OTC Flashcards
GI red flags
- blood in stool/vomit
- dysphagia
- unexplained weight loss
- vomiting with constipation
- babies projectile vomiting
- sustained alteration in bowel habit
- medicines causing stomach pain: nitrates, CCBs, NSAIDs, alendrotnic acid, corticosteroids, opioids
Oral thrush symptoms
- creamy white patches on oral mucosa
- burning sensation in mouth
- change in taste
- refer a healthy adult presenting with oral thrush
Oral thrush OTC treatment
- daktarin oral gel (miconazole)
-licensed from 4 months old - apply after food
- continue for 48 hours once lesions have healed
- if CI, refer for nystatin
Causes of mouth ulcers
- vitamin B/folic acid deficiency
- stress
- poor nutrition
- trauma
- carcinoma
- smoking
Mouth ulcers symptoms
- small lesions with a distinct outer edge
- painful/ stinging
- if irregular shape = due to trauma or something sinister
- normally resolve within 7-14 days
When should you refer mouth ulcers
- painless
- > 3 weeks
- clusters of 5 or more
- pregnant/breastfeeding
- diabetic
OTC treatment of mouth ulcers
- paracetamol
- anbesol (lidocaine) - one ulcer, infant age +
- corsodyl (chlorhexidine) - 1 + ulcer, 12 years +, don’t swallow
Dyspepsia causes
- hurried meals
- spicy food
- H. pylori
- overweight
- Iron
- Nitrates
- CCBs
- pregnancy
- bisphosphonates
- steroids
Dyspepsia lifestyle advice
- decrease fat in diet
- reduce alcohol intake
- smoking cessation
- weight loss
- reduce caffeine intake
- raise head of bed
- eat 4 hours before going to bed
Dyspepsia OTC treatment
- antacids e.g. gaviscon
- 12 years +
- magnesium = diarrhoea
- aluminium = constipation
- omeprazole/esomeprazole
OTC constipation summary
- 1st = always lifestyle advice
- bulk forming (ispaghula) - not in sedentary or not before bed
- osmotic (lactulose/macrogol) - safe in preg/breasfeeding, lactulose in children = cavities
- stimulant (senna/glyc/bisa) - avoid in preg, glycerol most effective in children moisten before use works in 30 mins, useful in opioid induced
- stool softeners (docusate)
- self-limiting
- must stay off school/work for 48 hours
- referral: babies > 24 hours, elderly and children > 48 hours, adults > 72 hours, traveller’s diarrhoea, chronic/recurrent, fatigue
Diarrhoea OTC treatment
- oral rehydration therapy
- immodium (loperamide)
Oral rehydration therapy details
- used from 3 months old
- sip little and often
- sachets keep for 24 hours in fridge once made up
- max 6 sachets daily
Immodium details
- loperamide
- used from 12 years
- max 8 tabs daily
- 2 tablets initially then one tablet after each loose stool for up to 5 days
- MHRA: cardiac ADRs (QT prolongation) with high doses of loperamide associated with abuse and misuse
IBS symptoms
- abdominal pain
- bloating
- alteration in defecation
- must be diagnosed by Dr for OTC tx
IBS OTC treatment
- buscopan IBS relief - GSL
- buscopan cramps - P
- both hyoscine butylbromide
- avoid in pregnancy/breastfeeding
- caution in glaucoma/BPH
- peppermint oil = can cause heart burn, avoid in breastfeeding
Haemorrhoids symptoms
- pain on defecation/sitting down
- small amounts of bright red blood on toilet paper
- itching
- internal haemorrhoids = painless but will bleed
- external = more painful and visible
- referral: > 3 weeks, internal pain, large volumes of blood, blood mixed in stool, first time
Haemorrhoids OTC treatment
- anusol
- ointment = external, suppositories = internal
- over 16s
- hydrocortisone products = 18+, no more than 7 days, don’t use if skin broken/infected
Respiratory red flags
- asthma
- very old
- very young
- pleuritic chest pain
- diabetes
- diabetic = check blood sugars every 2-4 hours, may need to adjust insulin dose, drink plenty fluids, check ketone levels, aim for BG 6-10mmol/L
Cold and flu OTC treatment
- paracetamol
- sudafed (pseudoephedrine/ephedrine)
- from 12 years
- max: 720mg pseudo, 180mg ephedrine
