Orthopedics Flashcards
When someone is injured, what are the four things you do when you talk to them and do the examination?
- anamnesis
- inspection
- palpation
- this should be done first unless there is an immediate issue like gushing blood
- mechanism of trauma (what happened and was there outside forces ie. a soccer ball)
- was it high or low energy
- repositioning? (what has been done –> did you come on an ambulance and did they do anything)
- previous trauma
- predisposing factors
what is a high vs. low energy injury?
- this is how likely the internal organs have been messed up
- driving at 60 MPH is on the verge of high energy (motorcycle is less because more exposed and a bike is 25 MPH)
- edema
- hematoma/discoloration
- malalignment
- skin threatened
- wound (need to check for infection because once it enters bone it can become severe)
direct or indirect (good to test indirect pain in children because they are not the best at dealing with pain–> might need to distract them)
- pulse, motor function, sensation (nerve innervation)
- checking to see if there is any loss of connection, via blood or nerves
clavicle fracture
- very common in children and youth
- 80% of injuries are in the intermediate part of the bone (thin part)
- 6 week healing time
treatment for intermediate segment issues
- collar n cuff (2 weeks or until pain free)
- surgery (this is considered if significant shortening of clavicle)
- rehabilitation (shoulder movement as soon as possible so that things do not become stiff)
surgery is done to all collar bone fractures if:
- risk of perforation of the skin
- risk of necrosis of the skin
- damage to vessels or nerves
supination trauma
this is rolling your ankle and putting too much pressure on the outside of your ankle
Ottawa Ankle Rules
this is used to see if an x-ray needs to be taken
-direct pain on palpation
-ability to carry weight both right after trauma and during examination
(if either is positive –> take x-ray)
what happens if there is pain but negative findings to other tests?
this is most likely a sprain –> RICE-M
rest ice compression elevation mobilization
how long do you rest for for RICEM
24-48 hours
how long do you ice for for RICEM
-apply ice wrapped in towel for 20 minutes maximum, repeat 3-4 times