Description Qs Flashcards
- Rash on cheeks with high temp
- rash on 1 or both cheeks
- runny nose, sore throat and headache
- few days later - spotty rash on chest, arms, legs - raised and itchy
Slapped cheek syndrome
Slapped cheek syndrome treatment
- rest
- fluids
- paracetamol/ibuprofen
- moisturiser on itchy skin
- antihistamine for children
- raised spots/blisters on hands and feet
- ulcers in mouth
- sore throat, high temp, don’t want to eat
hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease treatment
- self - limiting within 7-10 days
- fluids
- avoid acidic drinks e.g. fruit juice
- eat soft foods like yoghurt and avoid hot and spicy foods
- paracetamol/ibuprofen for sore mouth/throat
- rash of small, raised bumps that feels rough like sandpaper
- swollen neck glands
rash starts on chest and tummy then spreads - white coating on tongue, red, swollen and little bumps (strawberry tongue)
- cheeks can be red
Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever treatment
- antibiotics - phenocymethylpenicillin
- drink cool fluids
- eat soft foods
- paracetamol
- calamine lotion/antihistamine
- cold like symptoms
- small white spots inside mouth
- spotty rash starts on face/behind ears then spreads to rest of body
- rash can be raised and join together to form blotchy patches
Measles treatment
- see GP
- fluid
- paracetamol/ibuprofen
- cotton wool soaked in warm water to remove crust from eyes
- small, raised spots that feel itchy or prickly
- mild swelling
heat rash
Heat rash treatment
- keep skin cool by:
- wear loose cotton clothing
- use lightweight bedding
- take cool baths or showers
- drink plenty fluid
- damp cloth/ice pack for unto 20 mins
- tap/pat rash don’t itch
- don’t use perfumes shower gels or creams
- itchy, dry, cracked skin
- commonly behind knees, elbows and neck
atopic eczema
atopic eczema treatment
- no cure
- self care e.g. reduce scratching and avoid triggers
- emollients for dry skin
- topical corticosteroids - reduce swelling, redness and itching
- raised, itchy patches or spots in many shapes and sizes
- anywhere on body
- itchy, sting or burns
Hives treatment
- antihistamine
- 999 if suspected anaphylaxis
- itchy, dry, ring-shaped patch of skin
- red, pink, silver or darker than surrounding skin
Ringworm treatment
- anti fungal medicine -azoles
- wash towels and bedsheets regularly
- keep skin clean and wash hands after touching animals/soil
- take pet to vet
- DON’T scratch - will spread
- DON’T share towels, combs, bedsheets
- small, itchy spots that turn into blisters and scabs
- high temperature
- aches and pains
- loss of appetite
Chickenpox treatment
- stay off school/work until spots scab
- fluid
- paracetamol
- cut nails
- cooling creams
- antihistamine
- bathe in cool water and pat skin dry
- dress in loose clothes
- sores (non-bullous)/blisters (bullous) that burst and leave crusty golden brown patches
- itchy sores, can get bigger and spread
- cornflakes stuck to skin
Impetigo treatment
- antibiotics
- stay away from school/work
- wash hands
- loose clothing
- wipe toys with detergent and warm water
- intense itchy raised spots
- raised lines with a dot at one end
- often between fingers
- may spread and turn into tiny spots
Scabies treatment
- permethrin
- malathion
- repeat tx 1 week later
- tx everyone in the household
- vary small white spots on baby’s face when few days old
- no fever or itching
Milia treatment
- no treatment
- away in few weeks on own
- raised red, yellow and white spots in babies when born
- on face, body and upper arms and thighs
- disappears and reappears
erythema toxicum
Erythema toxicum treatment
better in few weeks without treatment
- skin coloured or pink spots
- small, firm, raised spots
- spots 2-5mm wide, appear together
- dome shaped with shiny white dimple in middle
Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum treatment
- harmless
- clears within 18 months w/o treatment
- hold damp towel against skin
- cool baths
- keep affected area covered
- waterproof bandages if swimming
- condom during sex if infected
- baby has red and sore bottom
- skin hot to touch
- scaly and dry
- itchy painful bottom
- uncomfortable or distressed baby
- spots, pimples, blisters on bottom
nappy rash
Nappy rash treatment
- change wet/dirty nappies ASAP
- keep skin clean and dry
- leave nappies off when possible
- use extra absorbent nappies
- make sure nappies fit properly
- clean skin with water or fragrance free and alcohol free wipes
- bathe baby daily
- use olive oil to remove nappy rash ointment rather than water
- don’t use soaps, baby lotion or bubble bath
- don’t use talcum powder or antiseptics
- pimples on cheeks, nose and forehead within a month after birth
baby acne
Baby acne treatment
better within few weeks or months without treatment
- yellow or white, greasy, scaly patches on baby’s scalp
- flaky
cradle cap
Cradle cap treatment
- lightly massage an emollient on scalp to help loosen scales
- gently brush scalp with soft brush and then wash with baby shampoo
- NO olive oil, peanut oil, soap, adult shampoos
- DON’T pick crust
- fever
- non-blanching rash
- stiff neck
- seizures
- dislike of bright lights
Meningitis treatment
- 999 or A&E
- abx, fluids and oxygen
- flaky patches of skin that form pink, red, white, silvery scales/plaques
- usually on elbows, knees, scalp and lower back
psoriasis treatment
- no cure
- vit D analogues
- topical corticosteroids
- phototherapy
- milder spotty rash starts on face/behind ears and spreads
Rubella treatment
- usually better in 1 week
- rest, fluids
- paracetamol/ibuprofen
- itchy, white patches between toes
- sore and flaky patches on feet
athletes foot
Athletes foot treatment
- anti fungal creams, sprays or powders
- dry feet after washing them, especially between toes
- use separate towel for feet
- shoes off at home
- clean socks every day - preferably cotton
- discoloured and thicker nail
- brittle nail
- pieces break off, sometimes whole nail
- pain and swelling in skin around the nail
fungal nail infection
Fungal nail infection treatment
- anti fungal nail cream
- nail-softening cream for 2 weeks so infected part can be scraped off
- headache, generally unwell
- tingling or painful feeling in an area of skin
- belt/nerve pattern rash on torso
- usually one side of body
Shingles treatment
- paracetamol
- keep rash clean and dry to reduce risk of infection
- loose-fitting clothing
- cool compress a few times a day
- DON’T let dressings or plasters stick to rash
- DON’T use abx cream - it slows healing
- worms in poo
- white thread in poo
- extreme itching around anus/vagina, especially at night
- irritability and waking up during night
Threadworm treatment
- mebendazole
- everyone in house treatment
- refer if under 2, pregnant or breastfeeding