Other Periodontal Diseases Flashcards
interdental pappilla and marginal gingiva only
Rapid pain, interdental necrosis and bleeding (often spontaneous)
Young adults and associated w/ cig smoke and stress
Pseudomembane covering ulcerations
All of the stuff for NUG plus halotosis and attaachment loss
Other findings for Ncrotizing Periodontal Diseases:
Oral hygeine often poor and it hurts to brush
Regional lymph Node swelling ofter submandibular or cervical
Increased salivation
Epidemiolgy of NPD
Young adults
Developing countries: higher prevelance
Industrial countries: higher under certain conditions: smoking and stress
High amoungst immunocompromised but decrease with anti-retroviral therapy
Itiology and pathogenesis of NPD
Bacteria: spirochetes, Fusobacterium and P. intermedia
Virus: CMV or HIV
Preexisting gingivitis and poor oral hygein
Histopathology of NPD
Necrosis of epithelium and some C
Hyperemic CT w/ large capillaries and many PMN
Gingival Abscess
Localized, paiful, rapidly expanding lesion.
Limited to margin and papilla
Periodontal abscess
In periodontal tissue
Often in molar sites
Associated w/ preexisting periodontitis
Localization occurs when drainage thru pocket is impaired
Periodontitis-related abscess
Untreated patients or recurrent infection
Post-therapy abscess following SRP or surgival therapy from calculus or foreing bodies
Post-antibiotic abscess is super-infection
Non-eriodontitis-related Abscess
From oral hygeine devises or food
Root morphology alterations like external root reportion, latrogenic, cemental tears
Complications of abscesses
Tooth loss or systemic spread of bacteria
Etiology and pathogensis
P. gingivalis
mechanical obstruction prevents drainage
Diagnosis of periodontal abscess
pain and swelling suppuration tender Deep pocket, BoP, mobility Widened PDL and bone loss radiographically Fever
Acute lesion managment:
drain and antibiotics
Should be done in a week