Limitations Flashcards
What is the maximum altitude when an aircraft is dispatched for unpressurized flight?
10,000 ft MSL
What is the maximum altitude after an in flight depressurization?
10,000 ft MSL unless MEA or other constraints require a higher altitude
Maximum Operating Airspeed (Vmo/Mmo)
Maximum Operating Airspeed (KIAS) 8,000 to 10,000 Pressure Altitude (ft.) (Vmo)
Red Line
Vmo/Mmo increases linearly from 250kts at 8,000 ft to 320 kts at 10,000 ft.
Maximum Operating Airspeed (KIAS) up to 8,000 Pressure Altitude (ft.) (Vmo)
Maximum Turbulence Penetration Speed (Vb/Mb)
Above 10,000 ft
At or below 10,000 ft
Above 10,000
250/.63 whichever is lower
At or below 10,000
Maximum Maneuvering (Va)
Full application of rudder and ailerons, and maneuvers involving angle of attack near stall, must be confined to speed below Va
A full or nearly full rudder deflection in one direction followed by a full or nearly full deflection in the other direction, even at speeds below the design maneuvering speed, can dramatically increase the risk of structural failure of the vertical stabilizer or rudder
Landing Gear Extension Speed (Vloe)
Landing Gear Extended Speed (Vle)
Landing Gear Retraction Speed (Vlor)
Gear Speeds
- Extension (Vloe)
- Extended (Vle)
- Retraction (Vlor)
- 250
- 250
- 200
Flaps 9 Speed
Flaps 18 Speed
Flaps 22 Speed
Flaps 45 Speed
Momentary airspeed excursions that are due to wind gusts or turbulence are allowed up to 155kts with no crew or maintenance action required
Steady state operations over 145 kts are not allowed and must be entered into the AML
Flap Settings
Flap Placard Speeds 9 18 22 45
9 - 250
18 - 200
22 - 200
45 - 145
When may the flap 45 speed be exceeded? When may it not?
Momentary airspeed excursions that are due to wind gusts or turbulence are allowed up to 155kts with no crew or maintenance action required
Steady state operations over 145 kts are not allowed and must be entered into the AML
Maximum Wiper Operating Speed
What aircraft control deflection should be avoided?
A full or nearly full rudder deflection in one direction followed by a full or nearly full deflection in the other direction, even at speeds below the design maneuvering speed, can dramatically increase the risk of structural failure of the vertical stabilizer or rudder
Maximum Operating Altitude
37,000 ft
Minimum Takeoff and Landing Pressure Altitude
-1000 ft
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Pressure Altitude
8000 ft
Minimum Takeoff and Landing Temperature
-40c SAT
In the event of a landing below -40c SAT, what must happen before aircraft can takeoff again?
Maintenance inspection must be performed before aircraft can takeoff again
What is the TAT limit in cruise flight (> 25,000 ft)
momentary deviations up to -50c do not required maintenance action
What does TAT stand for?
Total Air Temperature
TAT is the SAT (actual OAT) plus the temperature rise associated with high-speed flight. This temperature increase is called “ram rise” and is the result of heating of the air due to compression. From a practical standpoint, TAT (or RAT) is the temperature the airplane’s skin feels, while SAT is the free air’s temperature (aka OAT).
On the Ground and for Takeoff
What is the definition of Icing?
When OAT is 10c or below AND visible moisture in any form is present (clouds, fog w/ vis < 1mile, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals)
Additionally, can exist when temp < 10c when operating on ramps, taxiways or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on engines, nacelles, or engine sensor probes
What criteria should you use to determine whether to activate Anti-icing System on the ground?
Use the temperature and visual moisture criteria (do not rely on visual icing evidence or ice detector actuation to turn it on)
Delaying the use of Anti-icing System until ice build-up is visible from the flight deck may result in ice ingestion and possible engine damage or flameout
In Flight
What is the definition of Icing?
When TAT is 10c or below AND visible moisture in any form is present (clouds, fog w/ vis < 1mile, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals)
Even if the Ice Detection System is not activating the Ice Protection System, the crew should manually activate it if icing conditions exist
Minimum Temperature for Manual Anti-Icing Operation
Maximum Temperature for Manual Anti-Icing Operation
What temperature should be used on the ground and for takeoff? In flight?
Ground/takeoff - Outside Air Temperature (OAT)
In flight - Total Air Temperature (TAT)
Temperature limitation for automatic Anti-icing System Operation
There are none
When is a runway considered contaminated?
When more than 25% of the required field length, within the width being used, is covered by:
- more than 1/8th inch (3mm) of standing water, slush, wet snow
- more than 3/4 inch of dry snow
- compacted snow
- ice
Minimum Autopilot Engagement Altitude
500 ft
Minimum Disengagement Altitude
- Instrument approach (APR or NAV mode)
- Visual Approach (HDG or NAV as noted)
Instrument - MDA/DA/DH
Visual - Traffic Pattern Altitude (1500 ft AFL)
Can autopilot be engaged during single engine go around?
