Other Stains Used Flashcards
mixture of picric acid and acid fucshin for the demonstration of connective tissues, mucin and elastic fibers
Van Gieson’s
a basic acridine fluorochrome which permits the discrimination between dead and living cells
Acridine Orange
Acridine orange gives ____ fluorescence for DNA
Acridine orange gives ____ fluorescence for RNA
for calcium salts and phosphatase activity
Acridine Red 3B
stain acid mucopolysaccharides specifically connective tissue and epithelial mucin
Alcian Blue
A cytoplasmic stain used for counterstaining of epithelial sections
Aniline blue
A plasma stain utilized also for deep staining of acid fast organisms
Basic Fuchsin
For staining hemoglobin
For staining diphtheria
Bismarck brown
Used as a contrast stain for Gram’s technique, acid fast and Papanicolaou method
Bismarck brown
used as a chromatin stain for fresh material in smear prep
Comibined with aluminum chloride to stain glycogen
Best carmine
A mordanted dye acting as a basic dye and staining acid substances
Mayer’s Carmalum solution
Recommended for routine taining of fixed sections
Celestine blue
Best known as indicator; may be utilized as a stain for axis cylinders in embryos
Congo Red
used for staining elastic tissues, amyloid and myelin (Krajian’s method)
Congo Red
A nuclear chromatin stain used for staining amyloid in frozen sections and platelets
Crystal Violet
Mixture of crystal violet, methyl violet and Dextrin
Gentian Violet
Used for staining blood to differentiate leukocytes
Used for metallic impregnation
Gold sublimate
Gold sublimate is made up of
Gold chloride and Mercuric chloride