Digestion Flashcards
Transport of the digested nutrients (amino-acids, sugars, fatty-acids).
Enzymes that digest carbohydrates (in the saliva or pancreatic juice).
Cardiac sphincter
Ring of muscles separating the esophagus from the stomach.
Cholecystokinin, produced in the small intestine in response to lipids and proteins, it induces emptying off the gallbladder, increases enzyme production in the pancreas and inhibits emptying of the stomach.
Chief cells
Pepsinogen producing cells in the stomach.
Chemical break-down of the nutritive macromolecular polymers (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids nucleic acids) into oligomers, dimers and finally monomers.
Protease that cuts internal peptide bonds in a peptid chain.
Protease that cuts amino acids from the end of peptide chains.
Anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compounds, especially carbohydrates, to simpler compounds usually by bacteria (e.g. fermentation of cellulose in the alimentary canal).
Hormone produced in the stomach, increases HC1 secretion.
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic hormone, produced in the small intestine in response to carbohydrates, it induces insulin secretion and inhibits emptying of the stomach.
Intrinsic factor
Protein secreted in the stomach, needed for the absorption of B12 vitamin (extrinsic factor).
Lactose intolerance
Lactose contained by milk and some diary products is not metabolised in the gut due to the lack of the enzyme lactase.
Enzymes in the pancreatic juice that digests lipids (fat).
Synthesis of neutral fat from fatty-acid and glycerol.
Mass peristalsis
A fast and powerful peristaltic wave in the large intestine initiated by the sudden increase of the (usually empty) duodenum (frequently results in defecation).
Enzymes digesting nucleic-acids (e.g. DNA, RNA).
Parietal cells
HC1 producing cells in the stomach.
Wormlike movement by which the alimentary canal or other tubular organs having both longitudinal and circular muscle fibers propel their contents.
Enzymes digesting proteins and polypeptides.
Pyloric sphincter
Ring of muscles separating the stomach from the duodenum.
Backward flow of stomach content into the esophagus due to mainly weakness of the cardiac sphincter.
Produced in the small intestine in response to acid, it increases HCO3- production in the pancreas and inhibits emptying of the stomach.
Villus, villi
Small, finger-like, vascular processes found densely packed on the inner wall of the gut increasing The absorptive surface.