Other components of the face Flashcards
What nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression?
The facial nerve
What are the bones of the face?
14 bones:
- Vomer
- Mandible
- Nasal x2
- Inferior nasal conchae x2
- Zygomatic x2
- Palatine x2
- Lacrimal x2
- Maxillae x2
What are the salivary glands of the face?
1) Parotid x2
2) Sublingual x2
3) Submandibular x2
Where are the parotid glands?
Below and in front of the ear canal
Where are the sublingual glands?
Underneath the tongue
Where are the submandibular glands?
Underneath the mandible (neck)
What innervates the sublingual and submandibular glands?
The Chorda Tympani branch of the facial nerve (before it leaves the stylomastoid foramen)
What nerve supplies the muscles of FACIAL EXPRESSION?
The FACIAL NERVE (Cranial nerve VII)
Describe the pathway of the facial nerve
1) From the brain into the INTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS and through the PETROUS PART of the temporal bone
2) Drops INFERIORLY through the skull through the STYLOMASTOID FORAMEN
Describe the pathway of the facial nerve
1) From the brain into the INTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS and through the PETROUS PART of the temporal bone
2) Drops INFERIORLY through the skull through the STYLOMASTOID FORAMEN
What is the stylomastoid foramen?
A HOLE between the styloid process and the mastoid process of the TEMPORAL BONE
What happens as the facial nerve passes through the internal auditory meatus?
It gives off 3 branches:
- Greater petrosal nerve
- Nerve to stapedius
- Chorda tympani
What is the internal auditory meatus also known as?
The internal acoustic canal
What does the greater petrosal nerve do?
Goes to the mucous and lacrimal glands
To give tears
What does the chorda tympani do?
- Innervates the sublingual and submandibular glands
- Innervates the anterior 2/3 of the tongue to allow taste sensation
What does the facial nerve do immediately after leaving the stylomastoid foramen?
What happens after this?
Gives off the posterior auricular branch that innervates the occipital part of the occipitofrontalis
The facial nerve then enters the PAROTID GLAND, where it forms the parotid plexus (branches into 5)
What does the facial nerve do immediately after leaving the stylomastoid foramen?
Gives off the posterior auricular branch that innervates the occipital part of the occipitofrontalis
What are the 5 branches that the facial nerve forms in the parotid gland?
How to remember?
1) Temporal (the)
2) Zygomatic (zebra)
3) Buccal (bit)
4) Mandibular (my)
5) Cervical (cat)
What muscles does the temporal branch of the facial nerve innervate?
- Frontalis
- Corrugator supercilli
- Obicularis Occuli
What muscles does the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve innervate?
- Obicularis Occuli
What muscles does the buccal branch of the facial nerve innervate?
- Zygomaticus
- Buccinator
- Obicularis Oris
What muscles does the mandibular branch of the facial nerve innervate?
- Mentalis
What muscles does the cervical branch of the facial nerve innervate?
- Platysma
What is the effect of intercranial damage to the facial nerve?
- Reduction in taste and salavation
- Reduction in tears
- Hypersensitve to sound
What is the effect of extracranial damage to the facial nerve?
Severe muscle weakness and paralysis
What are the causes of intercranial damage?
What are the causes of extracranial damage?
Tumour Infection Trauma (eg. lessions/fracture of the temporal bone) Compression Inflammation
Of the nerve or the parotid gland