OSPE UL Flashcards
How do you test the function of the Pectoralis Major muscle?
Which nerves do you test when doing so?
Adduct the abducted arm against resistance (+palpate the muscle)
Test the Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C5, C6, C7, C8, T1)
How would you test the function of the Serratus anterior muscle?
Which Nerve do you assess when doing so?
Both Arms of the subject outstretched with palms against the wall, asked to press forward strongly
–> See if scapula keeps attached to the thorax
Long-thoracic nerve C5,6
How would you test the function of the trapezius muscle?
Which nerve do you assess when doing so?
Raise both shoulders against resistance
Tests: Accessory nerve (CN XI)
How would you test the function of Latissimus dorsi muscle?
Which Nerve function do you test when doing so?
Abduct the Arm to 90°, then adduct against resistance
–> See+ palpate the muscle in the posterior axillary fold
Testing: Thoraco-dorsal nerve (C6,7,8)
How would you test the function of the deltoid muscle?
Which nerves do you test when doing it?
Abduct the arm against resistance
(Test Axillary nerve, C5, C6)
How do you test the function of the Teres Major?
Which nerve do you assess when doing so?
Adducting the arm against resistance (See+ palpate the muscle in the posterior axillary fold)
Test the: Lower-subscapular nerve C5,6
Identify on a skeleton
- clavicle
- scapula (cromion and scapula spine)
- humerus
- radius
- ulnar
- carpal bones
- metacarpals
- phalanages
Identify the differnt carpal bones on a skelton
Acromion of scapula
Spine of Scapula
What are the possible movements at the Sapulo-thoracic joint?
- Protraction
- Retraction
- Elevation
- Depression
Test the function of the trapezius
Which nerve do you test when doing so?
Patient: Sitting
Examiner: Stand behind the subject
Test: Upper and middle fibers
- Ask the subject to elevate the lateral ends of clavicle and scapula as in shrugging the shoulder.
- Examiner places a hand above each shoulder and with a firm downward pressure resists the subject’s action.
Test: Upper fibers only
- Ask the subject to extend the head backwards
- Examiner places a hand over the back of the head and resists the subject’s action.
- Nerve: Spinal accessory (XI)
Test the function of Sternomastoid
Which nerve do you test when doing so?
Patient: Sitting
Examiner: Stand in front or side
Test: One side only
- Ask the subject to turn the head to opposite side (of the muscle under test)
- Examiner places the palm of the hand against the side of the head (or face) and resists the subject’s action.
Test: Both sides
- Ask the subject to bend the head forward.
- Examiner places a hand on the forehead and applies firm pressure to resist the subject’s action.
- Nerve: Spinal Accessory (XI)
Test the function of the Deltoid muscle
Which Nerve do you test when doing so?
Patient: Sitting
Examiner: Faces the subject
Test: Main (middle) deltoid
- The subjects extended upper limb lies at the side of the trunk. Ask the subject to abduct the arm.
- Examiner places a hand on the lateral side of forearm and resists the subject’s action. The other hand is placed over the deltoid to feel the contraction.
Test: Anterior or posterior fibers
- Ask the subject to flex or extend the upper arm.
- Examiner resists the subject’s action with one hand and feel the contraction of anterior or posterior fibers of deltoid
- Nerve: axillary nerve, C5,6
How would you test the function of Serratus Anterior?
Patient: standing facing a wall
Examiner: standing behind or on the side of the subject
- The subject’s both arms outstretched and palms against the wall. Subject is asked to press forward strongly. –> looking for winging scapula
- Examiner places hand/fingers over the ribs forming the medial wall of axilla and feel the contracting muscle serrations.
- Nerve: long thoracic nerve, C5,6,7
How would you test the pectoral muscles?
Which nerves do you test when doing so?
Patient: Sitting
Examiner: Faces the subject
- The subject’s upper limb is flexed to 90 at the shoulder whilst the elbow is fully extended elbow.
- Ask the subject to adduct the arm.
- Examiner places a hand on the forearm and resists the subject’s action. The other hand is placed over the pectoralis major to feel the contraction.
- Nerve: Medial Pectoral (C8,T1) & Lateral Pectoral (C5.6.7)
How would you test function of the triceps brachii?
Which nerve would you test when doing so?
Patient: Sitting or standing
Examiner: Stand or seated behind the subject
(can be done when the patient is supine on the couch)
- Start position: The subject slightly abducts the arm at the shoulder (5 -10º) and flexes the elbow to 90º.
- Ask the subject to straighten (extend) the elbow.
- Examiner pushes strongly against the back of the forearm to resist subject’s action.
- With the other hand the contracting long and lateral heads can be palpated (visible as well). The tendon of triceps can also be palpated above the olecranon process
Radial Nerve C6,7