Incidents, Accidents, and Emergencies Flashcards
What to do if tyre bursts or get a puncture when driving?
Hold steering wheel firmly
Pull up slowly or roll to a stop at the side of the road
WQhat to do for an emergency on the motorway?
Get onto the hard shoylder and call for yhelp using one of the telophones, the operator will ask:
phone number
details of you and vehicle
if you belong to a motoring orginization
wait near your vehicle away from the carrigeway
What may a person with a disbalityt display if they cannot reach an emegrency telophone?
A help pennent
What to do if broke down on a level crossing?
Get everyone out and move off, call the signal operator, only move vehicle if told to
How to drive through a tunnel?
remove any sunglasses
swithc on dipped headlights
keep a safe distance from car inforont
look out for variable message signgs that warn of incidents or congestion
What to do if break down in tunnel?
swicth off engine
swtich on hazards
call for help immediately from nearest phone
What to do if car catches fire in tunnel?
Drive it out
if not possible, stop, put on hazards, try and put out fire, call for help at nearest phone
When to use hazard warning ligghts?
If need to suddenlty sow or stop because of an incident or hazard ahead on motorway or dual carrigeway
when broken down and obstructiong traffic
Warning trignale rules
place at ;east 45m behind vehicle
it will warn other usrs youve broken down
never use on a motorway
What to do if first on scene at an incident?
stop and warn other traffic swithc on your hazards dont put yourself at risk call emegrnecy services ensures all engines swiched off move uninjured people away if the vehicle has an orange plate with a warning, report it to the emergency services
Explain how to approach a first aid situation
call 999 or 112
keep them warm and conformatble
kep them calm by talkuing reasuringly
make sure theyre not left alone
only move them if in obvious danger
If a motorcyclist is involved, only remove helmet if necessary to keep them alive as removal could cause more harm
never offer food, drink, or a ciggarette
if unconcious, check they can breathe and place them in the ecovery position, keep checking their airways are clear
What is DR ABC?
danger, response, airways, breathing, circulation
Symptoms of shock
rapid pulse, sweating, pale grey skin
How to treat shock
reasurre them, keep them warm, maek them confortable, avoid moving them, make sure theyre not left alone
Hw to treat burns
douse with cool water for at leatt 20 mins
dont ermove anything sticking to the burn
What to do if involved in accident?
stop, give name and adress, report it to the ownder, report to police within 24 hours if the above was not possible
What to do if someone is injured in an accident your involed in?
prodeuce insurance documents at time, if not possible report to the polive within 24 hours
What to do if another vehicle is involed in accident?
find out:
if the driver owns the vehicle
the make and erg of the vehicle
the other drivers name, address, telephone, and insurance
What might you haev to produce the police following an acident?
insurance, MOT, driving liscence
What should I do if I see something fall from a lorry on the motorway?
Stop at teh nexy teleophone and report it to the police, do the same for your own vehicle - dont retrieve it
What to do if engine catches fire?
pull uop as quicjkly and safely as possible, get everyone out, call the fire service, dont open bonnet
What to carry in car for emegrency?
ffirst aid kit, warning triangle, fire extinguiosher
What to do if smell petrol?
Stop and investigate as sson as you can do so saely, dont ignore it