Osmotic Balance Flashcards
Lower than normal pH level, i,e. accumulation of acid in the body.
Antidiuretic hormone, hypothalamic hormone, released from the neurohypophysis- increases water permeability in the collecting duct, thus decreasing urine volume.
Steroid hormone of the adrenal gland - increases Na+ reabsorption in the kidney and at other places.
Higher than normal pH level, i,e. accumulation of base in the body.
Atrial natriuretic peptide- secreted in the atrium of the heart, it increases Na+ and urine discharge decreasing blood volume.
Yellowish bile pigment produced by breakdown of heme.
A functional measure of the kidney function- the plasma volume that is (theoretically) fully cleared of a certain material per unit of time in the kidneys.
Cortical nephron
The most frequent nephron type located in the cortex of the kidney with short Henle’s loop.
Discharge of urine from the urinary bladder.
Drugs that increase the amount of urine and urination.
Facultative reabsorption
Controlled reuptake of certain
elements of the primary urine (ultrafiltrate) in the distal kidney tubules and collecting duct according to the need of the organism.
Glomerular filtration rate- the amount of fluid filtrated per unit of time in the glomeruli of the kidneys.
The functional unit of the kidneys consisting of the Bowman-capsule and of a coiled capillary system.
Henle’s loop
A tubule connecting the proximal and the distal tubules in the kidneys.
Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
Cell-group located in the angular area of the glomerulus and the tubules in the nephrons that produces renin (to regulate ionic milieu and fluid balance through the renin-angiotensin system)
Functional and anatomical unit of the kidneys; it’s parts are the glomerulus, proximal- and distal tubules, Henle’s loop descending deep in the renal medulla.
Obligate reabsorption
The compulsory reabsorption under any circumstances of a portion of some materials (e.g. water, sodium, glucose) in the proximal tubule of the nephron.
Epithelial cell type in the Bowman’s capsule attached to the basal membrane of the glomerulus- filtrate passes between it’s footlike processes into the tubules of the nephron.
RBF (renal blood flow)
The amount of blood flowing through the kidneys per unit of time.
Backward transport of some ultrafiltrated materials from the tubules to the blood vessels in the kidneys.
Peptid hormone (protease) released by the juxtaglomerular apparatus - transforms angiotensinogen into angiotensin1.
RPF (renal plasma flow)
The amount of blood plasma flowing through the kidneys per unit of time
Tubular maximum
A rate limit of transport proteins (maximal transport capacity) int he kidney tubules above which only a portion of the given material is reabsorbed (e.g. glucose in the proximal tubule).
Tubule (proximal, distal)
Small tubes leading from the glomerulus to the collecting duct in the nephron
Filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys in which water and small organic and inorganic compounds pass the membranes form the plasma to the proximal tubule whereas colloid particles and cells remain unfiltered.
Nitrogen containing compound actively eliminated by the kidneys; the main way to eliminate excess nitrogen.