Other/ER Flashcards
What coagulation factors are part of the intrinsic pathway?
12, 11, 9, 8
What coagulation factors are part of the extrinsic pathway?
What coagulation factors are part of the common pathway?
2, 5, 10
What coagulation factors are vitamin K derived?
2, 7, 9, 10
What drug can be given to greyhounds to prevent bleeding after surgery?
aminocaproic acid
What is the treatment for cutaneous habronemiasis in horses?
surgical removal, ivermectin, topical steroids
What is the concentration of isotonic saline?
9 g/L
What is the swine maternal recognition of pregnancy?
embyronic estrogen production
What is the most common primary brain tumor of cats? dogs?
cats - meningioma
dogs - glial cell
What is the treatment for bovine ketosis?
IM dex
What breeds are predisposed to enteroliths?
arabians and miniature horses
What topical parasiticide is contraindicated in horses?
What does corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis cause in horses?
ulcerative lymphangitis
What are two essential fatty acids for cats?
linoleic and arachadonic acid
What causes enzootic pneumonia in swine?
mycoplasma hyopnemoniae
What are causes of udder cleft dermatitis in cattle?
ascariasis and fusobacterium necrophorum
What stage of heartworm is infective from the mosquito?
What stage of heartworm is microfilaria?
What are the two heartworm stages in the mosquito?
L1 to L2
What salivary glands cause salivary mucoceles?
mandibular and sublingual glands (parotid - rare)
What does haemophilus parasuis cause?
glassers disease - fibrinous pleurisy and peritonitis
What is the treatment of choice for sand impaction in horses?
What sheep breed is predisposed to abomasal emptying defect?
What dog breed is predisposed to chronic degenerative disc disease with cervical instability?
What drug causes bigeminal rhythym?
What plants cause cardiac arrythmias and acute GI signs in small ruminants?
azalea and rhododendron
What drug is the antidote for heparin?
What parasite causes typhlitis and colitis in horses?
trichuris vulpis
What virus is equine sarcoids associated with?
bovine papilloma virus
What is the gold standard for diagnosing johnes disease?
culture mycobacterium paratuberculosis from feces or postmortem
How do you treat malignant hyperthermia in pigs under anesthesia?
IV dantrolene, body cooling, IV fluids
What two chemotherapies are contraindicated in cats?
cisplatin and 5-fluroacil
What is the gold standard for diagnosing west nile virus?
RT-PCR on cns tissue
What are the CS of west nile virus in horses?
summer, fever, acute onset hind limb ataxia and weakness
What is the gold standard for diagnosing newcastle disease?
virus isolation
What kind of virus is newcastle?
How is newcastle disease virulence tested for?
ICPI (intracerebral pathogenicity index)
What tick transmits lyme disease?
ixodes scapularis - black legged deer tick
What bacteria causes fowl cholera?
pasteurella multocida
What are the two tests for BLV?
What percent of infected cows develop clinical disease due to BLV?
less than 5%
What dog breed gets juvenile onset of dilated cardiomyopathy?
portugese water dogs
What bacteria causes infectious coryza in chickens?
avibacterium (haemophilus) paragallinarum