- don’t take at night - stimulant properties
- don’t sell to diabetics (increase BG or HTN)
- interacts with MAOIs
Cough summary
- no evidence for cough products
- referral: > 3 weeks, SOB, purulent sputum, haemoptysis, wheezing, drug induced, frothy sputum (HF)
Cough OTC treatment
- simple linctus = paediatric and SF available, suitable for diabetics and preg
- codeine linctus = MHRA: restricted under 12 (respiratory side effects), not for 12-18 years with respiratory problems, restricted in children - morphine toxicity
Sore throat referral
- > 2 weeks
- hoarsness > 3 weeks
- immunosuppressants
- exudate on tonsils
- airway compromise
Sore throat OTC treatment
- paracetamol
- ibuprofen
- topical preparations (little evidence)
Allergic rhinitis symptoms
- allergic conjunctivitis, runny nose, itchiness
- referral: sinus/ear pain that doesn’t resolve after 7 days, wheezing, purulent sputum
- lifestyle: wear sunglasses, keep windows/ doors closed, avoid hanging out washing at midday
Allergic rhinitis OTC treatment
- oral antihistamines
1. chlorphenamine - 1 yrs (liquid), 6 yrs (tablet)
2. cetirizine, loratidine - 2 yrs (liquid), 6 yrs (tablet) - Beconase nasal spray (beclometasone)
– over 18s, start 2 wks before hay fever season, max: 3 months - sodium cromogylate eye drops
– over 6 yrs, see GP if needed > 14 days
Paediatric paracetamol doses
- 120mg/5mL
- 2 months = stat 2.5mLat time of men B vaccine + 1 further dose if required OR one 60mg suppository
- 3-5 months = 2.5mL QDS
- 6-23 months = 5mL QDS
- 2-4 yrs = 7.5mL QDS
- 4-6 yrs = 10mL QDS
- 250mg/5mL
- 6-8 yrs = 5mL QDS
- 8-10 yrs = 7.5mL QDS
- 10-12 yrs = 10mL QDS
- Tablet: 12-16 years 750mg QDS
Paediatric ibuprofen doses
- 100mg/5mL
- 3-5 months = 2.5mL TDS
- 6 - 11 months = 2.5mL TDS-QDS
- 1-3 yrs = 5mL TDS
- 4-6 yrs = 7.5mL TDS
- 7-9 yrs = 10mL TDS
- 10-11 yrs = 15mL TDS
- 12-17 yrs = 200-400mg TDS
Teething symptoms
- temperature
- swollen gums
- excessive dribbling
- nappy rash
- reduced sleep
Teething OTC treatment
- paracetamol
- anbesol (lidocaine) - topical tx - apply undiluted max 6x day
Cradle cap symptoms
- yellow, scaly skin on scalp and eyebrows
- slight redness around area
- referral: signs of infection
Cradle cap OTC treatment
- baby shampoo and a soft brush
- apply oil at night and wash in morning with baby shampoo
Colic symptoms
- babies crying > 3 hours per day
- worse on evening
- pulling legs towards chest
- referral: not gaining weight
Colic OTC treatment
- infacol (simeticone) - 0 yrs +
- one drop before each feed
- soothe baby
- burping after meals
- ensure correct teat size
Chicken pox symptoms
- varicella zoster
- small, red, itchy spots on scalp, trunk, upper limbs that develop into vesicles, fever, general malaise
- infectious 1-2 days before and 6 days after vesicles
- not infectious once crust over - can return to school
- referral: pregnant, immunocompromised, secondary infection, wheezing/rapid breathing
- counselling: lukewarm baths, loose clothes, nails short, fluids
Chicken pox OTC treatment
- Paracetamol (fever)
- calamine lotion and chlorphenamine (itch)
Headlice details
- must see live louse to diagnose
- only tx family if they have live lice - tx on same day
Headlice OTC treatment
- Hedrin (Dimeticone)
- apply to dry hair from roots to tips
- leave on for max 8 hours
- repeat after 7 days
- wash out with normal shampoo
- wet combing essential to remove eggs
- suitable for asthmatics and those aged 6 months +
- MHRA: severe burns if in contact with flames
Threadworm details
- symptoms: nocturnal perianal itching, visible worms in stools
- no need to keep children off school
- referral: secondary infection, tx failure
Threadworm OTC treatment
- Ovex (mebendazole)
- 1 x 100mg - repeat after 14 days
- keep nails short and clean, wash bed linen daily
Measles symptoms
- white/grey spots on inside of cheeks (koplik spots)
- flu like symptoms
