Other Types of Vehicles Flashcards
What affects motorcycles more than cars and how?
Wind,, blown sideways and veer onto your path more easily
How to stay safe around a motorbike
If overtaking, allow extra room
If one is infront and overtaking a high sided veichle, keep well back as it could blow off course
Watch out for signs that warn the road is particuarly susceptible to side winds
How is wet weather dangerous for motorcyclists?
May swerve onto the road to avoid uneven or slippery surfaces
Metal drain covers in wet weather are particularly hazardous for two-wheeled vehicles
In wet weather, larg vehicles throw up a lot of spray, what should you do?
This affects visibility so drop further back till you can see vbetter
if spray makes visibility relaly bad, what should you do?
use dipped headlights
Use rear fog lights if visibility is below 100 metres
Why are larger vehicles more difficult to overtake?
Because of the length it takes longer
Stay well back and give large vehciles plenty of rom as they aproach or emerge from where?
road junctions, crossroads, and mini-roundabouts
Why be careful at turns with large vehicles?
Due to their size, they need to turn differently, so they might indicate right, turn left, then swing back round right
If your waiting to emergy left from a minor road, and alarge vehicle is approaching from the right, what shoul yuou do and why?
Wait, as it may seem there is enough time to turn but the large vehicle could easily hide an overtaking vehicle
How to be safe around a bus?
Watch carefully for pedestrians when it stops, who may get off and cross the road or walk behind the bus
Be prepared to give way as it moves away from the bus
Why take extra care with trams?
Are silent
Move quickly
Can’t steer to avoid you
In some cities, there are white light signals at traffic lights - who are these for?
Tram drivers
How can I adjust my mirrors to help me see behind when Im towing a caravan?
Fit extended arm side mirrors, these help you get a better view past the caravan
If im driving downhuill and a large vehicle coming uphill needs to move out to pass a parked car, should I stop for it?
Slow down and give way if possible, its more difficult for a large vehicle to start uphill
Which vehicles are mostly effected by side winds?
motorcyclists, cyclists, and high sided vehicles
Is there a soeed limit for powered vehicles used by disabled people
8mph when used on the road