Ostemetric points Flashcards
What is the vertex?
The meeting point of the 4 bones of the skull:
- Occipital
- Frontal
- 2 x Parietal
The midpoint of the saggital suture
The highest part of the skull
What is the zygion?
The most lateral part of the zygomatic bone (highest part of the cheekbones)
What is the pogonion?
The most projecting point in the mid-sagittal (median) plane of the chin
What is the gnathion?
The most ANTERIOR-inferior, mid-sagittal point on the border of the mandible
What is the menton?
The most POSTERIOR-inferior, mid-sagittal point on the border of the mandible
What is the gonion?
The midpoint of the mandibular angle
What is the midramus?
The midpoint between the condylar head and the angle of the mandible
What is the glabella?
Small depression MEDIAL to the supraorbital ridges and SUPERIOR to the nasal bones
What is the nasion?
Dip above the top of the nose (inferior the glabella)
What is the mid-nasal point?
Mid point between the superior and inferior border of the nasal bone (between the otseometric points: nasion and rhinion)
What is the rhinion?
The free border of the nasal bone
What is the subnasal point?
Point where the nasal septum and the upper lip merge in the mid-saggital plane
What is the mid-philtrum?
Mid point between the 2 vertical grooves (philtrum) underneath the nose
(Midpoint between the osteometric points: subnasal and prosthion)
What is the prosthion?
The most anterior point on the maxillary alveolar process (at the point at which the teeth start)
What is the labrale inferioris
The point at which the inferior vemillion border meets the midsaggital plane (at the point of the teeth)
What are the 16 osteometric points?
1) Glabella
2) Nasion
3) Mid-nasal
4) Gnathion
5) Rhion
6) Menton
7) Pogonion
8) Gonion
9) Labrale Inferiorus
10) Mid-philtrum
11) Mid-ramus
12) Prosthion
13) Subnasale
14) Vetex
15) Zygion
16) Mentolabial Sulcus
What is the alveolar process?
The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the bones that bare teeth (maxilla and mandible)
What is the philtral ridge?
The ridges of the philtrum
Wha tis the philtum?
The vertical indentation in middle area of the upper lip
Extends from the nasal septum to the upper lip
What is the vermilion border?
The border of the lip
What is the upper/lower lip vermillion?
The border of the upper or lower lips
What is the oral commisure?
The corner of the mouth