- sore eyes sensitive to light
- red/brown rash starting on back of neck
- lasts 7 days
- stay off school
Measles OTC treatment
- paracetamol
** notifiable disease
Rubella (German measles) symptoms
- symptoms: rash starts behinds ear, flu-like symptoms - lasts 3 days
- spotty rash that starts on the face or behind the ears and spreads to the neck and body
- stay off school
Rubella OTC treatment
- paracetamol
** notifiable disease
Mumps symptoms
- painful swelling of parotid glands
- avoid school/work for 5 days
- highly contagious viral disease
Mumps OTC treatment
- paracetamol
- ** notifiable disease
Scarlett fever symptoms
- flu-like
- swollen neck glands
- sore throat
- sand paper rash
- white coating on tongue
- flushed cheeks
- strawberry tongue
Scarlett fever OTC treatment
- refer for abx
- return to school 24 hours post starting abx
** notifiable disease
Whooping cough symptoms
- cold-like initially
- after 1 week cough begins
- may bring up thick mucus
- stay off for 48 hours from starting abx tx or 21 days from start of cough
Whooping cough treatment
- refer for abx
** notifiable disease
Eczema symptoms
- red, itchy, inflamed skin on internal flexures
- referral: signs of secondary infection, severe/extensive
Eczema OTC treatment
- emollients e.g. hydromol
- MHRA: risk of severe/fatal burns
- apply in direction of hair growth to prevent folliculitis every 2-3 hours. Use to replace soap in bath
- hydrocortisone 1% cream
- wait 15-30 minutes after applying emollient and continue for 48 hours after eczema has cleared
Psoriasis symptoms
- pink/red rash with silver scale on external flexures
- referral: new presentation, extensive or severe forms, pustular psoriasis, secondary infection
Psoriasis OTC treatment
- ovonex ointment (calcipotriol)
- 18 yrs +
- avoid sunlight exposure
- max weekly dose is 100g of cream/oint
Irritant/contact dermatitis symptoms
- itchy/blistered/cracked/red skin which occurs hours - days after allergen/irritant
- referral: infected skin, extensive/severe
Irritant/contact dermatitis OTC treatment
- hydrocortisone 1% cream
- apply BD max of 7 days
- not OTC for face or genitals
- counselling: avoid irritant
Scabies symptoms
- itching in webs of fingers
- itching worse at night
- burrowing rash
- grey lines on skin
- referral: still itching after 3 weeks post OTC tx, those under 2 year
Scabies OTC treatment
- permethrin
- tx all close contacts
- using cotton wool, apply from neck down incl. head for 12 hours overnight
- repeat in one week
- can return to school/work after first tx
- if hands washed during tx - reapply
Acne symptoms
- whiteheads
- blackheads
- painful pustules
- cysts
- oily skin
- referral: no improvement after 8 wks OTC, drug-induced acne, anxiety/depression
Acne OTC treatment
- acnecide (benzoyl peroxide)
- treat entire face
- initially OD then increase to BD
- may take 2-3 months to work
- counselling: may bleach clothes/bed linen, don’t squeeze spots, gentle face washing, apply a light moisturiser to reduce irritation
Shingles symptoms
- herpes simplex
- symptoms: pain before rash appears, red papules, unilateral, follows nerve line
- referral: over 50s, pregnant, eye involvement, immunocompromised
Shingles OTC treatment
- painkillers
- if struggling to cope - refer
- counselling: use cold compress 2-3 x daily
- avoid preg women who have not had chicken pox, babies who are <1 month and immunosuppressed people
Ringworm symptoms
- dry/red/scaly/itchy rash
- highly contagious and spread through objects (touch)
- referral: on scalp, immunosuppressed
Athletes foot symptoms
- dry/flaky/red/soggy/itchy cracked skin between toes
Ringworm and athletes foot OTC treatment
- clotrimazole 1% cream
- apply to affected area(s) and 2 inches surrounding
- counselling: Don’t share towels, wash clothes at high temperature, dry feet thoroughly, use talcum powder to help sweat, don’t use moisturiser between toes