No, it is prohibited
Note: Go Around ends at 1,500 ft
When is Yaw Damper operation not authorized?
- Takeoff to 500ft AGL
- Landing
APU Starter Limits
Cooling Period
Between 3 Consecutive Attempts - 1 min OFF
Between Two Series of 3 Consecutive Attempts - 30 min. OFF
AHRS Limitation During Initialization
The aircraft must not be moved when the AHRS is in the initialization mode until all attitude and heading information presented on the PFD is displayed
Engine Cool Down After Landing or High Power Runs
Run each engine for a min. of 1 minute at idle or taxi thrust before shutdown
Minimum dispatch engine oil level
8 quarts before engine start or
7 quarts after engine start
Engine Type
Rolls Royce AE3007 A1
Engine warmup procedure prior to takeoff
- Warm Engine
- Cold Engine
- What is considered a cold engine?
Warm: Run engine at idle or taxi thrust for a min of 2 minutes
Cold: 4 minutes
Cold engine if it has been shutdown for more than 90 minutes
What must engine oil temp be prior to increasing N2 above 83%?
What as an acceptable alternate to this limitation
In lieu of this minimum oil temp limit, it is acceptable to:
- run engine for at least 8 minutes and
- ensure the oil temp is in the green range prior to advancing Thrust Levers for takeoff
When should Max Continuous power be used?
Only during OEI operation or emergency only
Max ITT T/O ALT T/O Max Continuous Engine Start
T/O - 948
ALT T/O - 917
Max Continuous - 901
Engine Start - 800
Max N1
Min and Max N2
How long may oil pressure be in the amber range?
Amber range up to 115 PSI for 5 mins
Amber range up to 155 PSI for 2 mins
Total time in amber range may not exceed 5 mins
Exceedance must be logged in AML by crew
How long may oil pressure be in the red range
Operation in red range not authorized
What is the minimum oil temp for starting?
What is the minimum oil temp for takeoff?
If oil temp is less than this perform Engine Warm Up Prior to Takeoff Procedure
Engine Warm Up Prior to Takeoff Procedure
In lieu of this minimum oil temp limit of 40c, it is acceptable to:
- run engine for at least 8 minutes and
- ensure the oil temp is in the green range prior to advancing Thrust Levers for takeoff
Starter Limits On Ground
Starting or Dry Motoring: Up to 5 min ON, 5 min OFF
First to Fourth Cycles: 1 min ON, 1 min OFF
Following Cycles: 1 min ON, 5 min OFF
Max Altitude for Flap Extension
20,000 ft MSL
Acceptable Takeoff Flap Configurations
Flaps 9, 18, 22
Maximum Airspeed after Takeoff/During Climb without Retrimming
160 KIAS
Holding Configuration
Landing Gear UP
Flaps UP
Minimum Holding Airspeed Potential Icing Conditions
200 KIAS
When are thrust reversers intended to be used
- Rejected takeoff
- Landing
After initiating Reverse Thrust, a full stop MUST be made
When must MAXIMUM reverse thrust be used?
- Whenever use will prevent runway excursion
- When landing on rwys with MEDIUM or POOR braking action, unless appropriate landing distance penalty (Flip Card) is applied
When may IDLE reverse thrust be used?
- Dry runways 9,000 ft or shorter usable length (LDA)
- Non-dry runways where braking action is GOOD
When is thrust reverser use prohibited?
- Power-back operations
- Taxi Operations
- Thrust levers stabilized in any intermediate position between IDLE and MAXIMUM
Max Crosswind for takeoff and landing
30 kts
Max Tailwind for takeoff and landing
10 kts
Max Ramp Weight (MRAMP)
Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
Max Landing Weight (MLW)
Max Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
MRAMP - 50,044
MTOW - 49,823 (MRAMP - 221)
MLW - 43,651 (MRAMP - 6172)
MZFW - 40,564 (MRAMP - 9480)
Max Ramp Weight (MRAMP)
Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
Max Landing Weight (MLW)
Max Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
Difference between MTOW and MLW
Difference between MRAMP and MTOW
Cargo Compartment Limits
C1 - Coat Rod, Floor
C1 - 40, 100
C4 - 2646 (Horiz. Net must be installed for weight > 2182)
Cabin Pressurization:
Max differential cabin pressure
Auto mode normal max differential
Max negative differential
- 1 - Max differential cabin pressure (overpressure relief activates in auto mode)
- 8 - Auto mode normal max differential
- .3 - Max negative differential (negative pressure relief activates in auto mode)
Max differential cabin pressure
Auto mode normal max differential
Max negative differential
Minimum Control Speeds:
VMCG: V1 always higher than VMCG
VMCA: VR always higher than VMCA
VMCL: VREF always higher than VMCL
V1 always higher than VMCG
VR always higher than VMCA
VREF always higher than VMCL
Max TO/LDG Temp (-1,000’ PA)
MAX TO/LDG Temp (8,000’ PA)
52 - Max TO/LDG (-1,000’ PA)
34 - MAX TO/LDG (8,000’ PA)
Takeoff with Airframe Contaminants
Where is frost allowed for takeoff?
