Other Flashcards
Most common target serine proteinase 3
Some correlation with levels and disease activity
Wegner’s granulomatosis>90%
Microscopic polyangitis 40%
Most common target myeloperoxidase (MPO) Cannot use to monitor disease activity Churg Strauss +ve 60% Microscopic polyangitis 50-75% Wegner’s 25%
IBD (UC>Crohns)
Connective tissue disorders: RA, SLE,Sjorgrens
AI hepatitis
Rheumatoid factor
Circulating antibody usually IgM- reacts with Fc portion of patients own IgG
- detected by rose waaler test (sheep red agglutination) or latex agglutination test (less specific)
RA (70-80% positive) . High titre levels associated with severe progressive disease
Sjorgren and Feltys 100% Infective endocarditis 50% SLE 20-30 Systemic sclerosis 30% General population 5% Rarely TB, HBV, EBV, leprosy
Nitric oxide
Inhibits platelet aggregation
Altitude disorders
Acute mountain sickness -> high altitude pulmonary edema or cerebral edema
Due to chronic hypobaric hypoxia
Usually self limiting, above 2500m . Headache, nausea, fatigue
Acetazamide prevention - carbonic anhydride inhibitor
Warfarin clotting factors
2, 7, 9, 10