Fungal nail infection symptoms
- nail becomes thickened, distorted and crumbly
- proximal = starts at base
- distal = starts at tip
- referral: < 18 years, diabetic/peripheral vascular disease, proximal, 2 + nails, fully destroyed nails
Fungal nail infection OTC treatment
- amorolfine nail lacquer
- weekly application
- file nail before applying
- counselling: tx can take unto 12 months, keep nails short, use anti fungal powders in shoes
Warts and verrucas symptoms
- human papilloma virus
- wart = irregular raised surface on skin
- verruca = flat head, hard pads of skin, inward growth, black dots, pain
- referral: signs of bleeding, wart adjacent to eczema, changed appearance, diabetes/PVD, wart not on hand or foot
Warts and veruccas OTC treatment
- Bazuka (salicylic acid with lactic acid)
- 1 or 2 drops daily
- can take up to 12 weeks to work
- counselling: protect surrounding skin with vaseline, use an emery board (nail file) weekly
Impetigo symptoms
- lesions/sores around mouth and other areas of body
- yellow/golden crust
- referral: widespread, systemic symptoms
Angular chelitis symptoms
- red, swollen patches on corners of the mouth
- referral: widespread, systemic symptoms
Impetigo OTC treatment
- mild = hydrogen peroxide 1%
- use for 5 days
- infected = refer
Angular chelitis OTC treatment
- decent lip balm (e.g. hemp from the body shop)
- tx when it starts as it can develop into impetigo
sinus headache symptoms + treatment
- pain in cheekbones and behind brow bone
- can treat with analgesics/decongestants
tension headache symptoms + treatment
- caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue, prolonged concentration
- pain is described as band across the head
- treat with analgesics
cluster headache symptoms + treatment
- severe pain around eye
- unilateral
- blocked nostril
- hot/redenned cheek
temporal arteritis symptoms + treatment
- severe pain around temples, jaw pain, red prominent temporal artery, partial/complete vision loss
chronic daily headache symptoms + treatment
- dull headache associated with analgesic dependence
- aim to reduce opioid use to 3 days
- Refer: severe headache > 4 hours, migraine with COC, associated neck stiffness, injury, children < 12 yrs
OTC treatments for travel sickness
- Stugeron (cinnarazine)
- hyoscine hydrobromide (kwells)
- phenergan (promethazine)
OTC cinnarazine details
- from 5 years
- 2 hours before travel then every 8 hours
- sedating
OTC hyoscine hydrobromide details
- from 3 years
- 30 mins before travel then every 6 hours
OTC promethazine details
- Elixr (from 2 years)
- tablets (from 5 years)
- take night before travel
Insomnia details
- refer: depression, <16 years, lasting > 3 wks
- 1st line: sleep hygiene - exercise, no caffeine, no naps, wind down, no heavy meals at night, only to bed when tired, get up same time
Insomnia OTC treatment
- Nytol (diphenhydramine)
- from 16 years
- 20 mins before bed, not on consecutive nights
Thrush symptoms
- vulvar itching, pain, irritation, odourless white discharge, pain on passing urine, pain during sex
- refer: first occurrence, discharge with strong smell, blood stained discharge, suspected STI, diabetes, pregnant, 2x occurrences in last 6 months, males that contracted it during sex, women aged < 16 and > 60
Thrush OTC treatment
- clotrimazole cream/pessary, fluconazole oral capsule
- only in women aged >16 and <60
- counselling: no tight fitting clothes, no perfume products, if no improvement after 5 days - see GP
** clotrimazole can damage condoms - use alternative method of contraception for 5 days
Cystitis (E.coli) symptoms
- dysuria, urgency, cloudy/smelly urine, increased frequency/urgency
- refer: men, children, pregnant, recurrent, diabetics, blood in urine, pain in loins, symptoms > 5 days, no improvement after 24 hours of OTC
Cystitis OTC treatment
- potassium/sodium citrate sachets