A 1/8th inch frost layer is permitted on the underwing surfaces.
Warning: TO is prohibited when frost, snow, ice or slush is adhering to the wings, control surfaces, stabilizers, pitot static ports or AOA vanes.
How must performance be calculated if the runway is contaminated
If the runway is contaminated, the Automated Performance Analyst procedures contained in AOM Vol1 Performance section must be used.
When must the Pre-takeoff tactile check be performed?
Must be performed when OAT is 5°C or below and:
1. There is visible moisture
2. Water is present on the wing
3. Difference between OAT and dewpoint is
3°C or less
4. Atmospheric conditions have been
conducive to frost formation
5. Holdover time is exceeded after
de/anti-icing fluids are applied
When is Approach mode selection during localizer capture is allowed?
Only when acft is inbound
During a CAT I ILS coupled go-around, how much height loss may be expected?
height loss may be 95’
What is the minimum DH on CAT II approaches?
Minimum DH 100’
During a CAT II ILS coupled go-around, how much height loss may be expected?
height loss may be 50’
Min Alt during coupled Cat II appr?
Max tailwind during CAT II appr?
10 kts
Max crosswind during CAT II appr?
15 kts
What flap setting must be used during CAT II appr?
Flaps 22
When must round up the RA?
EICAS Version 20.5 will not display the green
CAT II annunciator when the RA is set to 80 ft.
If the approach plate shows RA 80’, round the RA
setting up to 85’.
APU Operation Altitude
37,000 ft
APU Max Altitude to Start
30,000 ft
APU Continuous EGT
APU continuous EGT may be exceeded up to 717°C for five minutes maximum
APU Rotor Speed
APU Min Start Temp
Min battery temp for APU start
-20c (N/A for external power start)
When must TERR/OVRD must be selected?
- FMS in dead reckoning mode
- GPS 1 and 2 fail
- Airport not included in Honeywell database
Before TO or within 15NM of approach/landing at an airport with:
- longest runway <3,500’
- no published instrument approach
Max load on main GEN
Max load on APU gen
- Up to 30,000’ 400A
- Above 30,000’ 300A
Max temp main batteries
Min battery temp for APU start
When must ATTCS be armed?
ATTCS (Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System) armed for takeoff when using ALT T/O-1
Min-max oil pressure
What are the exceptions to the min-max oil press?
- May be exceeded during starts if oil temp is below 21°C. Engine must remain at idle until oil press is in the green range.
- Min oil pressure < 88% N2 is 34psi.
=> 88% N2 is 50psi.
However, operation between 34-50psi is permitted during takeoff and go-around phases. - Engines may operate in the amber range:
up to 115psi for 5 minutes.
115-155psi for 2 minutes.
Oil temp min-max
When may N1 and N2 turbine vibration limits be exceeded?
May be exceeded up to the top of the amber range:
- 5 minutes during takeoff or go-around phases
- 10 seconds during other flight phases.
ISIS max duration on batteries?
How can it be extended?
Integrated Standby Instrument System
40 mins
-Extend by 5 minutes by turning off pitot 3
sensor heating
Acceptable Fuels
Brazilian Spec - QAV1
ASTM Spec - D1655-JET A and JET A-1
American Spec - MIL-T-83133A-JP8
Min temp if fuel does not contain anti-ice additive
What checklist procedure should you refer to?
If fuel does not contain an icing inhibitor, the temperature of fuel leaving FCOC must be above 4°C (refer to E1 (2) FUEL LOW TEMP Procedure).
What position should XFEED being in during takeoff and landing?
Max fuel imbalance
800 lbs
Total usable fuel
Total unusable fuel
If electric fuel boost pump inop - 365lbs
Pressure for re-fueling
35-50 psi
Fuel tank temp min - max
-40 - 52c
Type of Hydraulic fluid
SAE AS 1241A Type IV
When should you not operate the radar?
- During refueling
- Near fuel spills
- Near people
After initiating reverse thrust, what must you do?
Come to a full stop
Weather minimums for circling approach
1000/3 or published mins, whichever is higher
After landing, down to what speed can max reverse thrust be maintained?
80 kts
After landing, down to what speed can idle reverse thrust be maintained?
Contaminated Runway Takeoff Operational Limitations
- Automated Performance Analyst must be used.
