OSHA 30 Construction Excavations Part 1,2,3 Flashcards
what is a trench
a hole that is deeper then it is wide
what are the OSHA requirements for trenches supports
the trench must be 5 feet deep and their must be reasonable evidence that their is a cave-in possible
OSHA requires air monitoring in trenches deeper
4 feet
can you tell a ground is type A soil type by look
what are characterisitcs in a cavein in
lateral PRESSURE up to 800LBS
Cubic yard weight can be 3000lbs
how far away can spoil pile be
2 feet from side of trench
what are the 4 classification soil
solid rock
type A
Type B
Type C
what are common soil tests
dry strength
type B soil is not
when are protective systems not needed
when working with solid rock
when dealing with trenches 5 feet or less and without sign of possible cave-ins
type A protective systems
sloping 3/4 of an inch every 1 foot
type B protective systems
having slopping at 45 degrees or 1 foot per 1 foot of trench wall
why type c soil not practicel
it is a poor conditions for it
what must be done if type C soil is sloped
it needs to be 1.5 per 1 foot of trench
should trenches that are supported by aluminum shoring be allowed to be entered after they are placed
how far away should the shoring of the hydraulic shores be
they should e be 4 feet max away from each other and the lowest cylinders should be two feet min from the ground
most shores are pumped up to
1000lbs and imparts 3000psi
what needed for workers to work in a type C -type soil
type B soil allows for how many options of protection
what type of soil is the most common
type B
mixed oak timber have greater bending strength then Douglas fir per square inch
were are the systems for working workers placed in
in section E 1926
What are screw jack systems
they are like hydraulics but must be adjusted manually
When must an engineer be involved in shoring techniques
when the excavation is deep the 20 feet
how far away must equipment be from power sources
10 feet
what zone but all equipment be operated in
the zone full operation
were can the osha excavation standard be found
29CFR excavation standard
what is the requirement of a competent worker
someone who know
General protection requirements
Soil classifications
protective systems
what is required for testing soil
at least on qualitative and one quantitative test
What is the most trusted classification system for examining soil
the OSHA system
how authorizes the competent person
the person’s employer
cemented soil
soil that cannot be turned to powder simply with hand pressure
cohesive soil
high clay content soil
hard to break when dry
plastic when moist
does not crumble
dry soil
shows no visible signs of moisture
soil with a tendency to break along definite plans of fracture
granular soil
gravel, sand, silt
no cohesive strength
no or little clay
layered system
2 or more soil or rock types
plastic soil
can be molded without cracking
stable rock
a rock that can be excavated with vertical sides and remain intact
tension cracks
form at a horizontal distance of 0,5 to 0.75 times the depths of the trench measure from the top of the vertical face of the trench
ex 10 foot deep trench crack 5 to 7.5 feet back from top of trench
sludding or sluffing results from
tension cracks
When does toppling occur
when the vertical face shears along the tension crack line an topples into the excavation
an unsupported excavation creating an unbalanced stress
heaving/ squeezin
caused by downward pressure from weight of adjoining soil
causing bulging of the cut
seen from an upward water flow into the bottom of the cuy
surcharge loads
any increase in weight in the adjacent area next to the cut
ground or rain water in a layered system will produce
a spring or flow between the layers and into the excavation
is it problematic when the layers slope
confined compressive strength
the load per unit are at which soul will fail
unit weight of soil
weight of one unit of particular soil
is solid rock allowed to be 90degree if less then 20 ft deep
type a soil
must be clay
most contain moist
must be able to withstand 1.5 tons of cubic pressure
common example so f type A soil
clay, silty clay, sandy clay, and clay loam.
when is soil not type A
if it is cracked / fissured
if it is subject to vibrations
if the layers dip into the excavation
has been previously disturbed
heavy loads are found along the edge
What are the properties of type B soil
soil that can withstand strength of .5 to 1.5 Tsf
granular cohesions less including
sandy load
silty clay loom and sandy clay loom
type Be can be dry rocks but if they are
not stable
type C soil characteristics
soil rated below 0.5 tsf or
granule soil such as gravel, sand , loamy sand or submerged rock that is unstable
when is layered systems materials open to mixig with eachother
when the layered systems soils are 4Horizontal:1Vertical
what can a visual test help find
whether a soul is cohesive
whether it is made of of granular material
soil testing is never done from
inside the cut
how should you roll soil in a manual test
it should be 1/8 inch diameter by 2 inches
if the excavation being done is temporary and is less then 12 feet how large can the slope be
1/2 by 1
Excavation options for type A soil
B-1.1 Excavations made in Type A soil.
- All simple slope excavation 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of ¾:1.
Simple Slope – General
Exception: Simple slope excavations which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and which are 12 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of ½:1.
Simple Slope – Short Term
- All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 3/4 to 1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows:Simple Bench
Multiple Bench
- All excavations 8 feet or less in depth which have unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum vertical side of 3½ feet.
Unsupported Vertically Sided Lower Portion – Maximum 8 Feet In Depth
All excavations more than 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in depth with unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and a maximum vertical side of 3½ feet.
Unsupported Vertically Sided Lower Portion – Maximum 12 Feet In Depth
All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions that are supported or shielded shall have a maximum allowable slope of ¾:1. The support or shield system must extend at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side.
Supported Or Shielded Vertically Sided Lower Portion
- All other simple slope, compound slope, and vertically sided lower portion excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted under § 1926.652(b)
Excavation types for type B soil
- All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1.
Simple Slope
- All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows:
Single Bench
Multiple Bench
- All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1.
Vertically Sided Lower Portion
- All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in § 1926.652(b).
any mechanical system used to prevent collapse og an excavation
what OSHA standards outline the requirements of shoring
appendix C and D
What is the only type of soil that will never need whaling
type A soil
vertical shores are use their must be a min of
3 shores
aluminum shores are usual installed
earth excavation is below a shield is permitted as long as it is less then