Osteoarthritis/OA (1) Flashcards
What is it?
What is it due to?
What are its risk factors?
➊ Wear and Tear of joints over time
➋ Overuse, injury, and genetic - not inflammation
➌ • Obesity
• Age
• Female
• Family hx
• Occupation - overuse of certain joints
• Trauma
How does it present?
→ Which joints does it tend to affect?
How is it differentiated from RA?
What may be found O/E of the hands?
➊ • Joint pain and stiffness
• Non-prolonged morning stiffness (< 20 mins)
→ Weight-bearing joints e.g. Hip, Knee
➋ Worse with movement, better with rest
➌ • Bouchard’s nodes (PIP)
• Heberden’s nodes (DIP)
• Squaring of thumb base
How is it diagnosed?
Which signs will be seen on Knee XR?
➊ Clinically in those >45 yrs presenting with typical symptoms of joint pain + stiffness, worsened by activity w/o prolonged morning stiffness (< 20 mins)
• Loss of joint space
• Osteophytes
• Subarticular sclerosis - increased bone density along joint line
• Subchondral cysts - fluid-filled holes in bone
What are the conservative/lifestyle options?
What are the medical options?
What is the surgical option?
→ When would this be considered?
➊ Weight loss, Physiotherapy, Aerobic exercises (e.g. swimming)
➋ • Topical NSAIDs - pain ladder is used here
• Intra-articular steroid injections - effective, but temporary pain relief
➌ Joint replacement (Arthroplasty) - excellent pain relief, but won’t improve function
→ In severe cases, after exhausting other options