- Takeoff with contamination depths greater than the values on the Automated Performance Analyst Depth Chart (Figure - 1) is PROHIBITED.
- T/O or T/O-1 takeoff must be accomplished.
- Ignition must be ON for takeoff.
- Anti-skid system must be operative.
- Takeoff with any brake degraded is PROHIBITED.
- Takeoff with ANY tailwind component is PROHIBITED.
FD Bars Pitch
Flaps 9
Flaps 18
Flaps 22
14 degrees (flaps 9) 13 degrees (flaps 18) 12 degrees (flaps 22)
Conditions for automatic shutdown
On ground and in air:
- Overspeed
- Underspeed
- Failure to start
- Failure to accelerate
- Failure to light
- Loss of speed data
- External short
- Loss of FADEC signal or FADEC failure
On ground only:
- Fire*
- Overtemperature*
- Bleed valve opening*
- Low oil pressure*
- High oil temperature*
- Oil pressure switch short*
- Loss of EGT*
When do you switch between IAS and MACH?
Climbing/descending through 25,100 feet by pressing the SPD knob
What conditions must be met for Thrust Reversers to deploy?
In order for the reversers to deploy, one of the following conditions must be met:
1) Both Main Gear sense the aircraft to be on the ground with wheel speed > 25 kts; or
2) Both Main Gear and the Nose Gear sense the aircraft to be on the ground.
Which conditions require an engine start abort?
- No ITT rise within 10 sec of fuel flow
- ITT approaches start limit (800c)
- N2 steady or decr. for more than 30s after lightoff (hung start)
- N2 indicates no rotation >10s after start
- Visible burning in exhaust pipe or smoke
- Abnormal engine indications
- Oil pressure < 34psi after stable idle
When must a static takeoff be accomplished?
When the actual takeoff weight is within 300 lbs of the Runway Weight Limit for the thrust mode to be used.
Release brakes after the engines have reached target N1
RVSM Required Equiptment
What is the max allowable difference between ADC altimeters?
Autopilot with Alt. Hold - must be operational
Altitude Alerting System - must be op
Altitude Reporting Transponder - 1 must be op
Altimeters (must be operationally independent) - 2 must be op
50 ft
Descent Procedures
When using FMS VNAV, what vertical speed and target FPA range will yield an idle thrust and clean configuration descent?
If VNAV is not available, what is a rule of thumb to determine top of descent distance and vertical speed?
3000-3500 fpm and 2.5-3 FPA
3 x thousands of feet to lose = top of descent dist (nm)
ex. 3 x 20,000 feet = 60 nm
6 x ground speed (nearest hundred) = vertical speed (fpm)
6 x 470 (use 500) = 3000 fpm
(AOM p. 152)
Descent Procedures
How if Vapp calculated?
How is Wind Factor determined?
How is Gust Factor determined?
What is the minimum Vapp for Flaps 22? Maximum?
What is the minimum Vapp for Flaps 45? Maximum?
Vapp = Vref + wind factor
wind factor = 1/2 reported wind + gust factor
gust factor = reported gust - reported wind
Flaps 22 Vapp min = Vref +5
Flaps 22 Vapp max = Vref +20
Flaps 45 Vapp min = Vref +5
Flaps 45 Vapp max = Vref +15
On non-precision approaches, what is the preferred descent angle from the FAF to touchdown? What ft/nm does that translate to?
How do you determine descent rate based on groundspeed for a 3 degree descent?
3 degrees, or 300 ft/nm
groundspeed/2 x 10 = ft/min
120 kt groundspeed / 2 x 10 = 600 fpm
How can you calculate a VDP if one is not published?
MDA height / 300 ft per NM = NM
ex. 900 MSL (390 AGL) - > 390/300 ft per NM = 1.3nm
(AOM 1 p. 174)
When may you descend below MDA with the runway environment in sight?
- At the VDP or
- Established at or above glide path by means of visual landing aid (VASI or PAPI)
(FOM p. 931)
On a non-precision approach, when should you initiate a missed approach?
Upon reaching the VDP if the criteria for continuing below MDA has not been met
Flight Maneuvering Load Accel Limits
Flaps up -1.0g to 2.5g
Flaps down 0g to 2.0g
Approved Runway Surface Type
Runway slope for takeoff and landing
-2% to 2%
ITT Limit for T/O-1
948 for 5 min
ITT Limit for ALT T/O-1
917 for 5 min
ITT Limit for Max Cont. Thrust
901°C OEI or emer only
ITT Limit for Engine Start
If the first officer has less than 100 hours, when must the Captain make the takeoff and landing?
- At SARA airports
- Visibility < 3/4 miles or 4000 RVR
- Rwy contaminated with water, slush, snow or other condition affecting performance
- Braking action less than “good” (< 5)
- Crosswind greater than 15 kts
- Windshear reported in vicinity of airport
- Any other time captain deems prudent