Other Operational Knowledge Flashcards
Standard Taxi
Taxi in on Engine 2
- BLEED 1 —- OFF
- ENG1 START/STOP - STOP (monitor stop)
Go Around Submode
What does it initially pitch for?
When does it transition to Speed Hold Mode?
10 degrees
Transitions to Speed Hold (IAS replaces GA):
- Anytime speed less than 1.23Vs - targets 1.23 Vs
- 20 seconds after GA engagement:
- If airspeed > 170, 170 is targeted and replaces pre-selected speed target
- If airspeed w/in 5 kts of pre-selected speed target, selected speed is targeted
What is included in “closeout”?
What needs to be accomplished prior to getting the closeout?
- Send OUT fuel (OOOI page)
- Send Fit for Duty (mobileCCI)
- Flight and PAX closed out (gate agent)
- Baggage (ramp)
What does “Flight Instruments Verified” mean on GPS Approach? CN approach?
GPS - when switch to blue APP on PFD
CN - localizer frequency tuned and identified
What is the trigger for the shutdown flow?
Captain sets the parking break
How soon before entering a hold do you need to be at holding speed?
3nm prior to entering hold
- What direction turn is a standard hold?
- Standard hold leg length above 14,000 ft?
- Holding speeds
- Right
- 1.5 minutes (1 min at or below 14000)
- <= 6000: 200, 6001-14000: 230, >14000: 265
What page must be up when briefing a GPS approach?
How do you get there?
What do you need to confirm on APPR PLAN page?
Course within 3 degrees of approach plate
Who do you need to communicate with during hold? What do you need to calculate?
- Dispatch - advise of holding fix, new ETA, remaining FOB and any other pertinent remarks
- Flight Attendant - remind of sterile cockpit and turn Sterile Light on
- ATC - “ENY1234 entering hold at XYZ, FL210, time 13:14 zulu”
1. Holding airspeed (QRH)
2. BINGO fuel
RSV + furthest alternate + fuel to destination (used flight prog) + buffer (~300)
If the first officer has less than 100 hours, when must the Captain make the takeoff and landing?
- At SARA airports
- Visibility < 3/4 miles or 4000 RVR
- Rwy contaminated with water, slush, snow or other condition affecting performance
- Braking action less than “good” (< 5)
- Crosswind greater than 15 kts
- Windshear reported in vicinity of airport
- Any other time captain deems prudent
On a non-precision approach, when should you initiate a missed approach?
Upon reaching the VDP if the criteria for continuing below MDA has not been met
When may you descend below MDA with the runway environment in sight?
- At the VDP or
- Established at or above glide path by means of visual landing aid (VASI or PAPI)
(FOM p. 931)
How can you calculate a VDP if one is not published?
MDA height / 300 ft per NM = NM
ex. 900 MSL (390 AGL) - > 390/300 ft per NM = 1.3nm
(AOM 1 p. 174)
On non-precision approaches, what is the preferred descent angle from the FAF to touchdown? What ft/nm does that translate to?
How do you determine descent rate based on groundspeed for a 3 degree descent?
3 degrees, or 300 ft/nm
groundspeed/2 x 10 = ft/min
120 kt groundspeed / 2 x 10 = 600 fpm
Descent Procedures
How is Vapp calculated?
How is Wind Factor determined?
How is Gust Factor determined?
What is the minimum Vapp for Flaps 22? Maximum?
What is the minimum Vapp for Flaps 45? Maximum?
Vapp = Vref + wind factor
wind factor = 1/2 reported wind + gust factor
gust factor = reported gust - reported wind
Flaps 22 Vapp min = Vref +5
Flaps 22 Vapp max = Vref +20
Flaps 45 Vapp min = Vref +5
Flaps 45 Vapp max = Vref +15
Descent Procedures
When using FMS VNAV, what vertical speed and target FPA range will yield an idle thrust and clean configuration descent?
If VNAV is not available, what is a rule of thumb to determine top of descent distance and vertical speed?
3000-3500 fpm and 2.5-3 FPA
3 x thousands of feet to lose = top of descent dist (nm)
ex. 3 x 20,000 feet = 60 nm
6 x ground speed (nearest hundred) = vertical speed (fpm)
6 x 470 (use 500) = 3000 fpm
(AOM p. 152)
RVSM Required Equiptment
What is the max allowable difference between ADC altimeters?
Autopilot with Alt. Hold - must be operational
Altitude Alerting System - must be op
Altitude Reporting Transponder - 1 must be op
Altimeters (must be operationally independent) - 2 must be op
50 ft
At what N2 does fuel flow normally happen during engine start?
If fuel flow prior to this N2, what should you be suspect of?
At what N2 does start cycle normally end?
Hot start
ATIS Triggers:
- <= 10 degrees and visible moisture
- <= 5 degrees
- Contaminated runway
- a) A-ICE ON b) Ice Detect OVRD to ENG c) TPS shows A-ICE ON
- Ignition on during engine start
- a) T/O only, (no ALT T/O) b) Ignitions ON for takeoff (and taxi)
Standard Weights
Flight Deck Pilot
Flight Attendant
205 - Flight Deck Pilot
210 - ACM
182 - Flight Attendant
Standard Weights
Summer - Pax / Child
Winter - Pax / Child
Pax - 190
Child - 83
Winter - Add 5lbs:
Pax - 195
Child - 88
What is considered equivalent to the AFM that must be on board aircraft?
AOM Vol 1
Airport Analysis
(AOM p. 19)