluation
A performance evaluation that
includes evaluation from both a firm’s
external and internal customers
360 degree /evaluation
A performance evaluation is done by
different people who interact with the employee, generally on forms compiled into a single profile for use in the evaluation meeting conducted by
the employee’s manager