- 1 TDS for 48 hours, if no improvement after 24 hours - see GP
- counselling: plenty of fluids, no caffeine/alcohol, don’t resist urge to urinate, paracetamol
Bacterial conjunctivitis symptoms
- gritty sensation, eye lids stuck together, yellow discharge
- refer: extensive infection, copious amounts of discharge that accumulates after wiping, pain within eye
Bacterial conjunctivitis OTC treatment
- 2 years old
- max 5 days
- continue for 48 hours after eyes improve
- counselling: not in 3rd trimester, no breastfeeding, see GP if no improvement in 48 hours. If under 2 = eye bathing (warm water on cotton pads, wipe from inner corner to outside of eye, use pad once only)
Stye symptoms
- painful localised swelling on either the lower eye or eyelid
- refer: pain within the eye, vision changes, foreign body in eye
Stye OTC treatment
- self-limiting
- counselling: apply warm compress 5-10 mins 2-4x daily
Blepharitis symptoms
- sore eyelids, dry eyes, blurred vision, sticky eyelashes, swollen eyelids, altered eyelash appearance, oily eyelid surface
** chronic condition - refer: extensive infection, copious amounts of discharge that accumulates after wiping, pain within eye, non-eye symptoms
Blepharitis OTC treatment
- eye hygiene
- counselling: bathe eyes BD during infection, OD when normal, avoid mascara/eye liner
Subconjunctival haemorrhage symptoms
- blood shot eyes
- refer: pain in eye, vision changes, foreign body in eye
Subconjunctival haemorrhage OTC treatment
- self-limiting condition
Dry eye symptoms
- sensations of a foreign body within the eye, photophobia, watery eyes (bilateral)
- refer: pain in eye
Dry eye OTC treatment
- hypromellose 0.3% eye drops
- 30 minute intervals when severe
- decrease usage as symptoms improve
Ear wax symptoms
- temporary deafness/discomfort
- refer: associated tinnitus/nausea, severe deafness, severe pain, failed OTC treatment
Ear wax OTC treatment
- oil based = cerumol olive oil ear drops or cerumol arachis oil ear drops
- arachis oil not for nut allergy
- peroxide = otex express ear drops
- counselling: plug ears with cotton wool, make sure drops are at room temperature
Otitis externa symptoms
- inflammation of skin within ear canal, eczema present which can become infected, itchy/red/irritated skin
- refer: foul smelling discharge, internal ear pain, foreign body present, mastoiditis, marked hearing loss, neoplasm, psoriasis, tinnitus, symptoms worse after 48 hours of OTC
Otitis externa OTC treatment
- EarCalm (acetic acid 2%)
- 12 yrs +
- max use 7 days
- further 2 days once symptoms have cleared
- counselling: use drops within 28 days of opening, prevent shampoo/soap from getting into ear, avoid cotton buds
Otitis media symptoms
- pain within eardrum and temporary deafness, cough/sore throat, perforated eardrum
- refer: foreign body present, neoplasm, mastoiditis, systemic infection (fever present)
Otitis media OTC treatment
- paracetamol
- GPs reluctant to treat within 48 hours as condition is self limiting
OTC clotrimazole 2% cream age
- 16 to 60
OTC naproxen 250mg tab age
- 15 to 50
OTC sildenafil 50mg tab age
- no max age, 18 +
OTC sumatriptan 50mg tab age
- 18 to 65
OTC tamsulosin 400mcg cap age
- 45 to 70
OTC esomeprazole and omeprazole age
- 18 +
- OD
OTC atovaquone/proguanil (Maloff protect)
- 18 +
- 40 kg
- 1OD 1-2 days before, during and 7 days after
OTC proguanil
- daily
- 1 week before, during and 4 weeks after
OTC Beclomethasone nasal spray age
- 18 +
- 12 on prescription
OTC chloramphenicol age
- 2 +
- 0 Rx
OTC clobetasone 0.05% cream age
- 12 +
- 0 Rx
OTC hydrocortisone age
- 10 +
OTC mebendazole age
- 2 +
OTC cetirizine/loratidine age
- 2 + (liquid)
- 12 + tablet
Paracetamol OTC age
- 2 months, post immunisation
OTC pseudoephedrine liquid age
- 6 + (liquid)
- 12 + tablet
OTC Gina (estradiol vaginal tablet) age
- 50 +
- no period for at least 1 year
- can’t take if history of clots, breast cancer